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Effect of Classroom Interaction Patterns on Secondary School Students academic performance in Biology 

| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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 Background to the Study

Science and technology have proved significantly useful in man’s daily struggle to control his environment and the world around him. Most developing nations as a result of visible role of science and technology now make frantic efforts to improve on the study of science and other allied subjects in their schools. Included among the basic science subjects is biology. Biology is one of the most popular science subjects offered by both science-oriented and arts-based students in the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) in Nigeria. Studies have shown that there is an increasing yearly enrolment in S.S.C.E biology, but each year candidates achieve poorly in the examination. Biology occupies a unique position in the secondary school education curriculum because of its importance as science of life. In Nigeria, the secondary school biology curriculum is designed to promote students’ investigation into natural phenomena, to deepen students’ understanding and interest in biological sciences and also to encourage students’ ability to apply scientific knowledge to everyday life in matters of personal, community, health and agriculture among others (Federal Ministry of Education, 2010). It is a prerequisite subject for many fields of learning, and that contributes immensely to the technological growth of the nation. Biology is introduced to students at senior secondary school level as a preparatory ground for human development, where career abilities are groomed, potentials and talents are discovered and energized (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2015). Biology has a very high enrollment of Students in Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) than physic and chemistry. This clearly manifested itself in the Senior Secondary School Certificate taken every year. Therefore, the quality and quantity of biology education like science education received by the Secondary school students would be focused towards the development of future scientist. As Amosa, Akawo, Eli and Queen (2014) noted that biology would help to develop future scientist, technologist, engineers and other related professions. A sound knowledge of biology is a prerequisite factor for entrance into such professions like medicine, pharmacy, nursing, agriculture, forestry, biotechnology, nanotechnology and so on. This clearly shows that biology is very important to any growing economy. Achievement, according to Aniaku (2012) is the quantity and quality of knowledge and skill an individual or groups acquired about a specific area of course and how that knowledge can be made use of in solving societal problems. It is however, the accomplishment of academic goals, the educational outcomes of students, the extent a student, a teacher or an instructor has achieved the stated objectives. There is however no doubt that students’ achievement is effectd by the teachers’ teaching methods. This wasobserved by Okoyefi and Nzewi (2015) who noted that teachers’ teaching methods increased students’ cognitive achievement in science subjects. Similarly, Opara (2011) noted that teachers’ method of teaching effectd students’ cognitive achievement in science. Students vary in their academic abilities and this tends to be reflected in the extent to which they are affected by a particular teaching method. Various teaching methods are used by teachers in the teaching of biology aimed at bringing about meaningful learning. These include conventional method, lecture method, demonstration method, project among others. According to Awotua-Efeby (2012), the conventional method is mainly teacher centered with student being consistently passive and content are taught as absolute knowledge. Unfortunately, evidence from literature showed that most science teachers in Nigeria secondary schools predominantly use conventional method in teaching science due to poor knowledge and no exposure to other learner centered method leading to poor cognitive achievement. Hence, there is need for an improved instructional strategy like application of classroom interaction patterns. The issue of gender and biology achievement has attracted attention of some researchers. The arbitrary assigning roles and the expectations to different sex (male and female) within the society has given rise to such misconception of perceiving science as masculine and male domain only. The problem is even compounded by the fact that most science educators give masculine outlook to science subjects such as physics and chemistry, encouraging females to go rather for biology, agriculture science and home economics which they consider to be more female-friendly science subjects. Okoyefi and Nzewi (2015) are of the opinion that gender has no effect on students rather, student achieved equally when given equal opportunity. Hence, the researchers considered it necessary to explore the effect of gender on cognitive achievement of biology students when exposed to integrative application of interaction patterns. Integrative application of all the plausible classroom interaction patterns is what is called whole-class interactive teaching. Also, Ogbu(2011) noted that the predominant way in which classroom interaction occurs is called interaction pattern. Interaction pattern is a way in which messages are transmitted successfully between teachers and students to achieve instructional objective in the classroom. Whole classroom interactive teaching using interaction patterns is an instructional strategy whereby the teacher consciously and skillfully plans and executes every of his lesson so that the interaction patterns are plausibly and effectively applied per instant in each of lesson delivery. Classroom interaction is the sum total of activities taking place in the classroom between the teacher, the learner and the learning materials during the teaching process. Classroom interaction pattern when applied properly is mainly student-centered, with students consistently very active and the teacher a facilitator. Mackey [2016] also asserts that ‘through the process of repetition, segmentation and rewarding, interaction can serve to draw learners’ attention to form meaningful relationship and provide them with additional time to focus on encoding manning”. Student-teacher  interaction  is  the  type  of  interaction  that  is  seen  in  a  conventional  classroom.  