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Examination Malpractice, Causes, Types and Effects on Educational Development

| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00




1.1   Background to the Study

In today’s society, education is no longer a chance affair. Education is recognized as a key instrument or tool for national development. Education is a key driver of national transformation, growth, and civilization. Education is tremendously beneficial to society, and no society can progress beyond its educational system or development (National Policy on Education, 2004). However, education is the fundamental driver of transformation toward sustainable development. It improves people’s ability to make their visions a reality for society. All countries strive for quality education in order to achieve long-term growth, yet some have suffered from the low-standard education phenomena known as test malpractice. Examination malpractice includes all sorts of cheating that directly or indirectly fake students’ academic abilities in an examination (Suleiman, 2013). Examination malpractice has plagued Nigeria’s educational advancement this century. As a result, many individuals lose faith in Nigeria’s educational system. This societal scourge has permeated our educational system to the point where feeble-minded individuals regard it as an acceptable and recognizable method of passing an examination, which they strive to encourage (Ukpong, 2003).

Examination malpractice is believed to be caused by a variety of circumstances. Examination malpractice has posed a threat to our nation’s overall educational progress. Against this backdrop, this study is positioned to analyze examination misconduct, its origins, kinds, and impacts on educational growth in the Ika Local Government Area.

1.2   Statement of the Problem

In recent times, there have been alarming cases of examination malpractice among students in both internal and external examinations in schools. Examination malpractice has so penetrated the Nigerian educational system in this 21st century to the extent that it is a common practice in all levels of education. Efforts to eradicate or eliminate the menace in our educational system proved abortive.

It has become a social discomfort and a thorn in the flesh which is of great concern to a great number of people including the government. Therefore, the most disheartening concern are the causes, nature and negative consequential effect it possess on educational development in Ika Local Government Area. Thus, this problem motivates the investigation into the effect of examination malpractice on educational development in Ika Local Government Area.

1.3   Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study was to investigate examination malpractice, causes, nature and effects on educational development in Ika Local Government Area. The specific objectives are:

  1. To find out the causes of examination malpractice in Ika Local Government Area.
  2. To find out the nature of examination malpractice in Ika Local Government Area.
  3. To find out the effects of examination malpractice in Ika Local Government Area.

1.4   Significance of the Study

This research study shall be significant to ministry of education, Local Education Board, education planners and curriculum developers, invigilators, examination malpractice disciplinary committee, school administrators, teachers, government, students and entire public in their attempt to combat the menace of examination malpractice in education sector.

Also research scholars and agencies would find this study as a useful reference material to them. It will further expose the causes and nature of examination malpractice which will be useful to examination malpractice disciplinary committee when taking disciplinary action. Finally, it will also provide solutions to the deteriorating effect of examination malpractice on educational development in Ika Local Government Area.

1.5   Research Questions

The following questions were formulated to guide this study:

  1. Are there significant causes of examination malpractice in Ika Local Government Area?
  2. What are the forms of examination malpractice in Ika Local Government Area?
  3. Are there significant effects of examination malpractice on educational development in Ika Local Government Area?