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Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher




  • Background to the study

Across the world, education is a vital process in human development and environmental management. Education is the process of refining and conserving the collective values that are inherent in society’s culture (Oyekan, 2000). Education transmits a network of valuable knowledge, skills, and habits from one generation to the next, allowing for effective citizenship and common societal advantages.

Education is a collaborative teaching-learning process that prepares an individual from birth and throughout his or her life for happy, helpful functioning in society within the context of culture and resources (Oyekan, 2000).

As a result, education is a social service that ensures the refinement of human behavior in terms of reasoning, feeling, and doing things with a positive expectation. While education is a cooperative teaching-learning process for successful citizenship and collective societal benefit, secondary school serves as a bridge between primary and higher institutions, providing necessary knowledge for effective citizenship and collective societal benefits. Education’s goals and objectives are determined by the nature, needs, and aspirations of the society in which it is delivered.

For education to be beneficial to society, individuals must be instilled with desirable skills, capacities, traits, knowledge, attitude, and values. These desired objectives should be clearly stated and considered highly significant because the success of the educational attempt is determined by how much they are attained. The attainment of these pre-specified objectives are measured by student’s academic performance(Ibok, & Unoh, 2019: Ibok, Meremikwu, Orim, Anditung & Inah, 2023:Ntibi, & Ibok, 2021).

The educational system has seen a steady decline in students’ academic performance on both internal and external assessments. The nasty situation may continue yearly since students may no longer take their studies seriously and are not encouraged to do so. This has left a negative impression in the students’ subconscious minds that they may be unable to study, understand, and achieve effectively in school without cheating (Ibok, Thomas, & Nyong, 2019).

One of the most significant obstacles in secondary education may be pupils’ incapacity to acquire the necessary and applied knowledge in the subject being taught. The increasing nature of low academic performance among students in public secondary schools, particularly in external tests such as the Basic Education Certificate Education, can be influenced by instructor qualities.

This assumes that the educational approaches commonly used by teachers do not facilitate the pupils’ understanding. Perhaps this has resulted in pupils having a negative attitude, losing interest, and failing to pay attention during classroom instructions (Ibok, Meremikwu, & Umoh, 2020).

Over the past few decades, there has been an increasing concern about the impact of instructors’ professional characteristics and approaches on students’ academic achievement. According to Adediwura and Bada (2017), teachers have a primary responsibility to assist students in learning how to recognize and solve problems, comprehend new phenomena, construct mental models of these phenomena, and, given a new situation, set goals and regulate their own learning (Ibok, Thomas, & Nyong, 2019).

A teacher is supposed to be successful and professionally grounded in order to accomplish the duty of teaching. Strong (2017) identified four characteristics that characterize teacher effectiveness: instructional expertise, valid student evaluation, the provision of a conducive learning environment, and the teacher’s personal attributes. Each of these categories focuses on a key part of the teacher’s professional credentials or obligations. Essentially, teachers have two key tasks in the classroom: providing a suitable learning atmosphere and delivering the lesson. A teacher serves as a bridge between teaching and learning.

Thus, the instructor is the builder, and his or her performance is determined by proper qualifications, experience, and preparation. This suitable knowledge and expertise can be obtained or acquired by learning extra knowledge that will boost his/her communication in instructing for efficiency (Oyedeji, 2000). That is, a teacher’s qualification and experience influence or determine his or her performance.

It could also be observed that the qualities exhibited vis-à-vis the pupils’ performance are determined by the teacher’s level and quality of education. Education is frequently viewed as a systematic action of transmitting appropriate knowledge, skills, and habits to students in preparation for a meaningful life and contribution to a better society (Oloyede, 2006). This activity, however, is typically carried out by skillful exposure to a variety of academic fields.

Teaching, according to Oyekan (2000), is a continual human action in which the teacher connects students with subject matter from the school curriculum. It is the teacher’s primary obligation to assist pupils in learning, comprehending, and exceeding their current educational level, as well as to efficiently discharge the essential responsibilities.

As a result, in order to be efficient and proficient on the job, teachers must advance beyond their existing educational level. It should be recognized that instructors are the light of the world, illuminating and nurturing the vivid lives of individuals via helpful knowledge, practical skill, and healthy value orientation. In a modern culture, educational institutions have a significant impact on the socialization of children, a process in which the teacher plays an important role (Agbatogun, 2010).

Teachers’ educational development is consequently critical in playing an important role. According to studies, low teacher quality is a major contributor to Nigeria’s declining educational standards. According to research, the achievement difference between children with the most successful teachers and those with the least effective instructors grows larger with each passing year.

This means that the most significant advances in student success are likely to occur when pupils get instruction from highly trained and experienced teachers over multiple years. Although teachers’ academic degrees and average years of experience have long been used to assess their qualifications, research has shown that the highest degree attained by teachers is not a good predictor of gains in students’ academic achievement (Hanushek, 1997).

The number of years of teaching experience has also proven to be unreliable in forecasting such advances. Beginning teachers (three or fewer years of teaching experience) are generally less effective than more experienced teachers, with brand-new teachers being the least effective (Rivkin and Kain, 2003).