It  is  the  relationships  that  exist  between  the  teacher  and  the  students  in  the  classroom.  It  can  be  in  form  of  direct  instruction  where  the  teacher  gives  the  students  factual information about the concepts taught without allowing the students to construct  the  information  by  themselves.  Here,  the  teacher  takes  charge  of  the  learning  process while  the  students  listen  and  ask  questions.  This is  observed  in  most  conventional classroom, where individual student’s learning style is not put into consideration during  instruction. Also students material interaction is a learning situation where the students work independently with the learning materials and depend on his/her understanding of a   read   text,   observations,   experiments   and   demonstrations   with   the   materials (individualizedpattern).  In  these  patterns,  the  students  can  cooperate  with  one  another towards a mutual set goals (cooperate learning strategy), students can compete with one another   towardsa   set   goal   (competitive   learning   strategy),   students   can   work individually  towards  a  set  goal  (individualized  learning  strategy). Students-student interaction  involvesa  learning  situation whereby  the  learners  work  together  in  a small group of about four or five students each to arrive at a certain learning objective. In this type of interaction, there is mutual cooperation among the students and each student’s failure/success may  affect  other  students.  It  is  a  one-on-one  student  interaction  that allows  students  to  understand  what  it  means  to  work  with  a  partner.  Student-student interaction  gives  learners  the  opportunity  of  constructing  knowledge  by  themselves, while  the  teacher  serves  as  a  facilitator  by  going  round  to  monitor  and  if  necessary directs learners attention to significant issues. Students must learn to rely on one another and must be able to evaluate their strengths and weaknessesirrespective of their genderas they try to complete a given task. Gender is the socially culturally constructed characteristics and roles that are ascribed to males  and  females  in  any  society.  It  is  a  major  factor  that  effects  career  choice, subject  interest  and  academic  performance  of  students.  Gender  difference  is  a  variable in  the  educational  system  that  tends  to  affect  students.  (Ogunleye&Babajide,  2011). The situation of poor achievement and students’ cognitive processing styles provide a case for investigation by looking at classroom interaction pattern in the context of teaching and cognitive styles in categorizing learners into different learning styles. This has been chosen to investigate the relative effects of classroom interaction patterns and students’ cognitive styles on achievement in biology. This is because a type of classroom interaction pattern may affect students’ achievement in biology and the awareness of students’ cognitive styles may predispose biology teachers to engendering more effective classroom interaction patterns. Classroom interaction patterns in the context of teaching and students’ cognitive styles may be of benefit in improving achievement, since teachers have not been paying much attention to classroom interaction patterns and the students’ cognitive styles during teaching-learning process. The interaction pattern in a learning situation may be largely determined by the students’ cognitive styles. Cognitive style or thinking style is a concept used in cognitive psychology to describe the way individuals think, perceive and remember information. Cognitive style differs from cognitive ability (or level), the latter being measured by aptitude tests or so-called intelligence tests. There is controversy over the exact meaning of the term “cognitive style” and whether it is a single or multiple dimension of human personality. However it remains a key concept in the areas of education and management. If a pupil has a cognitive style that is similar to that of his/her teacher, the chances are improved that the pupil will have a more positive learning experience(Kirton, 2013). Likewise, team members with similar cognitive styles likely feel more positive about their participation with the team (Kirton, 2013). While matching cognitive styles may make participants feel more comfortable when working with one another, this alone cannot guarantee the success of the outcome. The learning outcome of students’ achievement would be measured after classroom interaction patterns in the context of teaching and cognitive styles in categorizing learners into different learning styles. It is necessary then to determine whether the students’ cognitive processing styles in biology achievement depends on effective classroom interaction pattern on the context of teaching.           From the foregoing, the researcher is interested in finding out how classroom interaction pattern and cognitive styles affect Biologystudentsachievement in senior secondary schools in Ekiti State. Statement of the Problem           Biology is a popular science subject offered by both science-oriented and art-based students in Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination. There is an increasing yearly enrolment in Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination, but each year students achieve poorly in the examination. Literature has however revealed that students’ underachievement in science subjects such as biology is linked to inappropriate methods of teaching in senior secondary schools. The persistent poor performance coupled with poor classroom practices and inadequate knowledge of students’ cognitive styles has resulted in few students choosing biology related courses as career. The yearly poor performance and inadequate knowledge of students’ cognitive styles in biology has therefore created an educational gap of students not continuing their studies in biology at tertiary institution. This gap can be filled by devising a more effective strategy for improving the situation in order to meet the needs of the students and the society at large. It is therefore certain that without using an effective remedial strategy, biology teaching and learning may continue to be poor in our schools.           In view of this situation, effective classroom interaction patterns and adequate knowledge of students’ cognitive styles may be useful in teaching biology in order to improve the persistent poor performance in biology. The problem of this study posed as a question therefore is: What effect do classroom interaction patterns and students’ cognitive styles have on achievement in biology in senior secondary schools in Ekiti State.

