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prevalence of Hiv/aids among patient attending government health office ope rubcohi

| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

Account Details

HIV prevalence: Nigeria moving towards epidemic control – National  Coordinator - Vanguard News




Particularly in a developing nation like Nigeria, the spread of HIV/AIDS in the community has been a major source of worry. Many people appear to be uneducated or unaware of the disease’s route of transmission, prevention strategies, general methods for avoiding infection, and what to do if they contract the fatal illness. With over 2.8 million deaths, despair, lost economic man-hours, and general regress in a country’s socio-economic growth, the deadly HIV/AIDS virus has long been a major health concern in many nations throughout the world.

The disease-causing agent that results in Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is known as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The pathogen penetrates the body by targeting the immune system. This onslaught gradually wears down the body’s defenses, decreasing the person’s resistance to infection. The academic exercise is centered on the Government Health Office Sabon Gari Hospital in Zaria, Kaduna State. It aims to determine the prevalence of the affliction among patients who attend GHO over a four-year period (2012-2015).It is a zone one hospital run by the fifth local authority. One of Kaduna State’s 23 local government areas is Sabon Gari, Soba, Igabi, Kudan, and Zaria, which has its administrative headquarters at Old Zaria City. The second largest LGA in terms of land mass, population, economic activity, and industry is located about 76 kilometers from Kaduna, the State capital, and has an estimated population of 408,198 (according to the 2006 population census). Its 13 political wards, which are mostly inhabited by several ethnic groups, including Hausas, who make up over 95% of the population, as well as Fulani and other minority tribes, adequately represent the region’s variety.

Statement Of The Problem

Every society is assessed based on the value and significance it gives to the human conscience and dignity, not on its technological accomplishments. As a result, it is thought that ignorance is a fatal sickness that may wipe out a whole community like a virus while also rendering people less capable of becoming useful members of society. Many individuals, it is argued, are unaware about the underlying causes of HIV/AIDS, as well as its causes, prevention, control, and management strategies. For these reasons, a lot of patients lead dangerous lives that ultimately cause them to get the fatal disease. The community needs to be aware of the HIV prevention, control, and contact methods in order to decide what to do. Who and who are at danger, and how to manage each person’s condition to lower the disease’s prevalence.

Objectives Of The Study

  1. The purpose of this study is to encourage each person, their family, and the community as a whole to collectively identify and use the health resources, interventions, and activities that will help them value and pursue a healthy lifestyle and lower the high risk of HIV infection throughout society.
  • To stimulate the individual, family and group of people in the community.
  • To collectively identify adequate use of available health resources.
  • To intervent the health activities that would make them value good health.
  • To reduce the risk of HIV infection in the vulnerable group of adolescent.
  • To find out the ways to prevent and control HIV/AIDS infection.

1.3     Significance Of The Study

To educate the public through raising awareness in the community to prohibit risky behavior that will accelerate the spread of HIV infection is the main goal of this study. To encourage each person, their family, and local communities to collectively improve health and prevent disease by living healthy lives. To make people shift their negative behaviors into positive ones.

  • Scope Of The Study

This study is undertaken to cover a period of four years (2012 – 2015) and is delimited to government health office hospital Sabon Gari Zaria, in Kaduna State. One hundred questionnaires were administered in the course of the research work. The information or data collected will be analyzed with the use of simple formular percentage. The study zeroed in on only patient in the focused hospital with a view to finding out the prevalence of HIV/AIDS Scourge over the period.

  • Limitations

The most salient constraints with respect to this research work are time and finances to do a thorough job. Firstly, the study was undertaken within a period of short time, immediately after semester examinations. Apart from other official and family commitments, the time limit allocated to this study is grossly inadequate.

Secondly, the cost of transportation fares and stationeries are unbearably high, coupled with the unstable salaries pay for workers are a constraint to the exercise.



HIV: Human Immune-Deficiency Virus, a causative agent responsible for the AIDS infection.

AIDS: Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome.

ACQUIRED: Means the virus passed from person to person.

IMMUNE: There are body soldiers (White Blood Cells) used to protect the body against the invasion of foreign (germs) which causes particular infection.

DEFICIENCY: Means there is less protection response to the Immune System.

SYNDROME: Is a group and symptoms that appear to indicate that a person has AIDS.

VIRUS: Is the smallest living Micro-organism that cause disease. Eg. HIV virus

WINDOW PERIOD: A period after infected with HIV before body creates Antibodies to the virus or is the usual time range between infection and sero-conversion.

HETERO SEXUAL: Is the sexually attracted by the opposite sex (man and woman).

HOMO SEXUAL: Is the sexually attracted by the one’s own sex (same sex).

W.H.O.: World Health Organization.

CD4 COUNT: Is a blood test that measure the number of CD4 cells in a cubic millimeter of blood. CD4 cell help to protect the body from getting infection.



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Account Name: Emmanuel Idorenyin Samuel.