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The Design and Construction of an Electrical Stove with Three-Oven Apartment

| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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Gas vs. electric stoves: Breaking down some burning health and environment  questions | WBUR News


This design is concern about the construction of an electrical cookstove with three roaster apartment is described in his design. It was carried out in order to break the problem frequently encounter in cuisine and drying and at the same time chancing an alternat6ive means to replace the use of kerosine and gas for cuisine and drying which are frequently not available due to failure of these products, still, the design scholars have employed the use of electricity which is ripping available.

The analysis of each stage of development of this outfit is clearly described. Having compared the results of this construction with those exsisting or resemblant bones , it was set up out that it stands the test of time.

still, the operation of this electrical outfit in not without limitation. For precisely nine times now Nigeria has been facing power insecurity, and a seizure of electrical power does disrupt the operation of this outfit, for without which no source of its energy.

The cost analysis also prove to a large extent to be fairly cheaper than utmost ultramodern cookers and ranges for domestic operation.

Chapter One

Preface/ Literature Review


This design is as a result of adding interest.

Basically, the idea, as demonstrated in an being design, arises in the design scholars a feeling of provocation, and hence the hunt for a way to bring it to reality in a simple, yet intelligent design, like this.

Problem Statement

Specifically, this design seeks for a source of energy that’s fairly cheap and available, and thus has an edge over other ranges and ranges using kerosine and gas as sources of energy. It also aims at making domestic cookers and ranges safe enough as against largely ignitable liquid or gas energy.

numerous Nigerians moment are faced with the problem of petroleum energy failure and as per cuisine and drying which isn’t frequently easy to get fire wood from timbers that are frequently far down especially from the big metropolises. Inversely too, the many available energies are of unacceptable quality with the attendant peril of fire outbreak.

In addition above, energy consuming cookers and ranges have two outstanding scarcities, videlicet; sootypre-heating and problem of dogged snoots which lead to obnoxious discouraging and dirty burning.

Above all, deforestation as a result of fire wood consumption is causing great deal of environmental problems in utmost regions of Africa. In this ultramodern world and its colorful constructed means of cuisine, it largely seems as if non has relatively addressed this area by furnishing an indispensable means of cuisine and drying.

In a close observation, large scale cuisine and drying as an drying of meat and fish merchandisers, marketable sludge broilers, food merchandisers and “ suya ” merchandisers, etc, need effective heating system. The absence of short drying period and aseptic process of conserving our loide and ocean foods is another issue, which has led to presto spoiling and give an electrical cookstove with an roaster apartment to sufficiently address these problems.

Purpose Or Ideal Of This Study

This study is to concoct a means of producing an electrical cookstove with three apartment to address the following

1) The problem of sooty pare- heating as observed in vaporizing cookers.

2) Economically, this outfit is designed for cost reduction and easy to maintain.

2) To reduce the effect of kerosine failure prevailing in our present days.

3) To meet up with shy vacuity of fire wood through deforestat6ion.


In an extremely large span of time agone , people generally roasted by placing food substances on hot wood coal or on heated jewels, and smoking( drying), of meat and fish was done by means of slipup roaster. This slipup roaster was locally made in a pate shape having an opening through which the wood and other food substances were put. In use, the wood was burnt to a sufficient time to give enough hot coal before the meat or the fish formerly laid on a perforated distance or line was regulated by either gathering the fire wood together for further heat or withdrawing them from the roaster so as to reduce the heat. This event can be dated back at least to the third century announcement

Inversely too, primitive Africans set fire on a precisely arranged fire wood and used the fire so generated for cuisine. That was when civilization was still in the womb of time. As a result of wisdom and technology electricity came into during similar trend that electrical element was made to induce heat when electric current is passed through it. About 1914 electricity was espoused for cuisine, and come popular in late 1920s. along side those ages, oil painting disquisition and its colorful refined products like kerosine, gas, etc for both artificial and domestic consumption were made possible. Hence, kerosine stores and gas cookers, over the times, began to replace the primitive way of using wood for cuisine and drying, particularly in utmost cultivated regions of Africa.

also came a time, late part of the last century and the new renaissance, when petroleum energy failure overwhelmed the entire nation, making lives of numerous Nigerians delicate. Accordingly, kerosine ranges and gas cookers came n o further volition as ahead. numerous Nigerians began using fire wood for cuisine and drying. This period was pivotal during the PENGASAM strike, 1994. When a certain vessel inside which coal is burnt to give heat for cooking and riding was named

ABACHA STGOVE In the course of the below ages, foreign electrical ranges and ranges swamped our original request, and their conservation culture were by no means easy. therefore, economically their uses weren’t doable enough domestically.

therefore threw a challenge to our original masterminds to produce electrical ranges and ranges that can stand the test of time within our position, and to avoid the peril of kerosine and gas explosion which have terminated a lot of lives in our present days. 



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