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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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1.1    Background to the study

Today’s society has benefited from education’s role in boosting the economy. In general, education focuses on a child’s whole growth so that they can become adults who can meet both their own needs and the demands of society. Physical education, as a component of general education, has also made a significant contribution to Nigerian education’s knowledge and understanding. This is the rationale behind the need for a current physical education curriculum, particularly at the secondary school level. Umoh (2010) asserts that nature only supplies the raw ingredients in the form of potentials; the environment and the facilitator’s or teacher’s capacity to successfully utilize the resources at hand are what really matter. The level of development is determined by this human resource.  Given the threat that teachers and students in secondary schools pose to the teaching of academic topics.  concluded that sufficient human resources. It includes the sufficiency of qualified instructors and their qualifications to facilitate learning and make use of the available teaching resources. It is true that achieving educational objectives is difficult, which results in subpar instruction. Additionally, according to Ugwuanyi (2013), who cited Onyejiemezie, adequacy is the state in which adequate standards are provided for teaching resources to improve efficient instructional activities in a given subject. Sufficient staffing levels, equipment and materials for the classroom, human resources, and other resources all help to inspire students, boost teacher productivity, and increase efficiency. It is true that an organization’s staff is its human resource base. Resources are individuals and their knowledge, abilities, and attitudes, according to Olagboye (2004). Likewise, Okwori (2006) concurred with this statement and emphasized that technical expertise. Human resources also include mechanical, managerial, social, and other domains that may be used in social and economic organizations. A secondary school’s human resources include its teaching staff, non-teaching staff, and students, as well as their knowledge, skills, and capacities.

Human resources are essentially the employees of the institutions and their capacity to support productivity and the accomplishment of institutional goals. Secondary school teachers work to process all educational inputs, including student feedback, in order to help educational institutions accomplish their goals. They engage in community service, contribute to the progress of knowledge, and spread information and skills through teaching. The effectiveness and usage of them would decide whether the educational system succeeds or fails. The STR shows a teacher’s workload at a particular level of education. It also helps in determining the number of teaching manpower needed for a projected student’s enrolment.

As such, it could be applied to ascertain if teachers are employed excessively or insufficiently (Afolabi, 2005). As to Padmanabhan (2001), the quantity of students is referred to as internal efficiency. who successfully transition between grades and finish that cycle within the allotted time. It illustrates how intake and output are related at a certain educational level.

According to Lasa (2018), the accomplishment of any human endeavor. Included in secondary schools, the caliber of teachers who carry out the instructional duties is intimately linked. He continued by saying that there will be a lot of factors that determine how successful public education is. Depending on the caliber of the staff members involved in the teaching process and how well they carry out their individual and collective duties. Nwana (2013) offered an alternative perspective, pointing out that an educational institution’s overall efficacy and efficiency are influenced by the quantity of teaching staff and the quality of the teaching materials provided. This suggests that in secondary education. Consequently, sufficient people and material resources must be provided in order to be successful and efficient.

Therefore, the researcher takes into account human resource adequacy as those instruments that might tailor the level of teaching and learning outcome, such as the adequacy of human resource personnel and its use, when examining the cause and effect of the level of teaching and learning. 

Also, Udo and Edet (2012) investigated the status of human and material resources. Thus, for effective implementation of the new curriculum for secondary schools  and show that the available human resource are not equally distributed, the basic facilities are either lacking or are grossly inadequate. To compliment this study, the present research will examine the above mentioned areas. Thus, on human resource adequacy as it affects the teaching in secondary schools.

1.2    Statement of the problem

The challenges in the teaching have been a serious issue in the educational sector and have greatly gotten attention of all stakeholders. These challenges are teachers related factors, student related factors and government related factors. It is an established fact that majority of the people do not believe that human resource adequacy has much influence in the teaching.

The adequacy of human resources in secondary schools is crucial. Therefore, government of the state has been consistent in ensuring that these educational resources are available for schools.


Human and material resources make teaching and learning more understandable, meaningful and easy. These resources however make teaching and learning more effective and real.

However, criticism abounds on the adequacy of human and resources available for effective teaching in Nigeria.

Therefore, this problem of poor teaching and increasing failures in Junior Secondary certificate examination has propelled great research over the years. In the light of the above, this research focuses on human resource adequacy via: adequacy of human resource personnel and utilization of human resource personnel and teaching in secondary schools in Akure South Local Government Area.


1.3    Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of human resource adequacy and utilization in teaching in secondary schools.

Specifically, the study seeks to:

  1. determine the adequacy of human resource in secondary schools.
  2. determine the utilization of human resource in secondary schools.
  3. Determine the difference in teaching with adequacy of human resource and non-adequacy of human resource adequacy in secondary schools.
  4. examine the difference in teaching with utilization and those without utilization of human resources in secondary schools.


1.4    Significance of the study

The study is significant in the following ways:

  • This study will help the government and other stakeholders to improve and provide adequate human resource.
  • This study will be of help to the educationist and curriculum planners. By furnishing them with a sound basis for effective supervision and implementation of the curriculum
  • It will serve as a reference material for students and other researchers. Who may carry out a research on same or similar topic.


1.5  Research hypotheses

  1. There is no significant of influence of human resource adequacy in secondary schools.
  2. There is no significant of influence of human resource utilization in secondary schools.
  3. There is no significant difference in the teaching with adequacy and non-adequacy of human resource adequacy in secondary schools.
  4. There is no significant difference in the teaching with utilization and those without utilization of human resource adequacy in secondary schools.