This study examined inadequate funding and its implication on Christian education ministry. To guide this study, three research hypothesis were formulated. A sample size of 40 respondents from Four Square Gospel Church, Shyllon Lagos State were used for the study, this was obtained using simple random sampling technique. Description survey design was used for the research. The instrument adopted for collection of data was a questionnaire on inadequate funding on Christian education ministry. Data obtained during the research was analysed using chi-square statistic tool at 0.05 alpha level of significance. Finding showed that there is a significant influence of the provision of qualified teachers and good learning facilities on Christian education in Four Square Gospel Church, Shyllon, Lagos. Also, there is no significant influence of inadequate funding of Christian education on students’ behaviorial pattern in Four Square Gospel Church, Shyllon, Lagos. Some recommendations were suggested from the findings and conclusion of the study, which will proffer solutions to the challenges of inadequate funding of Christian education ministry in Nigeria at large.
1.1 Background to the Study
The quality of education in any country is paramount to development. The relationship between education and development is well established such that education is a key index of development, education improves productivity, empowerment and health, and reduces negative features of life. Education opens the door for all citizens to participate in development activities and when citizens are denied education, they are exuded form the development process. The demand for education in Nigeria is so high because education is not only an investment in human capital but it is also a pre-requisite for economic development1. The quality of education accessed through Christian Education Ministry determines the level of success of Christians in their various departments.
1 Ubogu, R. (2011). Financing Higher education in Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and
Education has been defined as all efforts, conscious and direct, incidental and indirect, made by a given society to accomplish certain objectives that are considered desirable in terms of the individuals own needs as well as the needs of the society where that education is based Adewala,2.
At the outset, it is important point that education goes beyond schooling, but schooling at all levels, help to achieve the purpose of education 3.
To be able to understand inadequate Funding and its implications on education, it is very necessary to understand, what the costs of Education that are not adequately provided for are. The costs of education is the sum total of all real resources used up in the production of human capital assets in the form of education manpower 4.
Lack of adequate financial resources places significant constraints on Christian education. It has been observed in the past that inadequate fund has hampered the free flow of Christian education ministry in Nigeria.
Education financing in a country is property established when the level of provision of educational service is adequate, when the educational resources are efficiently and timely distributed, and when the distribution of educational resources is equitable. The problem of education financing, especially tertiary education is more serious in Africa than the rest of the world 5. In Nigeria for instance, apart from global economic recession which is ravaging the economy, other factors like huge foreign and domestic debts, declining revenue from non-oil sectors due to the neglect, declining government revenue from the oil sector they depend upon, huge budget that government earmarked for debt servicing on yearly basis, mismanagement of economic resources, high rate of corruption in all sphere of the economy etc. had made it difficult for the government to generate adequate resources to fund public tertiary institutions in the Country 6.
Christian Education Ministry involves the administration and coordination of programs or strategies to facilitate the spiritual growth or discipleship of believers into Christ-likeness.
5. World Bank (2010). Financing higher education in Africa. Washington, D.C: The World Bank.
A church needs to develop a sound philosophy for Christian education based on the Word of God in 7. Jesus’ statement above means that the Good news should be preached to all nations. It also means that believers in Christ should be given the best of Christian education that would transform their lives to be loyal. The transformation of character means character that portrays Christ’s character of humility, obedience, love, honesty, patience, kindness, mercy and many others as described in 8. With these qualities, one would be loyal to his congregation or denomination.
The importance of Christian education ministry in a Christian’s life cannot be overemphasized. Apart from serving as the lineal between theologians and Christ’s ministry here on earth. It promotes spiritual transformation within the congregation by providing educational opportunities for growing in faith, deepening theological and biblical reflection, and serving others as God’s faithful people.
Christian education is not simply education for education’s sake, nor is it merely driven by pragmatic necessities; rather, it is a ministry of the church. Education that seeks simply to impart knowledge or raise levels of cognition or awareness falls short of education as a calling to pastoral service within the community of faith. Christian educators must never forget that they are first pastors and then educators and that education serves the pastoral function of nurturing faith within the community of the church. This study is set to examine the implications of inadequate financing on Christian education ministry.
