| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|
Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE
Amount: ₦3,000.00
The use of technology in sports is expanding at an alarming rate due to the constant discovery of new technologies. The use of computers in sports and athletic training is growing in the twenty-first century due to their increased availability. The field of sport science has also grown more sophisticated, which forces coaches and applied scientists to adapt their methods to the constant advancement of new technologies.
The innate desire to outperform rivals in competitive sports and provide coaches and athletes with additional information in the form of feedback can be linked to the widespread reliance on technology. Due to sports’ capacity to foster social cohesion, positive youth involvement, job and wealth creation, and health promotion, sport development has emerged as a critical component of nation building. Additionally, engaging in competitive sports fosters a feeling of pride and identity in one’s country (Phipps, Cooper, Shores, Williams, & Mize, 2015).
Sport is a highly structured physical activity that is often governed by laws and guidelines, scientific training concepts, and the use of state-of-the-art sporting facilities and equipment. Sport is a competitive activity in which participants must expend a great deal of physical effort or employ comparatively sophisticated physical skills (Omuruan, 2006).
In addition to being a kind of entertainment, sports also serve as a unifying force, a means of resolving health issues, and a vehicle for gaining political and economic power. In a society, sport acts as a social change agent. It advances the dignity of the individual, the society, and the country. Research into the various issues surrounding sport development is necessary to further scientific discoveries on training and the use of newly developed sophisticated technical facilities and equipment.
The term “sports development” describes the progressive growth, achievement, and advancement of sport from lower to higher strata while paying appropriate attention to and taking into account the indices that support the actualization and realization of sports development (Yazid 2006). Sports policy, sports staff, sports programs (training and competition), financing, facilities, and sponsorship are some of these indexes.
Sports are a critical and reliable weapon in all kinds of battles; according to Irabor (2000), sports are today’s larger marketing tool for political mass mobilization, direct governance, and anchoring for unity on a national and international level.Practitioners, sports management, legislators, and academics from all around the world have used the phrase “sport development” extensively to study the process of boosting sport participation and its advantages, such improved performance and personal growth (Shilbury, Popi Sotiriadou, & Christine, 2008).
Soltanzadeh (2015), defined technology as any physical instrument(s) that can be used for problem solving. Technology in sports also deal with a wide range of cost-effective and easy to use measurement tools such as hand held camera and goniometer to sophisticated and expensive system like three dimensional motion systems or isokinetic dynamometers. Due to the vast array of tools at the disposal of applied sport scientists and coaches, this choice matched with the heightened appetite to gather and process information rapidly and at a low cost to the user, may create more room for selecting the fad option, instead of an appropriate tool.
The process of acquiring knowledge is portrayed in the technological age as being mediated by the gadget. The development of many opportunities to improve sports activities in ways that were before impractical is made possible by developing technologies. With state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, technology has made it possible for coaches and athletes to have better training sessions (Bon, 2010).
In the twenty-first century, technology has permeated every area of our lives to such an extent that computer literacy is now necessary to fully participate in the world of sports. Several researchers has drawn attention to the need for increased use and understanding of technologies in sports science (Barris and Button, 2008; Cummins et al., 2013; Dellaserra et al., 2014; Wilson, 2008). This paper explores the use of technological innovations in sports science for sustainable sports development in Nigeria.
Problem Statement
Developed and developing countries has long left the analog way of doing things to the digital method which enhance effective learning process with ease. A close look at available sport facilities in Nigerian Stadiums shows that we are still far behind in the evolving trend of technological advancement around the globe.
Funding is a critical challenge bedeviling sports development in Nigeria. Sadly to say that, year in year out a lot of funds are being allocated to upgrade most of these facilities, yet bad governance and corrupt leadership tends to rob Nigerians of these development. And who to hold accountable in scenarios like this also pose another challenges as these leaders are bent on frustrating any efforts to disgrace any of their members.
Furthermore, there are very few assessments of the literature that take into account the parties involved in the process of sport development. According to (Sotiriadou et al., 2008), a focus on how stakeholders may support sport development plans to increase the number of practitioners and the sport performance should be a part of an integrated understanding of the sport system. The unique features of every social, cultural, and political context impact the many strategies for advancing sport development (Houlihan, 2013).
As a result, it is imperative to understand the tactics used by stakeholders to advance sports in various sociocultural situations. This knowledge could lead to less simplistic ideas about how sports grow and have a wide range of effects on both practice and research. A literature review could be useful from a practical standpoint in implementing more forceful sport regulations and management tactics, taking into account the unique characteristics of each sport and the socio-cultural context. The absence of the above led to a study on technological innovations in sports science for sustainable sports development in Nigeria.