According to research, brand-new instructors make significant advances in teaching quality in their first year, followed by modest gains in their subsequent years of employment. However, there is no consistent linear relationship between years of experience and student achievement after the first three years of teaching, making it difficult to determine whether there is a discernible difference between more veteran teachers, such as those with 7-10 years of experience (Rivkin and Kain, 2003).

Researchers agree that teaching experience is positively connected with improved student accomplishment, however their understanding of its value varies. For example, while some studies found that years of teaching experience are a consistent predictor of higher test scores, others found that having a high proportion of non-experienced teachers in a school leads to higher dropout rates and lower student achievement scores (Agbatogun, 2010).

According to several research findings, the influence of teacher experience is minor in comparison to other desirable teacher attributes such as topic understanding and overall academic aptitude (Agbatogun, 2010). Teacher characteristics can be defined as the observable acts or qualities demonstrated by both teachers while carrying out various activities during teaching and learning. There are some qualities that teachers are known to have and use in the classroom to help pupils attain academic success. These qualities might be favorable or negative, effective or ineffectual (Siemo, 2004). Effective teacher classroom teaching produces the desired results. Teachers’ traits are viewed as a crucial predictor of pupils’ academic performance.

Frequently, the teacher is held accountable for the pupils’ failures. This is despite the awareness that achieving educational goals, academic attendance, and passion for learning are not only the responsibility of teachers and institutions. Teachers play a critical role in a multifaceted learning process. Nonetheless, instructors have been extensively blamed or held accountable in cases of low student accomplishment, even when there is no scientific basis for such blames (Meremikwu, Ibok, Adie, Benimpuye, & Arikpo, 2022a).

Teachers’ traits have a significant impact on the quality of instruction. A teacher is someone who transmits knowledge and interacts with students to affect changes in them. The changes implemented over time may have an impact on students’ academic achievement in the subject. The systematic requirements of classroom setting are determined by the form of classroom interactions and classroom activities, as the teaching-learning process primarily involves the verbalization and manipulation of academic tasks (Meremikwu, Ibok, Adie, E. Benimpuye, & Arikpo, 2022b).

Teacher traits can help students overcome negative emotions like anger, sadness, dissatisfaction, boredom, fear, and anxiety (Farman, 2012). It consistently promotes pleasant emotions such as confidence, satisfaction, appreciation, and safety (Smith, 2010). It aims to improve students’ academic performance by diversifying teaching methodologies (Ibok & Unoh, 2019; Ibok, Meremikwu, Orim, Anditung, & Inah, 2023; Ntibi & Ibok, 2021).

This study identifies certain teacher traits that may influence kids’ academic achievement in schools. These include the teacher’s subject area knowledge, lesson presentation, instructional materials, and teacher-student interactions. According to Esu (2004), classroom teaching needs the effective exhibition of a repertoire of necessary skills, which may or may not enable students to learn effectively. One of these talents, and, of course, the most important characteristic that improves teacher effectiveness, is subject matter expertise (Offorma, 2009).

Mastery of subject matter refers to the degree at which a teacher has a thorough understanding of the subject he teaches as well as the abilities required to teach it. Teachers’ subject matter knowledge has a significant impact on the process of reaching the lesson’s purpose (Emeh & Agba, 2010). Teachers that lack a solid understanding of the subject matter may succeed in fooling students and providing inaccurate information, which is likely to cause problems for both the learners and the teachers who educate them.

Gender disparities among teachers remain a topic of interest, with the majority of studies indicating that there is a widespread assumption that male teachers are better at teaching than female teachers. It is feasible to say that both personal and corporate attitudes, developed due to some gender difference between females and males, are the underlying causes for gender difference being addressed at this level of teaching and learning in secondary schools. Rena (2010) found that the gender of teachers had a consistent influence on the performance of senior secondary school students.

Male and female teachers always differ in their techniques, mental processes, self-concept, and motivation, which can impact student performance in school (Ibok & Unoh, 2019; Ntibi & Ibok, 2021). The term “age” refers to how long teachers have been in existence. It entails categorizing students into different educational levels based on their mental or intellectual development. According to Ibok and Ntibi (2021), when instructors age, their job performance may diminish.

The age of teachers in terms of knowledge obtained and experience may have an impact on pupils’ performance in school, either positively or negatively, depending on the method of knowledge transmission. Self-concept refers to our perceptions of our own behavior, abilities, and distinguishing qualities. It’s a mental image of who someone is. The projected improvement in student performance is predicated on the presence of a reciprocal relationship between instructors’ self-concept and academic achievement.

According to Jones (2012). Teacher thought, believe capacity could either enhance pupils’ academic achievement, positively or badly. According to Adina and Ana (2012), the formation of common ground between teachers and students is a vital component for a strong and sustainable interpersonal relationship as well as good school achievement. In general, the combined influence of teacher traits may have a detrimental or good impact on students’ academic achievement, depending on the instructor’s actions in the classroom.

According to Smith (2010), instructors’ behaviors in the classroom setting may either increase or detract from the quality of their relationship with students, which may have a positive or bad impact on student learning. Negative teachers’ classroom teaching strategies may impede students’ academic achievement, whereas good teachers’ classroom teaching strategies improve students’ success in school.

In other words, the teacher is concerned with all aspects of the kids’ academic development. Armed with this perspective, the researcher aimed to investigate the impact of teacher qualities on academic performance of business education students in Anambra State.