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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00



Smiling business persons



                                                     CHAPTER ONE


1.1 Background to the study

Organizations are strategically changing to meet up with global economy demands. As part of the change strategy, support for employees during the change is critical, not only to reduce stress, but also, for the change to be successful, keep productivity at an acceptable level and to keep costs down. Change is inevitable, it will be ever present and learning to manage and lead change includes not only understanding human factors, but also skill to manage and lead change effectively (Pettigrew & Whipp, 2011).

 It is the only element of human phenomenal that is constant. Organizational change occurs when an organization makes a transition from its current state to some desired future state. Managing organizational change is the process of planning and implementing change in organizations in such a way as to minimize employee resistance and cost to the organization, while also maximizing the effectiveness of the change effort. Change is both inevitable and desirable for any progressive organization (Fajana, 2012).

Organizational performance is a fundamental variable for every organization to achieve its objectives and goals. Human resources management is essential for organizational competiveness and the realization of its mission. Charity (2011), testifies the fact that employee performance management is important as managing financial resources and program outcomes because employee performance or the lack thereof has a profound effect on both the financial and program components of any organisation.

Though there are several factors that contribute to productivity, job performance is perceived to be the most significant one. Therefore one of the indicators in enhancing and improving the banking industry is job performance. Today businesses are bombarded by incredibly high rates of change from a frustrating large number of sources. Inside pressures come from top managers and lower-level employees who push for change. Outside pressures come from changes in the legal, competitive, technological and economic environments.

By acceptance of organizational change, we mean the employees readiness and willingness, support and commitment to the organizational ideals during the periods of significant internal and external shifts in the organization’s structure. Managers must not rush in introducing a change. The process must be slow, steady and thorough (Fajana, 2002). Acceptance of change signifies the willingness of the affected parties to embrace and function in a newly established order and their commitment to effect and implement the changes. 

Change is difficult for both the employer and employee. Anxious employees will stress over their lack of: control, trust, needed skills, role ambiguity and communication. Add to this an expected “24/7” mentality and it’s no surprise that job stress is becoming an epidemic (Jehangir, Kareem, Khan, Jan, & Soherwardi, 2011 and Manning &Preston, 2003). Organizational change is also becoming more difficult, financial considerations typically provoke organizational change.


Cuts in funding, decreased economies, changes in the market, dramatic needs to increase products or services or changes in an administration, technology or trade barriers maybe the catalyst for change. Plans of how organizations change include: radical shifts in business strategies, changes in values and/or missions, restructuring staffs and/or operations, mergers, layoffs, rightsizing, new management, new technologies and fundamental changes of functions Jacobs (2011), McNamara (2006), Ormond, Keown-Gerrard and Kline (2003), and Ussahawanitchakit and Sumritsakun (2008).

Employees are an important asset to an organization that may affect it either positively or negatively. Due to unavoidable environmental changes, organizations today have been challenged to advocate for changes that influence Organizational performance. Resistance to change based on the existing theoretical and empirical study, the negative evaluation of and resistance to change may occur on account of a number of factors. Bateman and Zeithaml (1990) outlined a number of common reasons that people tend to resist change.

These include: inertia, or the tendency of people to become comfortable with the status quo, timing, as when change efforts are introduced at a time when workers are busy or have a bad relationship with management, surprise, because people’s reflex is to resist when they must deal with a sudden, radical change or peer pressure, which may cause a group to resist due to anti-management feelings even if individual members do not oppose the change. Resistance can also grow out of people’s perceptions of how the change will affect them personally.

They may resist because they fear that they will lose their jobs or their status, because they do not understand the purpose of the change, or simply because they have a different perspective on the change than management. Organizations have to take cognizance of the importance of employees’ commitment to the change process as a way of addressing potential resistance. Therefore the top management has to ensure that factors that influence employees ‘performance are taken into consideration. Therefore the research intends to investigate the effect organizational change on staff performance in First Bank Plc.    
1.2   Statement of the Problem 

The Nigerian banking sector is fast growing and this is continuously necessitating dynamic changes in organizational activities relating to structuring customer satisfaction and service portfolio. Since the traditional organizational structures and approaches can no longer produce the competitive basis that is required in today’s volatile business environment. Constant change in government policy, introduction of new technologies, climatic conditions, market forces, change in consumers’ needs and wants, and bureaucratic bottlenecks are reasons some organization within the banking sector find it difficult to fit in.

Most organizations don’t take cognizance of the human element in creating the strategy needed to implement change, and this leads to constant failure in the change programme. Resistance by employees and certain management level staff is another problem organizations encounter in a bid to introduce change. The role of customers has changed, therefore organizations have to be much more agile and flexible to quickly respond to customer’s wishes and fast changing market needs. The problem in the most organizations are not able to adjust to the dynamic changes happening in the economy which invariably affecting their performance.

The bank managers of most financial institutions are continually on each other’s toes trying to outwit others by devising new strategies which charges and at the same time minimized the cost of change implementation. However, for change to produce its desired effect it must be accepted and embraced by the organizational employees, but this is not often the case. Most changes results in employee resistance of change in the organization thereby resulting in poor morale and productivity. Therefore, this study seeks to examine the effect of organizational change on staff productivity with a case appraisal of First Bank Plc.

1.3 Research Objectives

The main objective of this study is to examine the effects of organizational change on staff productivity with a case appraisal of First Bank Plc. In line with the main objective, the specific objectives are to:

  1. Appraise the extent to which increasing technological changes affect organizational performance of First Bank Nigeria Plc in Lagos State.
  2. Examine the effect of specific change models/techniques on organizational performance in First Bank Nigerian Plc.
  3. Examine the effect of organizational change implementation on organizational performance of First Bank Nigeria Nigerian Plc.
  4. Examine the factors that have facilitated or hindered effective management of organizational change in First Bank Nigeria Plc.
    1. Research Questions

The study is poised towards providing answers to the following research questions:

  1. To what extent has an increasing technological change affect organizational performance of First Bank Nigeria Plc?
  2. What are the effects of specific change models/techniques on organizational performance?
  3. What are the impacts of change implementation on organizational performance of First Bank Nigeria Plc?
  4. What are the specific hurdles that hinder the realization of the effective implementation of organizational change in First Bank Nigeria Plc?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

The following Null Hypotheses are tested and advanced in the course of this study.

Ho: Change in technology does not have any significant effect on organizational performance

Ho: There is no significant effects of specific change models/techniques on organizational performance

1.6 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study was to emphasize how important planning is prior to, and during organizational change. This study reviewed how lack of planning for employee stress during organizational change can increase employee stress and result in detrimental effects on the organization by increasing costs and reducing productivity. 

The study shall proffer the essential factors necessary to effect of change and development in an organization. It shall determine the effect of organizational change and development on employees’ performance.

The study shall provide significant information on managing change to managers and organizations

The study will act as a guide on how banking industries especially First Bank Nigeria Plc should manage change in their day-to-day business transaction.

The findings of the study will serve as a reference materials to future researchers and scholars interested on the subject of organizational change on staff performance.

1.7 Scope of the study

The study provides insight into organizational change and staff performance of the one of the leading Nigerian commercial banks (First Bank Nigerian Plc) in the banking industries, as well as provides a measure of the effects of managing organizational change on their organization performance in the sector. It covers the selected financial institution (First Bank Nigerian Plc) in Lagos State and the quest for managing organizational change in the study area. The population for the study includes the Managers and employees of the selected financial institution in Lagos State.