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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00




1.1     Background to the Study

It began as a colonial government monopoly in Nigeria in the 1930s when the British Empire Broadcasting Service of the colonialists introduced the relay re-diffusion system, allowing subscribers to access only “channels” that were “on” or “off” on their “radio sets.” From there, it evolved into regional governments’ dominance in the late 1950s and early 1960s, then the Federal Government’s annexation and monopolization from 1976 to 1992, when the seeds of liberalization were planted to allow private participation in Nigeria’s broadcast media landscape. As a result, radio stations have remained highly prevalent (Alao and Olayinka, 2018).         

Due to its widespread reception, radio is one of the least expensive and most efficient ways to reach a diverse range of listeners. That made it superior to other mainstream media. Due to its portability, radios may be enjoyed practically anywhere at the office, market, house, indoor vehicle, and even on farms. Nowadays, a large number of people have access to radio because practically every mobile phone has radio capabilities that allow users to listen to radio programs. This has increased people’s accessibility to radio stations (Alao and Olayinka, 2018).

A radio is an electrical device that transmits messages, information, and communication via electromagnetic waves. It has certain characteristics that set it apart from television broadcasting (Oyekanmi, 2006). Radio may provide individuals a voice and serve as a platform for communication between the public and the government. Radio picks up this duty, making ensuring that programming includes and represents the most vulnerable segments of society. These local audiences are informed, educated, and made more aware of by community radio stations about topics that impact their life, such as human rights, water, education, and health.  Radio is a true instrument for local development in this sense (Abiola, 2010). A community radio station is any location where programming is broadcast to a wide range of listeners. The community is always the target audience for the programs that are broadcast. It is noteworthy that the expansion of radio stations in Nigeria is attributed mostly to the deregulation of broadcast media.

Nonetheless, the 1979 constitution planted the seeds for Nigeria’s broadcast business to become more liberalized. The document’s Section 39, among other things, said that “everyone shall be entitled to own, establish, and operate any medium for the dissemination of information, ideas, and opinions provided that no person shall own, establish, or operate a television or wireless broadcasting station for any purpose whatsoever, other than the Government of the Federation or of a state or any other person or body authorized by the president” (Momoh, 2002).

          The important point in this context is the provision of the constitution that “… any other person or body authorized by the president…” could “.. own, establish or operate…” a broadcast station. Furthermore, it is worth noting that twenty and three years later, that seed manifested in the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission, NBC Decree 38 of 1992. Before that year, all legal and constitutional instruments in force in the country effectively made broadcasting an exclusive preserve of the Federal and State Governments.

However, when it was promulgated on 24th August 1992, the Decree established the National Broadcasting Commission, NBC, and empowered it to accept and screen applications for the issuance of licenses for private participation in broadcasting in the country. The commission was also mandated to renew and revoke licenses where and when it deems fit, and also to generally monitor and regulate broadcasting in Nigeria.

          In 1994, the commission granted the first set of licenses to some firms and individuals. But private broadcasting operations per se started two years later in 1996 with the emergence of Clapper Board Television on Channel 45 UHF. Later that same year, Ray Power, the first private radio, began broadcasting on 100.5 mega hertz on the frequency modulation band.          

Since the debut of the first private television and radio stations, the number of broadcast stations in the country has raised to over 100, according to Dr. Silas Yisa, the Director-General of the NBC while that of government has continue to multiply as each state of the federation is boost of at least a radio station.

          It is against this backdrop that the research examines the proliferation of radio station and its implication on media performance with a focus on Ray Power FM 100.5, Alagbado (private radio), Eko FM, 89.7 Ikeja (state radio) and  FRCN 6090 Lagos (Federal radio) are selected to represent other radio stations because it is very difficult if not impossible to study all radio stations in Nigeria.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

          The proliferation of radio stations in Nigeria has both negative and positive implication on the media performance as it offers people access to multiple of channels, it empowers many media graduates, it breaks government media mono-poly among other while it also create channel jam, unhealthy rivalry among radio station, using radio for personal ideology rather than national development, it affect the advert generation of each radio station among others. 

          To this end, the research examine the proliferation of fm station and its implication on media performance with a focus on Ray Power FM 100.5, Alagbado (private radio), Eko FM, 89.7 Ikeja (state radio)  and  FRCN 6090 Lagos (Federal radio) are selected to represent other radio stations because it is very difficult if not impossible to study all radio stations in Nigeria.

1.3     Research Questions

  1. Has the growth offm stations improved radio performance in Nigeria?
  2. To what extent has proliferation of fm stations brought an end to government monopoly of broadcasting media?

 1.4    Objectives of the Study

  1. To examine whether the growth of fm stations improved radio performance in Nigeria.
  2. To what extent has proliferation of fm stationsbrought an end to government monopoly of broadcasting media.

1.5     Significance of the Study

  • It is expected at the end of this study that, it will update knowledge within the framework of the study. Particularly, it will assist people’s views on the usefulness of radio in general development, mobilization and awareness.
  • Media practitioners will also gain from the research findings as it will expose them to what responsibilities media are to play in society.
  • It will also serve as reference materials for future researchers who may want to expand or explore on study relating to this work.
  • This study will draw the attention of government to empower media practitioners through suitable press freedom to enable media serve as watchdog.

1.6     Scope of the Study

          The research which investigates the proliferation of fm station and its implication on media performance has been narrowed in scope to Ray Power FM 100.5, Alagbado (private radio), Eko FM, 89.7 Ikeja (state radio)  and  FRCN 6090 Lagos (Federal radio). Thus, the geographical location of this study is Lagos state.

The choice of Ray Power FM 100.5, Eko FM, 89.7 Ikeja and FRCN 6090 Lagos in Lagos state is due to the proximity to the researcher, inadequate time to study all f.m radio in Lagos among other logistics. Also, the demographic factors of the respondents will carefully study before the administration of research instruments such factors include: age, gender, academic level e.t.c 

1.7     Operational Definition of the Terms

Proliferation: The growth of radio stations in Nigeria especially after deregulation of the sector since 1992.

Privatization/deregulation: Is the act of allowing private investors into broadcasting industry to set up either radio or television station.

Broadcast media: These are electronic media of communication to larger and wider audience receiving the signal simultaneously.

NBC: National Broadcasting Commission.



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