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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


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Indecent Dressing Among Our Christains Ladies - Religion - Nigeria


Title Page………………………………………………………………………………I

Declaration Page…………………………………………………………………II

Approval Page……………………………………………………………………………..III



Table of Contents………………………………………………………………..VI



1.1.    Background of Studies

1.2.    Statement of Problems

1.3.    Objectives of Study

1.4.    Significant of the Study

1.5.    Scope of the Study

1.6.    Limitation of the Study

1.7.    Definition of Terms                                                   


2.1 Conceptual Framework

2.1.1 Concept of Indecent Dressing

2.1.2 Concept of Church

2.1.3 Types of Indecent Dressing among Christians in Nigeria

2.2 Dressing in the Contemporary Christian Church in Nigeria

2.3 Causes of for indecent dressing in the Church

2.4 Effects of Indecent dressing in the Church

2.5 Theoretical Framework

2.6 Summary of Literature Review


3.1 Origin of Indecent Dressing

3.2 Indecent Dressing in the Old Testament

3.3 Indecent Dressing in the New Testament


4.1 Implication of Indecent Dressing on the Society

4.2 Understanding Christian Dressing on the Church and Society

4.3 Factors Responsible for Indecent Dressing in the Church and Society

4.4 Danger of Indecent Dressing among Christians


5.1 Summary

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Recommendation



Abuja Residents Decry Indecent Dressing In Places Of Worship - Religion (4) - Nigeria



Background to the Study                                                               

Nigerian society is seeing a moral fall as a result of the moral laxity of our current clothing code, which is nothing more than a display of the generation’s shamelessness and disregard for modesty. In the name of fashion and modernity, some people exhibit their private parts in public by wearing slacks and braziers and going half-naked to attract persons of the opposite sex. This is an example of the moral decay prevalent in the country. The majority of Nigerian women, young and old, dress in a way that reveals important parts of their bodies to men in an attempt to entice them. They have trouble sitting down, crossing gutters, and picking up objects from the ground since their skirts are an inch longer than their pants. In addition to being short and form-fitting, their gowns are translucent, exposing areas of the body that should normally be shielded from public view.

Indecent dressing or indecency is prominent in the church today, and it has reasons, causes, and impacts on Christianity. Many things are wrong with Christianity in the twenty-first century. Any religion that does not promote faithful moral practice should not be taught to the younger generation. The enormous discussion over issues of attire, particularly indecent dressing, has continued to elicit reactions from people of diverse backgrounds, orientations, values, and cultures all around the world. A well-known and clever saying goes, “Dress how you want to be addressed,” implying that a person’s appearance conveys a lot about them. Though it has become a societal issue in our culture, young people still engage in indecent clothing on a regular basis. In our society today, clothing has mostly lost its meaning. These days, certain fashion trends pose a severe danger to Christianity and its moral principles. Dress codes and customs are now frequently viewed with contempt, as lamented by Onoyima (2006). All around the world, there have been several wars fought over morals and ethics. According to the Bible, Adam and Eve covered their nudity with leaves in the Garden of Eden, which is where clothing originally appeared. From that point on, clothing became ingrained in human culture. After Adam and Eve sinned, they created “coverings” for themselves, according to Genesis 3:7–10. Adam and Eve felt nude even after they had covered up. According to the book of Genesis, the Lord created “tunics” for them (Genesis 3:21). “The Lord God also made skin tunics and clothed Adam and his wife.” This demonstrates that God was not content with the kind of covers they had created. Even while the Bible occasionally uses the word “naked” to refer to helplessness or poverty, the word is always used in relation to shame. The majority of the references to nudity in the Old Testament allude to bodily immorality and inappropriate conduct. Only when it comes to that exposure in private, between a husband and wife, is nakedness viewed positively. “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed,” the Bible states in Genesis 2:15.

