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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


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Bible Verses KJV on X: "Titus 2:6 KJV Young men likewise exhort to be sober  minded. https://t.co/6ya2nrIfzr" / X





Pastoral ministry has a significant impact on the growth of the Christian community as well as the wider world. It is critical to remember that gospel preachers are not ordinary people who go to regular employment. They are responsible with shaping persons into the complete image of Christ. Pastoral letters are primarily written to pastors and include extensive directions for church operations, member conduct, and ministry. This is done to remind individuals of their place in the body of Christ and their divine calling. Many pastors throughout history have exemplified pastoral ministry, while others have done nothing but harm to it. One of the most critical characteristics of a good leader is integrity. It refers to the concept of consistency in behavior, ideas, approaches, measurements, expectations, and outcomes. It indicates a strong commitment to acting morally, regardless of the circumstances, and for the right reasons. Individuals who live honorably are resilient to corruption and are incapable of betraying the trust of those who have placed their faith in them. Integrity is defined as doing the right thing, regardless of the consequences. The worst sin a leader can commit is betraying the trust of his followers. Today, the damage caused by a loss of integrity is visible everywhere, but especially in Christendom. Nowadays, among ministers of God, it has tragically become routine to hear of various matters that are immoral or criminal.

The word integrity emerged in the 15th century and it comes from the Latin word “integritas” meaning, “whole” (“integrity”). In another sense, it literally means “soundness of health in body and soul, purity, uprightness; specifically, the condition of man as created in the imago Dei” (εuller 1ηθ). It is define as “a firm moral adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values, or incorruptibilityν incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted” (“What does the Bible says about Integrityρ”). The Hebrew word translated integrity in the Old Testament is called ﬦתּ “tom”. It means the “condition of being without blemish, completeness, perfection, sincerity, soundness, uprightness, wholeness” (“What does the Bible says about Integrityρ”). In the ζew Testament, the word translated integrity is called αφθopία (aphthoria). It is translated as soundness, purity, honesty, incorruption. Its general meaning in the NT is “honesty and adherence to a pattern of good works” (“What does the Bible says about Integrityρ”).

The word “θastor” in the ηld Testament, is translated from the Hebrew word עהʕ ר (ra’ah) which literally means “to shepherd” or “to tend a flock”. σnd in the ζew Testament, the Greek word πoιµήv (poimen) is translated as “pastor” or “shepherd”. The ζT imagery comes from an OT and Palestinian background. In Israel, shepherd who tended flock of sheep or goat played great responsibility of protecting the flock from robbers and wild Animal thus, holding great position. “The king of σssyria, Babylon and Egypt were often referred to as shepherds who protected their people” God is pictured as the shepherd of Israel, concerned for every aspect of his people’s Rulers and leaders of the people are often referred to as shepherds (Cf. e.g. Num. 22:17 1Kg. 22:17 Jer. 10:21, 22:22; 23:1,2). (Elwell 1618). Pastor which literary mean “Shepherd” is one of the “five gifts given to the Church for leadership by the ascended Lord (Eph 4:8, 11). Whereas apostles, prophets, and evangelists minister in the Church at large, pastors and teachers serve in the local congregation” (Harris θιλ.). This gift of Pastor by Christ is meant to guide the Church in realizing the riches of its election by being equipped, built up (Eph. 4:12), growing into the fullness of His stature (Eph. 4:13), all of which results in holy living (vv. 22-24).As used by the NT,W.R. Harris also says “pastor”

The widespread absence of integrity in today’s world carries considerable cost. Loss of trust is the price that must be paid. Trust is essential for the effectiveness of pastoral management. Despite these challenges, the need of honesty in pastoral leadership cannot be emphasized. The word integrity is military phrase that originated in Roman army tradition and has been carried down to us. The ARW provides extensive documentation on the Roman army’s armor examinations. It was said that during the morning inspections, the inspecting Centurion would approach each legionnaire and allow the soldier to strike the armor on the breastplate that covered his heart with his right fist to determine whether the breastplate was genuine and in good condition, as well as whether it could protect the heart from sword thrusts and arrows.  According to Walker, the soldier would cry “integritas,” which is Latin for “material totality, completion, and entirety,” as he hammered his armor during the Ancient Roman period. Walker refers to integrity in the ARW in terms of donning armor, achieving completeness and wholeness in one’s character, and the strength of one’s armor.

Throughout history, there have been ministers whose lives and actions defined pastoral ministry, as well as others whose lives have destroyed pastoral ministry. Despite these problems, pastoral service maintains its integrity. This research topic is an exegesis of Titus 2:6-8, with a focus on integrity in pastoral ministry.


People’s misconceptions about integrity are a major source of concern, particularly in pastoral work. People often say, “I am a man of integrity” or “I am a man of my word,” but their words frequently contradict their actions. This misunderstanding of integrity leads many people to believe that integrity can only be demonstrated through words rather than actions. Furthermore, numerous fallacies about integrity in pastoral ministry have emerged over time, such as “do as I say, but don’t do as I do,” which is how I choose to conduct my own ministry, and so on. Therefore, the problem of this study work is to properly comprehend the concept of integrity in pastoral ministry in light of the book of Titus 2:6-8 and its relevance to the African environment.


 Integrity is extremely important in pastoral ministry. The letter to Titus contains a lot of vital information. However, the goal of my research is to do an exegetical study of Titus 2:6-8 so that I can properly understand the concept of integrity in pastoral service. This will assist me as a young minister in recognizing the need of maintaining integrity in my daily affairs and in the ministry as a whole.


The significance of this study is to help the pastor and Christians generally to seek and maintain integrity in their lives and work. This to make them cautious of integrity in their day to day life so as to draw a clear differences between those who abuse integrity in pastoral ministry and in Christian living.

More so this research will help in giving clarity to the meaning of integrity, pastoral and ministry to the pastor and to the entire Christendom. The research will also serve as eye opener to some of the important words use in the text. Words like exhort, self-control, good, irreprehensible, evil and the likes will be discussed in the course of this research.


Since integrity in pastoral ministry is a key thing to the Christian faith, this research work will base on library research using biblical tools for interpreting it.


Records show that many research had been done on integrity. However, this research will focus on integrity of a minister of the gospel within the domain of his pastoral ministry. This

will take into cognizance documented and observed praxis in ministry.

The limitation of this research is that though, there are other Bible passages that have cursory highlight on pastoral integrity from countless aspects, the work dwells on pastoral Ministry as recorded in Titus 2:6-8. Nevertheless, this will not defer the researcher from employing those passages for the purpose of strengthening understanding of the text.