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An Evaluation of the Impact of Anthropoenic Activities and Domestic Waste on Surface Water Quality

| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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Human Activities that Affect the Ecosystem | Sciencing


The microbiological and organic pollutants characteristics of the Umuosoko stream in the Ikwuano local government area of Enugu state, Nigeria, were investigated. Twenty water samples were taken from four different locations along the river. For the isolation of microorganisms, the pour plate technique was used. Identification and characterization were accomplished through the use of colonial morphology, Gram staining, and biochemical tests. Analysis of variance and standard deviation were the statistical analyses used. The mean total aerobic plate count varied between 5.30 0.01log10cfu/ml and 5.90 3.0.

The mean coliform count ranged from 5.0 0.50 mpn/100ml to 20.0 4.0 mpn/100ml. Salmonella, shigella, and vibrio choleraemean counts were all 0 0.00 log10cfu/ml. 2.45 0.02 log10cfu/ml to 2.77 0.20 log10cfu/ml was the mean fungal count. Escherichia coli were the microorganisms isolated.

coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus species, Streptococcus species, Bacillus species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Lactobacillus species, Saccharomyces species, Kluyveromyces ranges species, and Aspergillus species.

The organic pollutants tested had the following values: ph, 6–9, temperature, 29oC–31oC, color, and 6tcu–7tcu Conductivity ranges from 200s/cm to 330s/cm, turbidity ranges from 0.01ntu to 0.1ntu, total hardness ranges from 0.2mg/l to 0.4mg/l, total dissolved solid ranges from 360 mg/l to 620mg/l, total suspended solid ranges from 40mg/l to 120mg/l, dissolved oxygen ranges from 4.0mg/l to 5.5mg/l Nitrate levels ranged from 21 mg/l to 103 mg/l, phosphate levels ranged from 0.67 mg/l to 1.52 mg/l, and sulphate levels ranged from 200 mg/l to 260 mg/l. According to the microbiological and nitrate results, the river water is contaminated and must be treated before consumption.



1.1 Background of the Study

Water is necessary for life. Aside from drinking and bodily functions, man requires water for a variety of other reasons.

Other applications include transportation, waste disposal, and hydroelectric systems. Water covers approximately 80% of the earth’s surface. This can be divided into two categories: natural and artificial water. Natural water consists of atmospheric water (rainfall, hail, and snow), surface water (streams, lakes, rivers, and the ocean), and ground water (spring well, under ground stream). Ponds, on the other hand, are examples of artificial water. Surface water can be contaminated by impurities in the atmosphere such as dust, smoke, or gases.

Anthropogenic activities such as waste dumping on river banks also contribute to the contamination of surface water quality; water may contain these microorganisms when contaminated.

When present in large quantities for an extended period of time, it can cause health problems (Onyeagba and Isu, 2003, Shelton, 2003: WHO, 2004). There is a strong link between water, health, and disease causation (Ajewole, 2005). Water is a very important component of human nature, but it is also a very dangerous component in the spread of diseases.

A recent study of water-related and water-borne diseases found that surface water is to blame in some way (Medema et al 2003). Potable water is water that is free of disease-causing microorganisms and chemical substances that are hazardous to one’s health. Point and non-point sources are the two types of surface water pollution sources based on their origin. The pollutants that enter

Point source pollution occurs when water flows through a discrete conveyance such as a pipe or ditch. Non-point pollution refers to contamination that does not come from a single discrete source. Non-point source pollution causes the cumulative effect of a small amount of contaminants gathered from a large area (USGS, 1998: EPA 2005)

Water contamination has been linked to sewage and sewage effluent. It is widely accepted that surface water contains more harmful microorganisms than other sources of water, such as ground water and rainfall water (Oyebode: 2005). As a result, high levels of sewage dumps and practices with domestic waste water may be sources of bacteria and other organisms capable of causing diseases in humans and animals.

livestock. Another source is livestock manure, as well as waste water from municipalities, schools, feedlots, and swamps.

As a result, the number of cases of water-borne diseases has been identified as the source of numerous health risks. The demand for and pollution of water levels necessitates basic quality monitoring (WHO, 2004: EPA 2002) As a result, the physical, chemical, and biological quality of this river must be determined in order to determine whether it is safe for human consumption.

1.2  Objectives of the Study 

The goal of this project is to determine the impact of anthropogenic activities and domestic waste on the water quality of the Ekulu River.

This project’s specific goals are as follows:

i. Collect water samples from various parts of the Ekulu River and transport them to the lab for analysis.

ii. Analyze the lab results to determine the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the water.

iii. To recommend water amendments based on the various potential uses of the Ekulu River in Enugu North, Enugu State.

iv. To assess the extent of domestic waste deposits in the river subjectively.

1.3  Justification of the study

Despite anthropogenic activities and domestic waste dumping in the Ekulu River, it remains a good source of water for agricultural and domestic purposes.

The Ekulu River is a beautiful source of water, but water may not be deemed potable based on appearance or taste, which is why water analysis is critical.



Account Number: 0709546102

Access Bank: Savings
Account Name: Emmanuel Idorenyin Samuel.