An integral aspect of human civilization is clothing. According to Haralambos and Healed (1985), a society’s culture is the set of beliefs and customs that its people acquire and pass down through the generations. A society’s culture shapes its members’ thoughts and actions, shapes their way of life, and explains why people embrace certain patterns of ideas, values, art, language, and even attire. According to Nwabueze (2007), dressing is a social act that encompasses any behavior that reflects an actor’s interest, feelings, and expectations. Additionally, it is an act that results from societal norms, preferences, and beliefs. Even if an act is deeply fulfilling for the individual, it is anti-social if it disregards the feelings of others. Nwabueze (2007) asserts that clothing choices should be made with consideration for others’ sentiments, or the communal conscience. People dress for a multitude of reasons in a society. People dress to express themselves, to look respectable, to demonstrate their social standing, and to cover up their nudity.

Clothing is essentially the act of putting on clothes. It is important to wear clothing on the body in order to protect, beautify, or adorn it. Clothes are one of a man’s basic necessities. In its broadest sense, clothing refers to a wide range of materials that a man wears or applies to the body, including shoes, jewelry, hairstyles, and makeup. Clothes is also used to show a person’s status and the roles that they play in society (Obeta & Uwah, 2015). It is therefore considered indecent when a dress has the potential to provoke or stimulate almost anyone who happens to view it on the wearer (Egwim (2010). While there are no standards for appropriate attire, clothes are supposed to fulfill certain functions regardless of a person’s nationality or geographic location. They define a person’s tribe or ethnic identity and are an integral element of their culture.

In Nigeria, there is a moral decline evident in the clothing worn by some people in public and even in churches. They flaunt their private parts, pants, and braziers in the hopes of attracting the other sex, all in the name of modernity and fashion. The majority of women in Pentecostal congregations today, regardless of age, dress in a way that exposes important parts of their bodies to men in an attempt to entice and seduce them. Because of the extent of indecency in the church today, many pastors and preachers have become weary of admonishing people against it, while others have continued to try their hardest to influence the indecent congregations. Emile (2002) argues that the reason society is corrupt is because we want it to be that way. He asserts that if we all want to, we can eradicate any negative habit in society. It is morally repugnant to display or highlight one’s private areas. As indicated in (Isaiah 3:16–17), the exposure of such parts was frequently a kind of judgment meant to shame the wicked. Similar claims were made by Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 12:23–24, when he stated that certain passages are “unpresentable and thus should be covered.” Christians are encouraged to dress modestly, especially ladies, from a religious perspective. This is done to prevent drawing unneeded attention, which can subsequently elicit a sexual need in the other sex. Man did not realize he was nude till Adam fell.

Indecent dressing among Christians has been closely associated with wrong mentality, poor parenting, wrong use of internet, the types of movies our children watch at homes also promote indecent dressing, peer pressure, fading out of our own cultural values and a so-called modernization, and stigmatization and ridicule being meted out to young girls in particular who dress decently and well-covered by their colleagues who only see them as being anti-social, backward and primitive causes such young girls to try to look like their colleagues so as to escape being ostracized, among others. Most parents are worse than our youths who are the replica of the Biblical Jezebel. They put on Miniskirt, Bumper short, Armless, Spaghetti tops, Tight blouse, Show back, Tight skirt, Transparent clothes, Low-cut blouse, Hot pant, Show belly, Show laps, Show armpit, Show breast and Body hugs not minding the message they’re sending across to the youths. This study looks at the causes and effects of indecent dressing among Christians in Nigeria.


Indecent dressing: Trending fashion or debasement? | The Hope Newspaper



  •  Statement of Problems                                                

Christianity in Nigeria is experiencing decline in morality, due to the moral laxity on our dressing code these days is nothing but a show of shameless generation, and lack of value for modesty. Unfortunately, today churches have failed to uphold her ancient land mark. It has lost her valor and right ship of upholding and enforcing righteousness among the brethren. Most of the churches today are entertaining provocative dressing and making her member to feel so comfortable in their worldliness. We can vividly attest to this fact that years ago in orthodox churches, if a lady wears indecent or provocative clothes to the church, she would be sent home to re-dress. Sometime, she might be referred to sit at the back seat in the church or given some clothes to cover her naked or provocative and seductive exposed body. Lack of self-confidence is what makes our young people to do anything to draw attention to their selves and wearing indecent clothes could be their way of doing that. They forget that for every action, there is a reaction; and that is why we have series of cases like rape. Most young women have fallen victims to rape because of the provocative dresses they put on. Today Preachers are very careful on the kind of sermons he preaches on the pulpit, so it won’t hurt or make the member feel ashamed, which might cause them to vacate the church. Today end-time preachers are always afraid to preach the real gospel for the fear of losing her members to other denominations that practice indecent dressing and preacheth same unprofitable sermon. This study therefore attempt to investigate the causes and effects of indecent dressing among Christians in Nigeria.

