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Influence of Workload and School Facilities on Teachers Job Performance in Private Secondary Schools in Nigeria

| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00


workload of teachers


This study was carried out to investigate the influence of workload and school facilities on teacher’s job performance in private secondary schools in Oyo State, Nigeria. To direct the investigation, two hypotheses and four research questions were developed. In order to acquire pertinent information, questionnaires and in-person interviews with instructors and students from particular private secondary schools in Oyo State’s Ibadan South West Local Government Area were conducted.

The population of the study consisted of 134 respondents in total, but the simple size of the study was produced by the distribution of 100 questionnaires to a subset of respondents. According to the analysis, teachers’ work performance at private secondary schools in Ibadan South West L.G.A. is influenced by the amount of subjects they teach, and school facilities have no discernible impact on this regard. In private secondary schools in Ibadan South West L.G.A., Oyo State, it was determined that teachers’ workloads affected their job performance in terms of class size, subjects taught, participation in extracurricular activities, and scoring and computation of student assessments.

The state government was advised to implement a policy mandating that all private schools register with the National proprietor of Private Schools in order to facilitate the free exchange of information between the federal Ministry of Education and state and local governments. Additionally, sports officials from the state ministry of sports council should be assigned to all registered private schools.

                                              CHAPTER ONE


1.1 Background to the Study  

Education is a vital tool for human advancement, self-determination, and contributing to the growth of a country in every human society. This implies that a country without a strong educational philosophy and culture faces the danger of collapsing, but a country that prioritizes the advancement of education is sure to find tremendous success. In every country in the globe, education is crucial. It is crucial to any nation’s ability to transmit its cultural legacy and grow technologically.

Acknowledging the value of education, all countries, including Nigeria, set aside large sums of money each year for it. Bullock (2017) claims that impostors who have no business teaching in a classroom have taken over teaching, which was once a noble vocation. The dearth of work possibilities in the nation has led to an overabundance of unprepared teachers who view teaching as a band-aid solution that should be abandoned as soon as their ideal jobs are secured.

The teacher is the principal knowledge planner and is vital to the development of the country. For this reason, it is critical to assess teachers’ levels of comfort, competence, efficiency, and effectiveness as well as their level of subject-matter expertise, comfort zone instructing, and workload from the school.

The entirety of the tasks—both instructional and non-instructional—that are allocated to a teacher in order to meet the school’s overall learning goals is considered their workload (Aaronson, Barrow, & Sander 2007). After reviewing the research, it is clear that there are a number of variables that continue to hinder instructors’ capacity to fulfill their responsibility of transferring knowledge, skills, and attitudes to pupils. One such reason is workload. As a result, teaching can be extremely demanding for educators.

Class size, the number of subjects teachers teach, the writing and preparation of lesson notes, the response to student complaints, participation in extracurricular activities, marking, and the calculation of students’ continuous assessment scores are some of the factors that have been linked to teachers’ workload in the literature. According to (Bacher-Hicks, Chin, Kane, and Staiger, 2015), teachers believe that having too many students in their classroom might be difficult because of the workload associated with marking scripts and other ongoing evaluations.

There must be more instructional sessions on the schedule in addition to extracurricular activities in order to provide children who require more aid with targeted attention. This could be explained by the poor ratio of available teachers to the demand for education, particularly in Nigeria’s private secondary schools.

Performance, which is a measurement of how successfully a person completes a task assigned to them, affects the success or failure of any organization in which they are employed, including secondary public and private schools.

The accomplishment of school goals and objectives depends greatly on the work performances of instructors in the educational environment. In fact, because of the responsibilities that instructors play in influencing the students, it is important to assess how well they are doing on the job as this could have a long-term impact on the academic success of the students.

Teachers’ responsibilities are split between administration and instruction in the context of this study. The ability of public and private secondary school teachers to carry out their basic administrative and instructional job duties in accordance with the stated decisions, rules, and directives issued by a superordinate (likely the school head) or by the demands of the job would therefore be referred to as teachers’ job performance (Agu, 2021).

