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Information And Communication Skills Needed By Business Studies Teachers

| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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Communication in the Classroom | Skills for Teachers


at this study, the information and communication technology (ICT) abilities required for business studies teachers at junior high schools in Adamawa State were examined. Four research questions were created and addressed, and three research hypotheses were created and evaluated in order to accomplish this wide goal. This study was carried out using a survey research design. 129 business studies instructors from four different educational zones in the state made up the study’s population. There was no sampling because the population was sizable. Three experts from the department of Vocational Teacher Education at the University of Nigeria Nsukka face evaluated a structured questionnaire that was used as the instrument for data collection. A reliability coefficient of 0.77 was found using the Cronbach alpha method to assess the instrument’s internal consistency. Four research assistants assisted in the collection of the study’s data. The mean, standard deviation, t-test, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to examine the data that was obtained. The research topics were addressed using the mean. The standard deviation was used to gauge how closely or distantly the respondents’ opinions aligned with the mean and with one another. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test hypotheses 2 and 3 at the P0.05 level of significance whereas the t-test was used to test the null hypothesis 1. Tables were utilized for data presentation and analysis. The results showed that business studies teachers required all of the computer appreciation, word processing, internet use, and data processing skills identified; there was no significant difference between the mean ratings of responses from male and female business studies teachers on the listed ICT skill needed by teachers for effective instruction; there was also no significant difference between the mean ratings of responses from business studies teachers according to their education zones on t. It was suggested that business education departments in institutions of higher learning where business studies teachers are being trained should be fully equipped with ICT tools in order to give them the necessary training and give the teachers the full knowledge and skills they would pass on to their students. Business studies instructors need to be retrained in the use of ICTs in order to expand their prospects for professional growth. This will enable them to integrate and make use of ICTs in junior secondary schools.


 Background of the Study
Since the Nigeria Education and Research Development Council (NERDC) introduced a modern curriculum into the school system, there has been growing interest in integrating innovations like Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into the teaching and learning of business studies. Computers and other electronic devices are used in information and communication technology (ICT) to process information. In order to effectively attain and realize its potentials in education, Nworgu (2008) claimed that ICT refers to a wide variety of facilities or technologies involved in information processing and electronic communication. According to Valasidou (2008), ICT is a cutting-edge instructional technology that gives teachers the ability to alter the teaching and learning procedures to improve students’ interest. According to Brown (2009), ICT is essential for achieving a variety of educational goals, including increasing citizen access to education at all levels and enhancing the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process.
ICTs for education and ICTs in education are the two main divisions used by Daniels (2002) to explain how information and communication technologies are used in the educational process. While ICTs in education refers to the incorporation of generic ICT components in the teaching and learning process, ICTs for education refers to the creation of ICT particularly for teaching and learning reasons. ICT use in the classroom is heavily dependent on the teachers who will be using it to instruct the students, according to Effiong (2005). Teachers must be able to integrate ICT into both teaching and learning for this to be possible. Okereke (2008) stated that the use of ICT in teaching and learning increases the efficiency and effectiveness of instruction. ICT is seen in this context as a form of innovation that enables business studies teachers to facilitate the teaching and learning of the subject.

The academic discipline of business studies exposes students to the reality of corporate operations. The course is intended to give students a basic understanding of business principles and procedures. According to Okute (2008), business studies is the core subject that deals with the accumulation, preservation, and expansion of wealth. According to Osuala (2004), business studies enable students to make wise choices in their day-to-day dealings. According to Obi (2005), business studies helps those already working in the industry become more productive and move to more senior positions in the company. According to NERDC (2007), business studies will give students the opportunity to:
acquire the basic knowledge of business studies;
develop the basic skills in office occupation;
prepare for further training in business studies;
have basic skills with which to start a life of work;
have basic skills for personal use in future;

 Connect their newly gained knowledge and abilities to the national economy. The effectiveness of the teachers, who carry out the curriculum, can help to accomplish these goals.
A teacher is a person who has received training in pedagogy and the subject matter they teach in order to convey information, abilities, and attitudes to pupils in an educational setting. Olaitan, Alaribe, and Nwobu (2009) define a teacher as a person who imparts knowledge, abilities, and attitudes to students. According to Okute and Agomuo (2010), a teacher is a facilitator of learning who aids students in realizing their full academic, emotional, and social potentials in terms of profession choice and transition. A teacher, according to Garba and Dambe (2007), is someone who has both practical and theoretical knowledge of their line of work, has a good understanding of the people they instruct, and makes sure to always be learning more about it. There are both male and female instructors in business studies. These educators receive their training at various higher education institutions, where they also gain a variety of credentials. A business studies teacher is defined in this study as someone who has received training in business education’s pedagogical areas and is responsible for conveying acquired information, skills, and attitudes related to business studies to students in junior secondary schools. Young people between the ages of 11 and 18 attend secondary school. According to the National Policy on Education (FRN, 2004), secondary education is the phase of a child’s education that comes after elementary education but before tertiary study. Junior and senior sections are separate in secondary schools. The junior secondary school combines academics with pre-vocational training. Depending on their level of ICT proficiency, business studies teachers can teach ICT to students.

A person’s ability to complete a task successfully as a consequence of training and practice is known as their skill. According to Soanes (2001), skill is the capacity to do an action satisfactorily, particularly as a result of extensive experience. According to Obi (2005), skill is manual dexterity that is developed by repeated use of an action. According to Osinem and Nwaoji (2005), skill is the competence demonstrated by someone when carrying out a specific work. ICT proficiency is a skill needed by business studies instructors in Adamawa State to deliver successful lessons to junior high school pupils.



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