1.3.    Objectives of Study                                                                         

The primary aim of this study is to determine the causes and effects of indecent dressing among Christians in Nigeria. The specific objectives are;

  • To examine the effects of indecent dressing on the lifestyle of Christians in Nigeria.
  • To investigate the causes of indecent dressing among Christians in Nigeria.
  • To ascertain the role of the church in curbing indecent dressing among Christians in Nigerian churches.
  • To find out possible solutions to the menace of indecent dressing among Christians in Nigerian

1.4.    Significant of the Study        

It is often imperative to question what would be the significance of any endeavor, be it academic or otherwise. This is also applicable in this study. The researcher anticipates that at the completion of this study, the findings will give a clear insight on the knowledge about the major causes of indecent dressing among Christians in Nigeria.

Since pastors, parents, church leaders, peer groups and society leaders are some of the important factor that contribute to the indecent dressing among out youths in church today. It is hoped that this study will identify some of the vital factors existing in the various levels and what influences Christians indecent dressing.

The findings of this study will be of immense importance to Nigerian Law makers, Policy makers, and Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) as the study would address indecency and immorality with a sole aim to preserve our cultural norms and values.

The study would serve as a gap-closer to existing literatures on indecent dressing as it affects Christendom which is not specifically tailored to the African-Nigerian contexts alone but also covers the image of Christianity globally.

The study recommendations will go a long way to notify and remind all Pastors, and Priest and Ministers on the need to reflex back at our olden Christian religion where exposing secret parts of our body was seen as a taboo in the society. Lastly, the findings will add to studies that have been done on the subject matter, so that people in other part of the country can also appreciate the study fingings. Again, it will be a source for further research and of relevance to stakeholders in the field of research and education.              

1.5. Scope of the Study                                                                            

The scope of this study revolves around the entire federation; since it examines the causes and effects of indecent dressing among Christians in Nigeria, the dynamic scope has a national outlook and it will thus be ideal to embark on the study. However, it becomes very necessary for the researcher to narrow it down to the premises of Mount Zion Institute of Christian Drama Ile- Ife Osun State with a view of finding a lasting solution to the challenges.

1.6. Limitation of the Study                                                                     

Every research work has some shortcomings which arise as a result of problems encountered by the researcher in the course of the work.

The researcher encountered some difficulties in gathering relevance materials and text books to aid the smooth process of the research.

The time allocated to carry out this study was at some points affected by other academic activities the researcher cannot avoid in college.

There was limitation due to funds which made it difficult to lay hands on all the necessary materials for the study.

Notwithstanding these foregoing limitations, the researcher still had the opportunity to gather to relevant information from the internets and journals to complete the research. It is believes that these limitations did not hinder the researcher to present reliable compilations of the research work.

1.7. Definition of Terms                                                   

For the purpose of clarity, these terms that may be confusing to the reader are defined in the context of their usage in the work the following order:

Effects: This is a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.

Dress: This is an apparel, clothing or an outer garment (as for a woman or girl) usually consisting of a one-piece bodice and skirt.

Indecent dressing: Indecent dressing simply means deliberate exposure of one’s body to the public. This practice is contrary to the acceptable norms and values of the society. A dress is said to be indecent when it has provocative or stimulating influence on almost all those that happen to view it on the user (Egwim (2010).

Christian: A Christian is someone whose behavior and heart reflects Jesus Christ. Followers of Jesus were first called “Christians” in Antioch because the portrayed Christ kind of character.

Christianity: Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. It is the world’s largest religion, with about 2.5 billion followers.

Culture: This encompasses religion, food, what we wear, how we wear it, our language, marriage, music and is different all over the world.