Parent’s Socio-Economic Background And Academic Performance Of Primary Schools Pupils In Basic Science
| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|
Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE
Amount: ₦3,000.00
This study examined Parent’s Socio-Economic Background And Academic Performance Of Primary Schools Pupils In Basic Science in Ukanafun Local Government Area. The population of the study consisted of all the primary school pupils in Ukanafun Local Government Area estimated about (2,154). A sample size of 120 pupils were selected from eight (8) primary schools to form a sample size through a simple random sampling technique. The design used was Descriptive survey method. Two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The instrument used for data collection was Questionnaire and Basic Science Achievement Test (BSAT) for the data collection. The data collected was analyzed using independent t-test.
The findings revealed that, there is no significant influence between parent’s income level and academic performance of primary schools pupils in Basic Science in Ukanafun Local Government Area. It was also concluded that, there is no significant influence between parent’s occupational status and academic performance of primary schools pupils in Basic Science in Ukanafun Local Government Area. Also recommended that Parents should provide their children with essential materials that will help them improve their academic performance in Basic Science in Ukanafun Local Government Area.
1.1 Background to the Study
It is an established fact that certain characteristics of the family affect educational performance of the pupils. Among this characteristics are the extent to the which the home environment stimulates intellectuals development, the socio economic status, and academic guide provided by the parent and facilities available for learning. Socio-economic status or background is a definite background variable that represents a features of the social structure in society (Rossi, 2003). It is a fact that families where the parents having special right or advantages educationally, socially and economically, promote a higher level of success in their offspring. They also give higher levels of psychological support for their children through enriched atmosphere that promote and encourage the development of skills required for success at school.
The socio-economic status of a child is usually determined by parental educational level/ status, parental income level and parental occupational status (Jeynes, 2002). Saifi and Mehmood (2011) state that socio-economic status is a combined measure of economic and social position of an individual or family relative to others on the basic of income, educational occupation.
It is understood that low socio-economic status negatively and depressingly affects pupils academic performance because due to low socio-economic status, a pupils does not have access to importance learning resources and generates additional stress and tension at home.
Sicleman (2012) found that those children who socio-economic status was strong show better academic performance and those with poor and unsatisfactory academic performance. Other researchers states that for many years researches have revealed that pupils do not show effective performance in school whose parental socio-economic background is low. The academic performance of pupils is negatively correlated with the low parental socio-economic status level as it prevents in individual in gaining access to sources and resource of learning. Most of the experts believes that the low socio-economic background negatively affect the academic performance of students because due to low socio-economic background status their need, wants and demands remain unfulfilled and that is why they do not show better academic performance Farooq (2011) concluded that the higher level of socio-economic background is the best indicators which plays a fundamental role in promoting quality of pupils performance.
Status differentiation is an important feature of every society all over the world. In Nigeria, a common type of classification is in terms of socio-economic status. Few studies have seriously examined socio-economics status for its influence on achievement and the number of tem is even smaller in the field of foreign language learning .Onukwbiri (2001) defined socio-economic status as the social-economic standing of a person in the society as measured by his income level of educational, occupation and profession. Other measures of parents socio-economic background according to Augustine in (2009) opined that there are three levels of socio-economic background designated as upper ,middle, and lower which are difference in such characteristics as home environment ,child rearing practices, and pattern of socialization, among others.
However, parents in the above category can affect the services of a part time teacher to teach the children after school hours, together with providing the child with providing with good balanced (diet),the middle class families(homes) posses some of the facilities but in lower degree , Augustine further stated that children from lower socio-economic background come from handicapped home/environment where facilities, amenities and other non-existed or grossly inadequate.
1.2 Statement of Problem
Primary schools in Ukanafun local Government Area, pupils from different parental background are taught by the same basic science teacher under the same conditions and exposed to the same facilities .The difference in the performance among these pupil is therefore not entirely attributed to the quality of teaching, availability of instructional facility and the pupils intelligence but due to difference in parents socio-economic background for a well trained and qualified teachers produces as well trained pupils in schools. Durajaiye (2000). This prove that family exerts a profound pressure on the child intellectual development.
Therefore, there are obvious differences in the income level/background, parent level of education, family variables/environment pattern of socialization and child reading, it therefore become necessary to find out the nature of influence between a parent’s socio-economic background as measure by their income level, occupational and societal status and the children’s performance in Basic Science.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The objective of the study is to examine the influence of parent socio-economic background and academic performance of primary schools pupils in Basic science in Ukanafun local Government Area. Specifically, the study will seek to:
i. Find out parent income background and academic performance of primary schools pupils in Basic science.
ii Find parent occupational level and academic performance of primary school pupil in Basic science in Ukanafun Local Government Area.
1.4 Significance of the study
This study will be immense benefit to teachers, pupils, parents, researchers and academic institutes in the following ways;
- it is hoped that the information gained in this study will help pupils, to engage in extensive practical experiment above all, this study also aimed at enabling pupils understand Basic science.
- The study may serve as a good background research input to the implementation of Basic science curriculum to all the primary schools in the chosen study area.
- The study will also serve as a source of future research in the area of the study, extended to cover the state and / or the country.
- Financial the findings the help educational administrator to adopt administrative practice in Basic science subject that will favour pupils from lower, middle and upper socio-economic background.
1.5 Research Questions
The study will seek to answer the following research question.
- How does parent income level influence academic performance of primary school pupils in Basic science.
- How does parents occupational status affect academic performance of pupils in primary schools in Basic Science.
1.6 Research hypotheses
The following research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study.
- There is no significant influence of parent income level on academic performance of primary pupils in Basic science.
- There is no significant influence of occupational background on academic performance of primary schools pupils in Basic science.
1.7 Delimitation of the study
The study focus on parent socio-economic background and academic performance of primary school pupils in Basic science, only in the selected primary schools in Ukanafun Local Government Area.
1.8 Limitation of the Study
In writing a research study like this, certain limitation are bound to occur, those include among others.
i. The time given for the completion of this study was inadequate to make a research like this have a wide scope.
ii. Financial constraint exerted pressure on the study as the researcher security and enough financial manpower to enable her expand the scope of the study.
1.9 Operational definition of terms.
Socio-economic Background: Is the social and economic standing of a person in a society as measure by his home level, level of education, occupation and career.
Academic performance: The level of knowledge or skills attained by pupil in a given subject usually designed by them during the process of assignment.
Status: This is the position or rank of someone or something when compared to others in a society, organization or group.
Background: The origin of an individual which can be related to educational, occupational and socio-economic status, while such and individual based.
Basic science: This refers to research which is no pursued with the aim of producing new technologies
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