Purpose of the Study

This study was carried out to:

i.                   determine the effect of classroom interaction patterns on students’ cognitive achievement in biology in secondary schools inIkere Local Government Area of Ekiti State ii.                 ascertain the effect of cognitive styles on students’ achievement in biology in secondary schools inIkere Local Government Area of Ekiti State

iii.              examine the impact of teacher-students relationship on students’ achievement in biology in secondary schools inIkere Local Government Area of Ekiti State

iv.              compare the performance of male and female students’ performance in biology using cognitive styles.

Research Questions

The following research questions were raised to guide study.

i.                   What is the effect of classroom interaction patterns on students’ cognitive achievement in biology in secondary schools inIkere Local Government Area of Ekiti State? ii.                 What is the effect of cognitive styles on students achievement in biology in secondary schools inIkere Local Government Area of Ekiti State?

iii.              What is the impact of teacher-students relationship on students achievement in biology in secondary schools inIkere Local Government Area of Ekiti State?

iv.              What is the performance of male and female students performance in biology using cognitive styles?

Research Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses were formulated and tested in the course of this study. i.                   Classroom interaction patterns have no significant effect on students’ cognitive achievement in biology in secondary schools inIkere Local Government Area of Ekiti State ii.                 Cognitive  styles have no significant effect on students achievement in biology in secondary schools inIkere Local Government Area of Ekiti State

iii.              Teacher-students relationship have no significant relationship on students achievement in biology in secondary schools inIkere Local Government Area of Ekiti State iv.              There is no significant difference in the performance of male and female students in biology using cognitive styles Significance of the Study The findings from this study will be of benefits to students, teachers, curriculum planners, researchers, institution of higher learning, examination bodies, school administrators, Ministry of Education, educational stakeholders, curriculum development agencies and the society at large. Students will benefit from the skills of classroom interaction patterns and cognitive styles which will enable them to participate actively in biology lessons.           The result of the study will also help the students to acquire manipulative skills.This is done as they handle some science equipments used in practical exercise or assignments.           The result may enable the high achievers to assist the low achievers as they work and discuss in small groups. This will help them to work at their own pace and be actively involved in group discussions.           The result will help biology teachers to teach biology based on students’ cognitive styles i.e. learning needs rather than external concerns such as the need to cover the syllabus in a fixed amount of time. The result will also help biology teachers to improve on their current classroom practices, as students’ learning outcome is measured by teachers’ effectiveness. Besides, the awareness of students’ cognitive styles may enable the teachers to engender more effective classroom interaction patterns which will improve students’ achievements.  The findings of this study will draw the attention of the curriculum planners and other stakeholders in education to the effect of the studied classroom interaction patterns and students’ cognitive styles used as an effective teaching strategy especially if they result in the improvement of achievement in biology. The effects of the studied classroom interaction patterns and cognitive styles will form part of the curriculum of teacher education programme so that student teachers can embrace the skills for classroom activities. Also, the school administrators and Ministry of Education will be encouraged to organize seminars for teachers on the use of classroom interaction patterns and cognitive styles for biology teaching. They will also find the classroom interaction patterns and cognitive styles as a useful tool in making policies that will effect teaching and learning in Nigerian schools.           The result of this study will also be useful for further research in education by providing documented literature from the outcome of study for researchers, institutions of higher learning and curriculum development like the National Universities Commission (NUC), National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) etc that engage in educational research. The result of the study will help some Examination bodies such as West African Examination Council (WAEC), National Examination Council (NECO), and National Business and Technical Education Board (NABTEB) in taking into consideration students’ cognitive measure in setting S.S.C.E biology questions. So that most students will not find some questions difficult, especially when the question favour field independent learners. The society will benefit through the knowledge and skills gained form classroom interaction patterns which the students will use to enhance productivity.



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