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Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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ASUU Strikes, Corruption In Education Undermining Govt Investments - Buhari



Background of the Study

Education is regarded as the backbone of any meaningful nation development; therefore, any nation without clearly stated educational objectives for its citizens finds it extremely difficult to thread the path of development. Corruption simply means a disproved state of life which does not conform or systematize with the approved corroborated and accepted ordered system of behaviour, functions and life pattern (Agwabiri; 2013).

Corruption is a cankerworm which has eaten deep into the fabrics of the Nigerian society and also soiled the character and personality of every Nigerian (Ugwu, 2012). In many third countries their educational sectors are facing severe difficulties and crisis which range from financial constraints, weak management, infrastructural decay, low productivity, wastage of resources, poor quality of service delivery etc.

This statement is well known and widely shared among educational planners and policy makers the challenge of addressing corruption in education cannot be met in isolation (Acha, 1991).

Indeed, corruption is a matter of concern in almost all sectors of our national economy. For example, in some countries it is far more serious in its scope and consequence, therefore, when dealing with corruption in education, a broad framework should be used which takes into account both the general aspects affecting different areas of the public sector including mis-management of public funds, procurement of goods and services, disbursement, transfer and use of public funds, but also the more specific aspect of the educational sector for example, academic fraud and examination malpractice.

Educational sector corruption is a household word in Nigeria. It has become so common and widespread that it is no longer new to the society. It is believed that the cankerworm of corruption has caused so much damaged on the educational system. Corruption has so permitted our educational system that the only person who is not stained is the person who is not operating within the system from the policy makers at the top in the ministry to the pupils and students in the primary and secondary schools. Infact, corruption has been institutionalized (Agwabiri, 2013).

Corruption has weakened the educational sector leading to low efficiency, wastage and misappropriation of resources, low quality service delivery. Corruption in the educational sector affects more people than corruption in other sectors, both rural and urban areas basically because schools are breeding grounds for future generation (EFCC, 2009). Therefore, it starts from the grassroot and not from the top roots. When the child is exposed to all these corrupt practices at a tender age, it tends to grow with it and with time exhibits the character anywhere he found himself in the future.

Corruption is one of the major causes of educational malpractices in both public and private schools. It occurs at all levels of both public and privates schools in Nigeria both directly or indirectly. All over Nigeria, the perception of corruption especially in private schools is very high and uncontrollable. This is because corruption undermines every aspects of the educational system among which are, public development, economic development, social development etc. It should be emphasized here that it is not only in governance or educational sector but corruption is found, it is equally noticeable in every human activity today in Nigeria (Samson, 2012).

Clearest signs of endemic corruption and decay that bedevil Nigerian institutions of higher learning are the fact that it has become difficult to conduct successful examinations without examination malpractice. Also, there is corruption amongst staff and authorities stemming from misappropriation of institutional funds, bribery, sex scandals, sitting on files and on students’ results and all sorts of other corruption (Anyanwu, 2008).

The educational environment in which the students study and grow to majority has a decisive effect in shaping their attitudes and general conception of the students towards all public institutions. To this effect therefore, ethics in education must be part of a broader effort to charge the attitudes and behaviour of the educational profession so as to improve governance and build social control of the administrators in the sector.

The agent of corruption practice in Nigeria tertiary schools are lecturer’s school administrators, office typists, and officials of examination bodies like WAEC, JAMB, NECO, as well as security operatives. Examination malpractice is perpetrated through overt and covert by the teachers, head teachers, supervisors, invigilators, and custodians of examination officers, parents, students and law enforcement agencies (Nkwocha, 2012).

Statement of the Problem

It is known that education is the pillar of any nation, the only lasting legacy of any nation can bestow on its young generation is education. Education conquest ignorance, poverty and impacts training and good skills which enables the students to face future challenges of life. Education also informs the citizens about their human rights when it is violated (Anyanwu, 2008). Some lecturers are no longer dedicated to their duties and as a result miss their lessons, thereby promoting corruption and the only way out for the students is to copy what is in the text books and note book and passed to the lecturer’s. Also, most parents and guidance do not provide the basic materials needed by their children and word, thereby making learning difficult for them. The school authorities on the other hand do not usually provide adequate facilities needed.

Examination which determines the fate of students has been identified with dishonesty. Although many educationist, professionals, teachers and government have made a very good attempt stop corruption in our tertiary school yet it persists. Corruption has caused havoc in our tertiary schools and to the entire nation. For effective assistance to this group of people, lecturers school administrators, counselors. The researcher will focus on the causes, effects and solution to corruption in our educational system in Nigeria Tertiary Schools (Anyanwu, 2008).

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this research work is to examine critically the causes and effects of corruption in Nigerian tertiary institutions with a view to proffering possible solutions to this endemic specter that has engulfed our educational institutions. However, the research will specifically carry out the following purposes;

      1. To examine what constitutes corruption in the Nigerian Tertiary Institutions.

      2. To find out the different way through which corrupt practices are perpetuates in the Nigerian Tertiary Institutions.

      3. To ascertain the possible effects of corruption on the academic performance of students in the Nigerian Tertiary Institutions.

      4. To suggest possible ways through which the ugly effects of corruptions can be ameliorated in the Nigeria Tertiary Schools.

Significant of the Study

The findings of the study will be relevant to students, lecturer’s, parents, administrators of educational institutions, major stakeholders in education sector and the government. The study will reveal the most prevalent form of corruption in the tertiary schools thereby alerting the concerned authorities on channeling most of their resources and strategies on how best to tackle it. The administration of educational institution, major stakeholders and the government will also be abreast of the effect on educational performance of students and come up with better strategies on managing the menace and hence reduce it to the barest minimum. With this knowledge and god strategies, education will be greatly improved on within this level and will percolate down the line towards improving education at all other levels in the Nigeria institutions.

Scope of the Study

Although, the issue of corrupt practices has been given much attention in recent times, yet the number of crimes being committed on daily have continued to be on the increase.

This research will be restricted to Nigerian Tertiary School with specific reference to A.I.F.C.E. located in Owerri Municipal local government areas and its Imo State Environment. What is the population of students in A.I.F.C.E., Owerri?

Research Questions

This study is guided by the following research questions.

    1. What constitutes corruption in the Nigerian Tertiary Institutions?

    2. What are the ways through which corrupt practices are perpetrated in Nigeria Tertiary Institutions?

    3. Ascertain the possible effects of corruption on the academic performance of students in the Nigerian Tertiary Institutions.

    4. What are the possible ways through which the ugly effect of corruption can be ameliorated in the Nigerian Tertiary Institution?



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