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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


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Covid-19: A report from Nigeria | ORF


The study was carried out to investigate how the corona virus (Covid-19) has affected the Nigeria economic growth. The Corona virus (Covid-19) has been the source of changes in the business environment across world from the beginning of year 2020. The effects on the Nigeria economy are nearly unknown, therefore this research is unique. The aim of this study is to gain more knowledge on how Nigeria economic growth are responding to the pandemic. By following a qualitative research method, the study will explore and conduct a deeper understanding on the Nigeria economy experience through a data collection. The literature review has been established, theories are mostly related to digital business environment and value chain activities. The literature review has been summed up into a conceptual framework which illustrates the connections between the theories and Covid-19. Furthermore, the conceptual framework has been used to analyze the findings from the empirical data which was conducted in a multi-case study. The analysis chapter discusses similarities differences between the cases and connection to theory. Lastly, the conclusion chapter of this research concludes the findings and analysis, and it contains theoretical implications, recommendations, limitations and suggestions for future research.



1.1 Background of the Study

The World Health Organization (WHO)’s March 11 recognition of COVID-19 as a global pandemic has removed any doubt about the threat that the virus poses to every country in the world. The virus has now been detected in 152 countries, with more than 180,000 infected and more than 7,000 killed. Though Africa remains one of the regions with the fewest cases, the number of countries affected has increased over the past week. As of this writing, nearly 450 cases have been reported in 30 countries, concentrated in northern Africa and South Africa, with 10 deaths reported.

Many African countries have relatively weak health care systems, proactive measures to prevent the spread of the virus will be critical. Countries should step up campaigns to educate the public on best practices, including promoting good hygiene and social distancing, discouraging large public gatherings, and encouraging employers to protect the jobs of employees who require quarantine or treatment. Campaigns should elicit the help of religious and civil society leaders for maximum effect.

“It is unavoidable that the novel coronavirus epidemic will have a considerable impact on the economy and society” – China’s president Xi Jinping, televised address, February 23, 2020. “The spread of the new coronavirus is a public health crisis that could pose a serious risk to the macro economy through the halt in production activities, interruptions of people’s movement and cut-off of supply chains” – Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso. G20 gathering in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 24, 2020. “Honda Motor Co. will reduce vehicle output at two of its domestic plants in Saitama Prefecture for a week or so in March due to concerns about parts supply from China where a new coronavirus outbreak continues to disrupt economic activities” – Honda spokesperson, March 3, 2020. Besides its worrying effects on human life, the novel strain of coronavirus (COVID-19) has the potential to significantly slowdown not only the Chinese economy but also the global economy. China has become the central manufacturing hub of many global business operations. Any disruption of China’s output is expected to have repercussions elsewhere through regional and global value chains. Indeed, most recent data from China indicate a substantial decline in output. China Manufacturing Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI), a critical production index, fell by about 22 points in February. This index is highly correlated with exports and such a decline implies a reduction in exports of about 2 percent on an annualized basis. In other words, the drop observed in February spread over the year is equivalent to -2 percent of the supply of intermediate goods. Indicators on shipping also suggest a reduction in Chinese exports for the month of February. Container vessel departures from Shanghai were substantially lower in the first half of February with an increase in the second half. However, the Shanghai Containerized Freight Index continues its decline thus indicating excess shipping capacity and lower demand for container vessels.

The case is also the same in Nigeria, the Corona virus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has put everything on hold in the country. The total figures of corona virus patients in Nigeria have risen to 12 after four new cases were confirmed in Lagos State on Thursday.

Lagos State health commissioner Akin Abayomi announced the new cases in Ikeja during a press conference. Abayomi disclosed that 14 people were tested but four tested positive for the coronavirus adding that one of the new index cases had contact with the third confirmed case in Nigeria. The commissioner said one of the patients, a Nigerian female, came into Lagos on Saturday, March 14, 2020, in a Turkish airline TK1830. A Nigerian man in his 50s who never travelled anywhere is among the new four cases, Abayomi said. He said the last patient is a Nigerian male who arrived the country in a Lufthansa (airline) LH568 on Friday, March 13, 2020. Abayomi said the patients have been isolated for treatment at the Infectious Disease Hospital, Yaba, Lagos. The commissioner, however, said more tests are being carried as there is a “combination of imported cases and local transmission. The Executive of Lagos State is meeting on the next stage of social distancing. “The best way to slow the rate is to halt the movement of the virus from person to person,” Abayomi said. “Currently, we are following over 1,300 people right now to find information about the state of their health and the number is increasing.” He appealed to people on the two flights to self-isolate themselves and contact the government.

Can COVID-19 be an opportunity for Nigeria's manufacturers? | World Economic  Forum


The outbreak of corona virus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Nigeria has increase the level of tension and anxiety among citizens in the country. The virus unlike other cases we have had in this country is highly transmittable with severe signs and symptoms. The outbreak of corona virus disease (COVID-19) might have effect on the Nigeria economy through low imports and exports in the country, poor tourism remittance and commodity price rate in Nigeria. Lastly there have been studies on corona virus disease (COVID-19) but not even a single study is based on the effect of corona virus (COVID-19) on the Nigeria economy; hence a need for the study.

