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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00


This research work deals with branding and marketing of pure water in Ilorin township, about satisfaction by the competitor that the regulatory system. The problem aims at solving some of the questions that might arise in the branding and marketing of pure water. The method of data used in the project was primary which include questionnaire and chi – square correlation  analysis that was prepared for the testing of the hypothesis. During the period of finding, the researcher was able to examine and ascertain that branding enhances the effectiveness and efficient running of the branding has the marketing of pure water in Ilorin, therefore it was to realized that for any sector to develop and effectively running, it must be competitive and marketing oriented, so that the branding and marketing of pure water. Lastly the recommendation shows that branding influences the choice of a product in the market. For consumer to identify the product of their choice. This project contain five chapters, chapter one presented background of the study, statement of problem, aims and objective of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study and limitation and constraint to the study. Chapter two also explained the text book and author of the research been used in this project work. The concept of marketing, marketing strategy, branding and brand, branding policy methods of treating water and hypothesis formulation. Chapter three provided how research design population sample and sample size, sources of data, method of data collection and method of data presentation and analysis been gathered. Chapter four talk about the brief history of Ayobat pure water, data presentation, date analysis, hypothesis and discussion of finding. Finally, chapter five analysis the summary of report, conclusion and recommendation given to the company has an personal advice


TITLE PAGE                                                                                i

CERTIFICATION                                                                         ii

DEDICATION                                                                              iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                                     iv

ABSTRACT                                                                                  vi

TABLE OF CONTENT                                                                  vii     


1.1     Background Of The Study                                                1

1.1     Introduction                                                                      3

1.2     Statement of the Problem                                                5

1.3     Aim and Objective of the Study                                        6

1.4     Significance of Study                                                        7

1.5     Scope of the Study                                                            12

1.6  Limitations and constraints to the study                 13



2.1     The Concept of Marketing                                                16

2.2     Marketing Strategy                                                           23

2.3     Branding and Brand                                                         25

2.4     Branding Policy                                                       29

2.5     Methods of Treating Water                                     32

2.6     Hypothesis Formulation                                         34



3.1     Research Design                                                     36

3.2     Population, Sampling and Sample Size                 37

3.3     Sources of Data Collection                                     41

3.4     Method of Data Collection                                                45

3.5   Method of Data Presentation and Analysis              48



4.1     Brief History of Ayobat Pure Water Ilorin              51

4.2     Presentation of Data                                                         52     

4.3     Hypothesis Testing                                                           62

4.4     Discussion of Findings                                            65     



5.1     Summary of Report                                                          67

5.2     Conclusion                                                              68

5.3     Recommendation                                                    69

REFERENCES                                                                   72




As we move through the present economic conditions, the socio economic setting is different from what is used to be in the past today, many industries have to contend periodically with shortages and others face interactive competition people values are changing.

          An attempt to know the most satisfying product right channels to be adopted, types of pricing tactics to adopt and the promotional strategy to apply.

          Marketing is something that we do well, we all live by selling something. (stevenson) workers exchange their labour for income and use their income to buy wanted goods, companies use their products and use the receipt to buy raw materials and equipment move goods making a profit all know is a crucial human investing. It embraces the activities we engage into satisfy economic want.

          This marketing was born, marketing means working in markets which in means attempting to satisfying human activity directed at satisfying needs and want through exchanges process, it consists of finding out what product and services people already need and want and than proceeding to design, promote and distribution them.

          A production is any thing that can be offered to a market for attention acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a went or need, which exchange can be defined as the art of obtaining a desired object from some one by offering something in the return.

          Marketing determines the growth and expenses of any businesses organisation, the market therefore is a researcher, investor, a psychologist, sociologist, economist communicator and a lawyer all rolled in the one, the professional marketer is involved in finding consumer needs and desires, developing product concepts aimed at satisfying fulfilled needs and desire, testing the validity of those product concepts, designing product features, packaging and finding a suitable brand name, pricing the product to recover a reasonable from an investment arranging for regional, nation and international distribution creating effecting marketing communization to let public know about the product’s availability commercial scene, and dating scale, monitoring customer satisfaction and rendering marketing plans in the light of results.

          Good marketing defined a purpose for every organization, and statement of purpose should be specifies as to the business domain in which the organization will operate e.g. we help farmers to increase their productively. In its development of a definition for business domain, the company may want to specify up to from concession needs customer growth product and technology.

          The energy of pure water has made it imperative to effectively market such product many years back there nothing of such and since there are a lot of them in the market now, the opportunities which they found and tend to exploit soon become a threat. This is so because many people went out to exploit negatively the opportunities there is with out adequate consideration for a health and proper hygiene water packaging.

          Marketing is a total system of business activities designed to plan, price, promote and distributed want – satisfying goods and services to present and potential consumer whole maximizing sales profitably over the long run.


