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Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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Street trading and rate, the causes and the effect in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. The objective or aim of this study are is to proffer solution to the causes of street trading and rape in Oredo Local Government of Edo State. The population of the study were made up of one hundred and twenty people selected from six community or wards in Oredo Local Government Area. The instrument used for the investigation of data was the questionnaire. The researcher hereby recommended policy maker to eliminate street trading and to enlighten the people or citizens on the causes of rape and its effect in Oredo Local Government Area.

                                  CHAPTER ONE



The increase of street trading and rape over the years in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State cannot be overemphasized. Any critical observer of Nigerians socio-economic condition will agree that the living condition of some people are below standard. It can be observed that majority of these street trading are exposed to danger, for instance female street vendors frequently become victims of rate, this is dangerous because forced sexual activity may cause infection that may cause irreparable damage to her reproductive system. This project therefore will examine street trading and rape in Oredo Local government Area of Edo State. Oredo Local Government Area is one of the three local government areas that make up the state capital, Benin City with its administrative headquarter at king square in the city centre. The people there are mostly sole proprietors, small scale traders and also street traders and as such could not afford large scale enterprises, hence they embrace little that can yield income for them to cater for themselves and families. Some examples of the traders done on street are;

1)   Sales of recharge cards

2)  Mini provision kiosks

3)  Retail shops

4)  Selling of corn

5)  Roasting of plantain (i.e. bole). Etc.

Street trading according to Uwoyo (1995) is a trade done on a public road in city, town or village. It is as a result of low financial status of the people with the inability of creating lager business enterprises that can yield good income street trading in Oredo Local Government Areas is mostly caused by poverty. For example; a commercial motorcyclist popularly known as Okada Riders, with a family if 6 (six) children and whose wife finds it difficult to use the money gotten from his Okada Business to cater for his family will set up a little sole proprietorship business or give his wife little money to open any street trade to help the family. However in another view by Nwoyo (2005), street trading can also be caused by lack of education, high birth rate, frustration, etc.

Okeyo (1998) gave the following as the main criteria used to describe street trading:

1)   It is usually sited on streets

2)   It is usually a sole proprietorship business

3)   Financial strength

4)   Scale of value

5)   Relative size and initial capital outlay

Basically, as a manifestation of various attempts by the developing world to chart the course of new economic growth and development, it is also vital to note the prospects; Ogoke (2005) explained that in Nigeria, street trading constitutes the largest proportion of societal trade sector.


  1. This work is designed to show the causes and the effect of rape.
  2. To examine the factor responsible for rape.
  3. This research work is also designed to suggest workable solution to the problems of street trading and rape.


  1. To examine the factors responsible for street trading
  2. To enlighten people about the effect of street trading and rape.
  3. To bring government attention to street trading.
  4. To proffer solution to these factors responsible for street trading and rape.


1) Does the government play any major role in minimizing street trading in Oredo Local Government in Edo State?

2) Does street trading affects the people in Oredo Local Government?

3) Can Street trading and rape be minimized in Oredo Local Government Area.

4) What are the reasons for rape?

5)   What are the role of parents in street trading?

6)   What are the causes of street trading?


The major significance of this study is to proffer solution to the menace of street trading and rape in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. it is hoped that the study will help in minimizing problems associated with street trading and will increase the body of knowledge on the operation of street trading which is in form of sole Proprietorship business, it is also helped that the study will be useful to economic planners, sole proprietors, street traders and decision makers.


This research work is limited to Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. It is to examine the causes and the effect of street trading and rape in Oredo Local Government Area. The validity of this entire result is limited to the accuracy of the information supplied by the respondents.

The researcher encounters some constraints which limited the scope of the study;

FINANCE: Due to the nature of office and business within the scope, the researcher spends a lot of money on visiting, traveling from one location to another, from one office to the other and even had to repeat a visit more than three times to seek for information, all these involves money considering the financial constraint of the researcher and limited resources available to her.

SOURCES OF INFORMATION: Many registered and non-registered staffs of citizens and residents in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State were reluctant to give out or provide information about the research, since they believe that street trading and rape is something very confidential and therefore could not open up to the researcher.

INADEQUATE RECORD KEEPING: Some of the respondents visited were unable to present complete and comprehensive records of their business .while some were not keeping proper records of their business activities and as such could not give adequate and correct information on the effect of vat on their businesses rippling on the economy of Nigeria.

TIME: Time constraint has been another vital limitation and obstacle towards effective realization of the main objectives of this study. Time was really not on my side since I have to combine the little time left with my academic work and preparation.


Street trading: Street trading is defined as the selling or offering for sale of any article in the street. Traders who use the public highway to sell goods or services must have a street trading licence to carry out trade from a designated site/pitch and display of goods in front of a shop.

Rape: Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without that person’s consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercionabuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability or is below the legal age of consent.

Street hawking: Street hawking is the commonest form of child labor in Nigeria. Although street hawking is very pervasive, there is the increasing need to fully understand its pattern and effects on those involved in hawking particularly adolescents who combine schooling with hawking.

Poverty: According to the WIKEPEDIA, the free encyclopaedia (2007), poverty is the deprivation of those things that determine the quality of life including food, clothing, shelter and good drinking water, but also such intangible things as the opportunity to learn and enjoy the respect of fellow citizens.


This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), statement of problem, objectives of the study, research question, significance or the study, research methodology, definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two highlight the theoretical framework on which the study is based, thus the review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study.




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