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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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1.1       Background to the Study

The development of the internet in the twenty-first century has revolutionized almost every human activity on Earth, profoundly altering it from its traditional method.  This era has seen a significant influence on human activities, including marketing, communication, advertising, and shopping. Electronic marketing is the process of browsing and searching product information in a virtual online environment to provide sufficient information for the purchase decision, and then implementing the purchase action. The terms “woo-commerce,” “e-commerce,” “online marketing,” “online shopping,” and “internet marketing” are sometimes used interchangeably (Mengli and Rui, n.d). The purchasing and selling of goods and services using the internet, particularly the World Wide Web (Akbar and James, 2014), is known as e-commerce (online shopping) (Tech target, 2007-2012).  Online shopping is a type of e-commerce in which customers purchase products or services directly from online sellers.

An online shop, also known as an online store, Internet shop, e-shop, or online shop, is used for online shopping. Every product at online retailers has a text description, a visual description, and a multimedia file. A lot of internet retailers will offer links to further details about their products. They frequently provide instructions, safety protocols, manufacturer specs, and demonstrations (Akbar and James, 2014), which are referenced in Tech target, 2012. Customers have become more accustomed to shopping online as a result of easy access to the internet; in fact, online shopping is now the third most common online activity, after web browsing and email use, according to the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) communication policy (2001) (Muhammad and Nasir, 2011).

In Nigeria nowadays, online shopping is growing in popularity, particularly among tertiary institution students who are more computer and internet literate than secondary school students and those who live in rural areas. For example, a person who shops online needs to be literate, familiar with computers and the internet, and able to use a smartphone.  The ease with which one can research alternatives, shop online and have items delivered right to their door, and other features all contribute to its appeal.

One of the elements influencing purchasing and selling behaviors is the increasing number of people using the internet. For instance, a recent report on the state of the Internet in Nigeria states that the country now has 93.4 million internet users. According to a data acquired by the telecom sector regulator, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), the nation’s mobile internet subscribers increased by approximately 14% between January and July 2015. Data from telecom networks jointly increased mobile Internet subscriptions on their networks from 81.8 million in January to 93.4 million in July, indicating that Nigeria’s mobile Internet ecosystem is gaining speed (Kunle, 2015).

Due to the fact that online communication facilitates two-way, or bi-directional, or interactive, connection between businesses and their clientele, the proliferation of internet users has drawn marketers to incorporate this tool into their marketing communication plans. Through these exchanges, marketers can ascertain the demands of their target audience and gain insight into potential market trends. According to ACNielsen Report on Global Consumer Attitudes towards Online Shopping, 2007. Established that books, airline tickets/reservations, clothing/shoes, videos/games, phones,  computers, journals, and other products and services are the most popular items purchased on the internet.

Through electronic marketing and internet communication business firms are coordinating different marketing activities such as market research, product development, informing customers about product features, promotion, customer services, customer feedback and so on. Online shopping is used as a medium for communication and electronic commerce, it is to increase or improve in value, quality and attractiveness of delivering customer benefits and better satisfaction, that is why online shopping is more convenient and day by day increasing its popularity.

Not only benefits but also risk is associated with online shopping. Generally speaking, internet users avert online shopping because of credit-card fraud, lack of privacy, non-delivery risk, lack of guarantee of the quality of goods and services. Concerned authorities are devising policies to minimize the risk involved in e-business.

Today in Nigeria, there are lots of e-shops serving millions of Nigerian online users who can trust online platforms as another alternative means of buying and selling particularly among students of tertiary institutions who are versed in the operation of computer, smartphone and knowledge of the internet. Among the popular online store is JUMIA which was a startup with an aim to mimic Amazon’s success by delivering a wide range of items, from toys to generators across the African continent in 2012 by a team that included Jeremy Hodara, Sacha Poignonnec, Tunde Kehinde, Raphael Afaedor, and Leonard Stiegeler (Wikipedia, n.d).

Konga.com is another Nigerian electronic commerce company founded in 2012 with headquarters in Ikeja, Lagos. It offers a third-party online marketplace, as well as first-party direct retail spanning various categories including consumer electronics, fashion, home appliances, books, children’s items, and personal care products (Wikipedia, n.d).

Similarly, olx. com is the most popular Pakistan’s free local advertisement services. We manage to get to even the smallest village. olx. com.ng is completely free and very simple to use, hence it is used by millions of users. On olx.com.ng buying and selling is possible i.e it is a platform where sellers and buyers meet. People buy a different range of items from phone,  car, cloth, wristwatch, bags to animals farm products etc  (olx. com, n.d).

It is against this backdrop that the research examined the attitude of university of students towards online shopping with a case study of Jumia, Konga and Olx respectively especially with a few to know the extent to which they use the trio-e-commerce sites, their challenges, benefits and the most visited e-commerce site among students.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

An increase in the number of organizations and companies that are exploiting internet business communication, advertising and marketing prompted online shopping. With this emerging field of shopping, the interest of marketers is also increasing in studying what actually motivates consumers to shop online. Fierce competition among online sellers have forced them to gain a competitive edge in the field of virtual shopping (Akbar and James, 2014).

In order to gain competitive edge in the market, marketers need to know the consumer behavior in the field of online shopping. So it is important to analyze and identify the factors which influence consumers to shop online in order to capture the demands of consumers despite lack of complete trust in Nigeria due to the fraudulent activities by the popular “yahoo yahoo guys”, absence of physical interaction and fair of being deceived and duped which according to Olayinka (2015) have been attributed to some of the challenges hampering online shopping and marketing on the social media and internet in general across the globe especially in Africa and Nigeria in particular because it is relatively a new medium of communication.

Also, internet users avert online shopping because of credit-card fraud, lack of privacy, non-delivery risk, lack of guarantee of quality of goods and services. Concerned authorities are devising policies to minimize the risk involved in e-business. To this end, research examines the attitude of University of Lagos students towards online shopping with case study of Jumia, Konga and Olx.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

  1. To determine the attitude of UNILAG students towards online shopping.
  2. To examine factors that influence UNILAG students in shopping online.


1.4       Research Questions

  1. What is the attitude of UNILAG students towards online shopping
  2. What factors influence UNILAG students in shopping online?

1.5       Significant of the Study

The research is significant because is beneficial to business firm, school, government, individuals and researchers.

Company: Difference companies will find this research very interesting as it will keep them aware on the benefits of using online platform when it comes into making products and services known to the world and how cheap it always be to use online.

Researchers: People that will be carrying out research in relation to this will find the materials useful as it will provide them a clue to their own research.

Academic: It forms part of academic materials that students, lecturers, researchers and company can turn to when looking for solution to advertising on ICT, social media, GSM and other related aspect.

1.6       Scope of the Study

The research which investigates the attitude of university students towards online shopping has been narrowed down to online shopping among University of Lagos students. Thus, the geographical location of this study is Lagos State. The institution is selected because of its proximity to the researcher as it will be difficult if not impossible to study all tertiary institutions in Lagos perhaps in Nigerian due to inadequate time available for this study. However, the researcher will examine the following variables while preparing the data collection instrument such variables include but not limited to age, sex and educational background of the respondents.



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Account Name: Emmanuel Idorenyin Samuel.