1.3 Research question

  1. What is the level of covid 19 spread in Nigeria?
  2. What are the effects of covid 19 on the different sectors of the Nigerian economy?
  3.  What are the measures taken to determine the measures adopted by the Nigerian government to deal with the outbreak, and the strong measures to curb future pandemic in Nigeria?

1.4 Research objectives

The overall objectives of this study is to examine the impact of covid 19 on the Nigerian economy.

Specific objectives:

  1. To determine the level of covid 19 spread in Nigeria.
  2. To determine effects of covid 19 on the different sectors of the Nigerian economy.
  3.  To determine the measure adopted by the Nigerian government to deal with the outbreak, and the strong measures to curb future pandemic in Nigeria.
  1. Study hypothesis

The study hypothesis is:

Ho1. There is no significant implication of Covid 19 pandemic on business operation in Nigeria.

Ho2. There is no significant implication of Covid 19 pandemic on business profits in Nigeria.

Where COVID-19 has left Nigeria's health system


The study on the effect of corona virus disease (COVID-19) on the Nigeria economy will be of immense benefit to all the Nigeria citizens, the health sector, and the federal government of Nigeria. The study will explore the prevalence of corona virus disease (COVID-19), the causes, and the effect of the corona virus disease (COVID-19) the Nigeria economy. The study will educate the masses on the mode of transmission of the corona virus disease (COVID-19) and the preventive measures to be adopted.  The study will educate the Nigeria government on the policy implementation to curb the prevalence of the corona virus disease (COVID-19) and how to improve the Nigeria economy during this period. The study will serve as a repository of information to other researchers that desire to carry out similar research on the above topic. Finally, the study will contribute to the body of the existing literature on the effect of corona virus disease (COVID-19) on the Nigeria economy


The study will cover on the effect of corona virus disease (COVID-19) on the Nigeria economy


Financial constraint– Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint– The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.



Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. The disease causes respiratory illness (like the flu) with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing. You can protect yourself by washing your hands frequently, avoiding touching your face, and avoiding close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people who are unwell.


This Questionnaire is aimed at seeking views and opinions on the effects of corona virus on the Nigerian economy. You have been selected to participate in the study. This questionnaire is not a test but merely an information exercise. Please kindly answer the questions as honestly as possible. Remember that there is no right or wrong answers.


Please tick or fill in where necessary as the case may be.

Section A

  •  Gender of respondent

A {male}                {  }

B {female}              {  }

  • Age distribution of respondents
  • 15-20 {  }
  • 21-30  {  }
  • 31-40   {  }
  • 41-50  {  }
  • 51 and above { }
  • Marital status of respondents?
  • married [   ]
  • single [   ]
  • divorce [  ]
  • Educational qualification off respondents
  • SSCE/OND  {  }
  • HND/BSC    {  }
  • PGD/MSC    {  }
  • PHD            {  }


(5) Please indicate your position/management level in the society.

(a) Chief    {  }

(b) Youth President {  }

(c) Women Leader     {  }

(d) Men leader     {  }


(6) Have your community been working hand-in-hand with the Nigerian government since the outbreak of the covid-19 to reduce the spread of the virus?

          Yes {  }                 No {  }


(7) The outbreak of corona virus disease (COVID19) pandemic in Nigeria has increase the level of tension and anxiety in my community?

  • Agreed                   {  }
  • Strongly agreed      {  }
  • Disagreed              {  }
  • Strongly disagreed  {  }

(8) There are reoccurring cases of people testing positive to the corona virus in my community?

  • Agreed                   {  }
  • Strongly agreed      {  }
  • Disagreed              {  }
  • Strongly disagreed  {  }

(9) Corona virus disease (COVID19) does not have any significant effect on the Nigeria economy

         (a) Agreed              {  }

(b) Strongly agreed      {  }

(c) Disagreed                   {  }

(d) Strongly disagreed       {  }

(10)    Do you believe that the corona virus outbreak has affected small and medium businesses in Nigeria?

          Yes {  }                 No {  }

(11) There are effects of Covid-19 on different sectors of the Nigerian economy

  • Agreed                   {  }
  • Strongly agreed      {  }
  • Disagreed              {  }
  • Strongly disagreed  {  }

(12) The people in my community have been sensitized on preventative measures against the corona virus?

         (a)       Agreed                  {  }

         (b)      Strongly agreed      {  }

(c)    Disagreed                {  }

(d) Strongly disagreed       {  }

(13) Can we overcome these deadly virus if we follow the laid down instruction of the government?

  • Agreed                   {  }
  • Strongly agreed      {  }
  • Disagreed              {  }
  • Strongly disagreed  {  }

(14) There is no significant relationship between Covid-19 and economic growth in Nigeria?

  • Agreed                   {  }
  • Strongly agreed      {  }
  • Disagreed              {  }
  • Strongly disagreed  {  }

(15) The government and the political society have no influence on the spread of the virus in Nigeria?

  • Agreed                   {  }
  • Strongly agreed      {  }
  • Disagreed              {  }
  • Strongly disagreed  {  }

(16) There are strong measures taken the government, NGOs and Religious organizations to curb future pandemic in Nigeria?

  • Agreed                   {  }
  • Strongly agreed      {  }
  • Disagreed           



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    Account Name: Emmanuel Idorenyin Samuel.

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