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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

Account Details



The study was conducted to investigate the poor sanitation and health of primary school students. To steer the investigation, four research questions and four hypotheses were proposed. To collect replies from respondents, the study used descriptive survey approach. To answer the study questions, frequency counts and percentages were used. At the.05 significant level, chi-square analyses were utilized to evaluate the hypotheses. According to the study’s findings, the sanitary state of elementary schools in the study area was shown to be hazard to the health of the students. As result of the poor hygienic environment and the lack of active and committed education of students to maintain sanitary lifestyles.




1.1 Background to the study

Poor school sanitation is detrimental to the health of the learners and teachers, and is an issue of great concern in our public primary schools. Sanitation and hygiene remain a challenge in most primary schools.

The sanitary conditions of schools in rural and urban areas are often creating health hazard and other negative impacts, thus, indicating that schools are not safe for teaching and learning for the pupils.


Sanitary facilities are either nonexistent, too few or inadequate due to poor maintenance. Lack of facilities, such as water, toiler system and wash hand basins. Form part of the major problems in rural and urban primary schools. However, where these facilities are present, they are not adopted to the needs of the pupils.


School Sanitation comprises those activities carried out in schools to protect the pupils and staff from the adverse effect of insanitary and unsafe school environment. Insanitary school environment exposes the child to physical, biological and psychosocial hazards. (Park, 2011). Also, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined sanitation as the provision of facilities. Also, services for safe disposal of human urine and faeces( WHO,2012).

Improved sanitation facilities includes Flush or pour to piped sewer system/septic tank/pit larine. Ventilated pit latrine, pit latrine with a slab or a composting toilet. (World Health Organization and WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation 2006).

Oxford Advance Dictionary (2007) defines sanitation as the equipment and system that keep places clean especially by removing human waste, disease resulting from poor sanitation.

Disease related to poor sanitation and latrine availability causes many pupils to fall ill or even die. Pupils are the most vulnerable to health hazards and consequently are affected the most. Million people died because of diarrhea disease of which the majorities were children.


In addition, poor sanitation has led to the infestation of nearly a billion people largely children with a variety of worm infections, with its corresponding costs of health and energy. The   impact of poor sanitation and hygiene is known to be disastrous for small children. It also has an important impact on the health of schools age children including adolescents.

Water and sanitation related disease affecting children include diarrhea, trachoma, schistosomiasis, scabies and guinea worm( Pinto, Velebit, & Shibuya, 2008). This major initiative involved (UNICEF) and key partners who call on decision – makers. To increases investment in the area of safe water supply and sanitation concerns (WHO, 2008).


Some studies carried out in few public primary schools in the state revealed the poor sanitary state of most primary schools, present threats to the health of the pupils and teachers.

Beside lack of sanitary facilities, like functional water supply. Water system latrines and wash hand basins in the classrooms and other sanitary facilities that guarantee good health of the pupils. Most schools lack parameter fencing that restricted free entry into the schools. Thus, to defecate after school official hours. (Usip &Nwosu; Atting, Ukpe & Usip, 2013).


It is obvious that lack of sanitation and hygiene is a public primary school requires and urgent issue and concern. Therefore, all of these have compromised pupils’ attendance and performance at school and most commonly can result to death. However, various efforts made by successive administrations  have not shown  significant improvement. Specifically, in  the sanitation and hygiene of the primary schools to guarantee safe hygiene environment for teaching and learning activities of the pupils.


Statement of the Problem

Schools, particularly those in rural areas, often completely lack drinking water and  other sanitation facilities;  such as wash hand basins, water system toilets, etc.

However, where such facilities do exist they are often inadequate in both quality and quantity. Schools with poor water, sanitation and hygiene conditions. Also, intense level of person to person contact are high risk environment for children and staff, and exacerbate children’s particular susceptibility to environmental health hazards. The international policy environment increasingly reflects these issues. Providing adequate level of water supply, sanitation and hygiene in schools is of direct relevance to the United Nation (UN). Millennium developing goals of achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality and reducing child mortality. It is also supportive of other goals, especially those on major disease and infant mortality.


Objective of the Study

Generally, the study will examine the poor school sanitation and health of pupils in primary schools.


Specific Objectives of the study

The study will specifically examine the following:

  1. The availability of water system and toilet facilities in the primary schools.
  2. The knowledge and  attitudes in the use of the available sanitary facilities by the teachers and the pupils in primary schools .
  3. The general cleanliness of the school environment and the sanitation facilities in primary schools as a means to health improvement of pupils in primary schools.
  4. The extent of level of compliance to sanitation roles by the pupils and teachers in the primary schools.


Research Questions

  1. What is the relationship between availability of water system and toilet facilities and school sanitation in the primary schools?
  2. What is the relationship between the knowledge and attitudes in the use of the available sanitation facilities and the health of the pupils in primary schools ?
  3. What is the relationship between the general cleanliness of the school environment and the sanitation facilities and health of the pupils in primary schools?
  4. What is the relationship between the level of compliance to sanitation roles by the pupils and teachers and health of the pupils in primary schools?


Statement of Hypotheses

  1. There is no significant relationship between availability of water system and toilet facilities and school sanitation.
  2. There is no significant relationship between pupils’ knowledge and attitudes in the use of    the available toilet facilities and their health in primary schools.
  3. There is no significant relationship between the general cleanliness of the school environment and the sanitation facilities and health of the pupils in primary schools.
  4. There is no significant relationship between the level of compliance to sanitation roles by the pupils/ teachers and health of the pupils in the primary schools.


Significance of the study

The study will be significant to users of the materials. The teachers will be able to reappraise the sanitation of the school environment. The result of the study will bring out the inclusion of sanitation teaching in the curriculum by curriculum planners in the school system.

The result of the study will provoke the appointment of environmental officers and their postings to primary and secondary school. Finally, the study will add to the existing knowledge of the area.



Account Number: 0709546102

Access Bank: Savings
Account Name: Emmanuel Idorenyin Samuel.