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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00




1.1     Background to the Study

There is an assertion that has become a cliché in marketing sphere that “business begins and ends with advertisement”, meaning that if a brand/company is launched, it needs advertisement to promote its products and in case such a company want to seize to exist, it is the same way they will advertise the company to buyers (Olayinka, 2013). That shows the place of advertisement in a company especially manufacturing industries.

However, outdoor advertising particularly billboard advertisement is the one of the oldest form of advertising media if to trace the history of advertising in the world. According to Bmedia (n.d), the first billboards were invented in the 1830s. They became a popular form of advertising in the 1860s. Thus, one of the advertising media available to brand owners or companies is billboard.

Meanwhile, billboard is a branch of outdoor media. Billboard is usually targeted at passers-by, drivers, those in moving vehicle and pedestrian traffic. They are characterized by attractive models/celebrities images and catchy slogans that attract attention.

In the view of Leo, Ifeyinwa and Nkiru ((2013), a billboard is an outdoor sign or poster you usually see on freeways, highways and streets. Billboard advertising is the use of large signs along roadways to advertise a wide range of products, services and causes (Femi and Adewale, 2017).

The surge in billboard advertising highlights how effective billboards are for promoting products. Typically, billboards are placed in places with high automobile and pedestrian traffic. As a result, people typically see the advertisement on the billboard while walking or driving. Additionally, billboards provide a great deal of locational freedom, allowing for placement exactly where the advertisers intended it (Nwinyinya, 2014).

Additionally, compared to the majority of other media, billboards often have cheaper cost per thousand. They are typically more economical, especially for advertisers with limited resources. The benefits of billboards include exceptionally good color reproduction and representation, the ability to mix text and images, placement over other forms of advertising, and suitability for outdoor use. In contrast to radio and newspapers/magazines, billboards are more effective in promoting any brand or product because they may blend text and images (Nwinyinya, 2014).

Olayinka (2013) writes that the greatest problem encountered by advertisers and their agencies with regard to billboard is site monitoring is usually deficient and so when posters get torn or washed out, it takes a while to discover and repost. This is because the site are usually scattered around geographical locations.

Olayinka (2013) noted that other advertising media are radio, television, newspaper, magazine, poster and ICT (GSM, Social Media, blog, website, videotubes, Apps and games e.t.c. It should be recalled that the emergence of digital signage is a plus to the world of billboard advertisement as its now showcase products in a digital form which has greatly boost products advertisement.

The static advertisement on digital billboards rotate every few seconds, with six to eight sponsors often sharing the same space. Every six to eight seconds, advertisements change. Digital billboards offer tremendous exposure and effect in a variety of areas. The format of digital billboards is adaptable. Advertising messages can be modified every week, every day, or even every hour. Creative approaches might use many design layouts to convey a story or a lot of information. In order for dynamic content to function, a basic creative must first be created with consideration for dynamic content (either text or imagery) (Outdoor Advertising Association of America, 2016). Whether it is a digital billboard or ordinary, the effectiveness, attractiveness and flexibility of products advertisement cannot be over emphasized.

To this end, the research examined the influence of billboard advertisement in products promotion with a view to knowing its impact on the pedestrians and drivers in Lagos  metropolis.

1.2       Statement of Research Problems

Outdoor advertising is intended to be a conduit for exhibiting product capabilities in public settings, but Nwoka, Ezirim, and Maclayton (2005) note that the question on many scholars and resarchers’ minds is whether this channel has actually significantly influenced customer purchasing behaviour. However, since the 1950s, scholars have been building theories to characterize, comprehend, and anticipate consumers’ attitudinal acceptance of billboard commercials (Maclnnis and Jaworski (2009).

Additionally, it has been noted that the public’s varied capacities for aesthetic interpretation and intellectual reasoning have reduced the impact of billboard advertisements on the country’s business and industry. Critics occasionally claim subjectively that a visual design concept is offensive, whereas other.

Additionally, it has been noted that the public’s varied capacities for intellectual reasoning and aesthetic interpretation have reduced the impact of billboard advertisements on the nation’s commerce and industry. Sometimes, critics claim that the physical building itself is distracting to the public and a waste of money, while others claim that the aesthetic design concept is subjectively offensive. This seems to be the reasoning behind the common belief that billboards have no discernible impact on the economy. It is against this backdrop the research investigates the influence of billboard advertisement in products promotion with a particular focus on residents of Lagos.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

  1. To examine the extent to which consumers patronize products advertise via billboard.
  2. To ascertain the extent to which consumers grab billboard advertising messages quickly and easily.

1.4       Research Questions

  1. To what extent do consumers patronize products advertise via billboard?
  2. What extent do consumers grab billboard advertising messages quickly and easily?

1.6       Significance of the Study

It is the belief of the researcher that this study will be useful to lots of students, scholars, consumers of goods and services, policy makers, advertisers, advertising agencies and advertising researchers would stand to gain a lot from the facts contained in this work.

Media industry, advertising agency and others will benefit lots from the research with the view to know what is expected of them in the aspect of advertising and ethics of advertising. It will assist students of mass communication, advertisement, marketing and other related field to understand the concept of advertisement and billboard advertisement in particular.

Future researchers and students will find the material relevant as it will form bulk literature that exist in the field of mass communication, advertising and marketing etc that they can lay hands on when carrying out research related to or similar to this.

1.6       Scope of the Study

The study which investigates the influence of billboard advertisement in products promotion was narrowed in scope to residents of Lagos. Therefore, the geographical scope of this study was within Lagos, Lagos State. Lagos was selected because of its proximity to the researcher as it will be difficult if not impossible to study all residents in across the federation due to the limited time available for this study. , other considerable factors are geographical locations, age, sex and educational background of the respondents will be considered before administration of questionnaire.