The quality of instruction delivered by teachers, the appropriate preparation of lesson notes and plans, the improvisation and efficient use of instructional materials, the accurate monitoring and evaluation of students’ performance, and the regular feedback on students’ performance are all components of their instructional job performance.

Still, the administrative tasks teachers perform include: admitting, classifying, and registering students; evaluating attendance data; taking part in welfare services for students; maintaining proper records; supervising exams; processing exam results; compiling reports from students; and ensuring that students are disciplined (Ayeni, 2017); Wardani, Gunawan, Kusumaningrum, Benty, Sumarsono, Nurabadi, Handayami, Ubaidillah & Maulina (2020).

As one of the most significant stakeholders in the educational system of any country, private secondary schools in today’s competitive society need teachers who can effectively carry out their instructional and administrative job tasks (Limon & Sezgin-Nartgun, 2020).

According to Faremi (2021), teachers’ task performance refers to their ability to effectively carry out their given activities and obligations inside the educational system. Byas and Rue (2000) viewed teachers’ task performance as a result of job completion. It assesses job performance and compliance with school policies, expectations, and educational objectives.

According to Faremi (2021), a teacher’s task performance includes successful teaching, classroom administration, student discipline, motivation, and leadership positions within the educational system. According to Adejumobi and Ojikutu (2013), various factors, including class preparation, job commitment, supervision, and evaluation, might impact instructors’ performance.

It is crucial to remember that the effectiveness of an educational system is mostly determined by the actions of its teaching staff. According to Kukuru (2011) and Omolayo and Oluwafemi (2012), an organization’s success is largely dependent on how successful its workforce is, including secondary school teachers.

The school facilities, which include the classroom, libraries, technical workshops, laboratories, as well as teacher’s effectiveness and school management etc are variables that affect teacher’s job performance (Ajayi, 2008). Hence, the school environment remains an important area that should be studied and well managed to enhance teacher’s job performance and student’s academic performance.

Therefore, task performance is a crucial factor that could affect the achievement of corporate goals and objectives. Teachers’ ability to complete tasks effectively is crucial to the operation of a school because it helps students meet their short- and long-term learning goals. The success, contentment, and environment of the classroom are significantly impacted by the work that teachers do (Haldimann et al., 2023; Duckworth et al., 2020).

According to Akiri (2013), it makes sense to train and develop academic staff members not only because doing so will increase productivity, work quality, employee morale, and reduce waste, but also because failing to do so will seriously jeopardize the organization’s future.

This brings us to the investigation of how teachers’ job performance in Oyo State’s private secondary schools is impacted by their workload. Put another way, a country’s ability to develop its human resources is a major factor in that country’s development. Therefore, investing money in infrastructure development when human resources are not developed is a pointless endeavor.

The workload, which includes class size, the number of subjects teachers teach, creating lesson plans for more than two subjects, handling student complaints, participating in extracurricular activities, marking and computing students’ continuous assessment scores, and other factors, is what determines how well teachers perform in their jobs in this study.



1.2 Statement of the Problem

The secondary education system’s administrative framework is intended to help pupils get ready for college admissions as well as for their future careers as independent contractors. Private secondary schools are included under this system of administration. The West African Examination Council (WAEC, 2007) reports that there is a significant percentage of examination misconduct and failure, which has been attributed to the teachers who are instructing these students.

This raises concerns about the caliber of educators as well as the causes of the student examination malpractice and failure trend, which is attributed to them. Examination malpractice and failure have been documented in private secondary schools in Oyo State, therefore the situation is not any different there. Test failure and test misconduct are still documented in many of the private secondary schools in the Ibadan South West local government area, despite the presence of qualified teachers in these institutions.

This made a study of this kind necessary to investigate the reason behind the exam misconduct and failure. Even though other researchers have put forth various factors that affect teachers’ job performance, the researcher felt that a study of this kind was necessary to address the following factors: school facilities, the teacher’s large class sizes, the number of subjects they teach, the writing of lesson notes for multiple subjects, responding to numerous student complaints, participating in extracurricular activities at school, and marking and computing a large number of student assessment scripts that may have an impact on workload on teachers’ job performance in private secondary schools in Ibadan South West L.G.A.