Please leave whatever you are doing now, pause for a moment and ask yourselves this rhetoric question “does it make sense”? It may sound funny, but believe you will be happy you took some time out to do this.
We all know that we can’t punish ourselves whenever our heart questions us, because it’s our conscience obligation to punish us for violation and awards us for a job well done. I came in contact with the man of God on the podium, and he made a statement that captured my heart. “Whenever I hear my members testifying of God’s goodness, am always excited because it means my ministry is making sense” (Rev Father Patrick).
Am always in love with this word called “Purpose”, because it gives me an and edge, aim, focus or objectives.
Are you into business and you are making so much profit from it already that you can’t quit it for any reason, but does your business make sense?
If you have never done something that after many years, you need to ask yourselves how did I arrived at such great success. Then you have not started, it only means it didn’t make much sense. Even the father after creation, pause and cross examined his creation and saw that it was worthwhile. We then need to reason within our heart at every point of our lives and daily activities, to see if what we are into is making sense at all.
You are a sole proprietor making it big but your workers are feeding from the crumbs of what they are laboring for, ask yourselves does it make sense?
You are a mother and you choose to support a particular child and abandon the others leading to envy and hatred in the family, does it make sense?
You are not medically certified yet you opened a pharmacy and issue out drugs carelessly to customers just to make ends meet, does it make sense?
You have what it takes to help a brother stand on his feet just like you, but you vow never to help him out so he won’t be competing with you. Does it make sense?
You prefer to always take your friends out and buy them beers, barbecue, ishewo etc but you’ll never care to ask if they have food at home. Does it make any sense?
You’re in a serious relationship with more than one partner, you are forming smartness at the end you land yourself in a mess. Does it make any sense?
You are using God’s name to send out false prophesy from your church altar compounding people’s problems, instead of helping them out. Does it make sense?
The list is too long to be exhausted in a hurry, check yourselves again. Whatever you feel you are not doing right is not rightly done. Adjust, make amend, settle with a friend, clear some of your debts, pick up some calls you’ve been avoiding, respond to that distress call today and you’ll see that it will make a whole lot of sense.
Whatever the case maybe, don’t always forget to pause in the midst of whatever you are doing and ask yourself this question.
“Does it make sense?” by so doing you’ll be able to redirect your focus towards the direction of God’s purpose in your life…!
Written by: Emmanuel Idorenyin Samuel