          The statement of problem in this research work tends to look at what branding and marketing of pure water market. A lot of customer have being complaining about the process by which such product is been marketed as many marketing principle were not adopted. The question is whether this view of marketing definition are still in time with the realities of the present day practical marketing operations carried out in Ilorin township

  • Is marketing strategy well understand and employ in pure water product
  • Does beverage industry evolve a marketing strategy that will make it competitive in the market?
  • What does new marketing got to do with beverage product in the market


          This project will research into the branding and marketing of pure water market in ILORN TOWNSHIP, produces of Ayobat pure water.

          The study will give an indept survey on various strategic marketing decision at the disposal of any marketing executives engaging in the branding and marketing in the production of pure water in many part of the country, most especially Ilorin

The objectives of this study include the following:

  • To identify the area of branding of pure water market and how it can effect the survival of the pure water market
  • To identify the various ways employed in the company in improving the quality of its product
  • To emphasis on how marketer of such product can given the patronage of the customer
  • To identify marketing strategy employed in company’s being considered
  • To identify the various means used to distribute the company products.
  • To identify the company’s assessment of consumer needs


          The significance of this study can be explained from the social points of view there making is the force that harness a nations industrial capacity to meet the society material want. The area of branding of pure water market in other to enhance the goal of the profit making in organization situated especially in Nigeria as the invest in long planning which will them enable them to satisfy customer based on delivering quality service and value as a result of the applied knowledegment which is the analysis, planning, implementation and control of marketer buys for the purpose of achieving organization objectives.

          The study is of significance as well to the organization because the study will enable us to seek for branding and method of treating water so that it could remain in active business during the time of treat.

          The society at large the economy environment, so therefore area of marketing and method by which rhis threat could be treated will in long way improved society being and welfare.

The following are the significance to industry of the study:

1.       From conclusion arrived at in this study advice given to make business and small business and some noticeable, point that could enhance the easy assess to funds.

2.       The study also attempt to examine the existing view on this particular area of study with a too confirm or draw a counter opinion base on the finding of branding and marketing of pure water.

3.       The products and services are want satisfier and as such must fulfilled that wants, needs, desires and expectation selected target customer

Significance to public – market

  1. In the attainment of these goal in Nigeria and any other market economy, the preferences of society favour the sue of market mechanism
  2. The government looks like the businessman who explores the means of obtaining revenue and plans how to utilize it to achieve the greatest possible personal development
  3. This is any arrangement which occur between the buyer and seller of a particular goods r services of the purpose of making profit. A market can be referred to as the place where both parties come together.

Significance To Government

  1. The government and the people review the revenue position and the need to find a solution to the important problems that have come up and agree to the required adjustments to finance  the increase expenditure.
  2.  Population increase in an important factor motivating increase in government expenditure. As the human race multiplies so does the public goods needed by the increasing population have to increase, a rise in population demand on increase in public good like schools, hospitals among others
  3. Government project could take some years to execute the initial capital set aside for such project may become inadequate with the passage of time and inflation.

Significance to Researcher

In the researcher study, the research question below is formulated to serve as guide

  1. If the employer and the employee relationship and effectiveness are not correlated
  2. If the employees and the management relationship and effectiveness are not correlated
  3. If the industrial relation and effectiveness are not correlated
  4. If the industrial relation and effectiveness are correlated


This survey was a study of AYOBAT PURE WATER. It hence coers all areas of marketing innovationan dits implication to company sales profit.

          The intention of the researcher is to find out how this company (AYOBAT PURE WATER) performs in one aspect of the marketing environment with the aim of making reasonable inference as to how effective innovation has been employed in the marketing deals with the three, men, money and materials products of the company


          This is the geographical area in which the study is currently carried out. The location of the study is ILORIN STATE, OYUN. The research is because I based in OYUN and it would be convenient for me.


          This covers the periodic depth of the study. Therefore the time scope of this study is five (5) years back 2006 – 2011


This implies specification of the industry of the study. Therefore the industrial scope of this study is the AYOBAT PURE WATER IN ILORIN TOWNSHIP.


This will cover the relevant of marketing research and information system to the employed new method together the necessary data of AYOBAT pure water, Ilorin.


  • Financial Constraints: Financial inadequate funds has delayed me in carrying out my research work, because I am still a student and I still my depends on my parent, so I  have to let my parent know that I will need some money for my project work, they gave me enough money that enable me carryout my research works.
  • Time Constraints: As we all know we have only four weeks for our project, and time is not on anybody side, I have to receive lectures, do my assignments, study my books and gathered some materials for my projects before I could do all these the time is almost gone, so I have to re – adjust the time I used in sleeping. I set aside 3hours in the night for my project, from 11pm to 2am.
  • Respondents Constraints: The researcher a lot of problems before getting answer from respondents, they always felt relevant to respond whenever the researcher to see the manager and explain to him concern what I needed the information for, they always deny me from seeing him, because they thought the information they will give me will be used against them. One of my neighbor know the factory manager, he was one that later took me to him, and he let him know am a students, that I just need the information for my project work, that the information will not used against them. That was how I was able to got the information I needed.