1.2 Problem Statement
Though the challenges facing Christian education ministry is much, adequate funds to manage both facilities and improve the system seems to take the lead. The Christian Education ministry is not a one person job. It takes many people working at different levels and in different capacities. This implies that much funds is needed to empower and motivate the man-power behind this ministry. The decline in the quality and standard of Christian education in Nigeria is alarming.
The greatest challenges facing education is inadequate funding by Federal, State and Local Government 9.
Statistics shows that Federal Government expenditure on education between 2000 and 2010 has been below 10 percent of overall expenditure. This adversely affected the quality-quantity control especially in Christian education ministry. Nigerian educational system at all levels lacked teachers and basic infrastructures 10. A typical Nigerian schools suffer from inadequate funding, over-crowding poor sanitation, poor management and poor intersectional allocation other features are abandoned capital projects, poor conditions of service. These most times have led to closure of schools and strikes in the state. The attendant and composite effects are poor quality of teaching and poor quality of product. This study found this to be the major problems facing Christian Education ministry in Nigeria. It is against these backdrop that this study was conducted to investigate inadequate funding and its implications on Christian education ministry.
9. Okoro R. I. (2009). Innovations in teaching and learning experiences. Educ. Psychol. 5(1): 2-12.
1.3 Purpose of Study
The main aim of this study is to examine investigate inadequate funding and its implications on Christian education ministry. The specific objectives are:
- To ascertain the effects of inadequate funding on Christian education ministry.
- To outline the implications of inadequate funding on Christian education ministry.
- To examine the impact of adequate financing on academic performance of Christian education students.
1.4 Significance of Study
It is expected that the findings of this study would be beneficial to:
i. Theology Students, teachers and stakeholders in the educational sector.
ii. Also be of great solution to some of the problems that have eaten deep into Christian education system in Lagos State.
iii. Researchers who may be carrying out similar investigation would gain great knowledge and information.
iv. Government, by making them improve the quality of education in the society.
1.5 Research Hypothesis
The following null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study:
1. There is no significant influence of inadequate funding of Christian education on students’ behaviorial pattern in Four Square Gospel Church, Shyllon, Lagos.
2. There is no significant influence of the provision of qualified teachers and good learning facilities on Christian education in Four Square Gospel Church, Shyllon, Lagos.
3. There is no significant implication of inadequate funding of Christian education on the enrolment rate of students in Four Square Gospel Church, Shyllon, Lagos.
1.6 Delimitation of Study
This study is concerned with inadequate funding and its implications on Christian education ministry. The study will help the leaders of Four Square Gospel Church, Shyllon Lagos District to know how to deal with the needs of the various groups: children, youth, young adult, married couples, families, adults and old people, and address them accordingly. The findings from the data analysis will also be useful to all churches and bible colleges.
1.7 Limitation of Study
The limitation of the study involves some shortcomings, which were encountered in the cause of the research work. The limitation has to do with non- availability of money, time and difficulty in meeting the respondents during interaction with the Pastors and members of Four Square Gospel Church, Shyllon Lagos District.
1.8. Research Procedure
The main instruments used in carrying out the study were oral interview; the researcher conducted a survey of related literatures such as textbooks, commentaries, concordances, dictionaries, Christian Journals. Data was gathered from the following sources and libraries:
- Four Square Gospel Church, Christian Education Departmental lectures.
- The researcher’s personal library and internet.
1.9 Definition of Terms
Inadequate: The definition of inadequate is lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose.
Funding: This is defined as money provided, especially by an organization or government, for a particular purpose.
Inadequate Funding: This is too low in quality or too small in amount; not enough or insufficient for a particular purpose or project.
Christian Education Ministry: Christian Education Ministry involves the administration and coordination of programs or strategies to facilitate the spiritual growth or discipleship of believers into Christ-likeness
Discipleship: It is a process whereby a converted person learns at the feet of Christ with the aim of practicing and doing what he learns until his lifestyle and habit conform to God standard.
Church: Church simply means the body of Christ at work in the world where the idea and the functional meet. Without the “communion of persons” the institution has no divine power, and without the institution the communion has no means with which to minister to the finite, historically grounded world of persons.
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