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The Impact of Children Evangelism on Church Growth In Jehovah Witnesses Nigeria

| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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Our Purpose, Vision and Culture - Child Evangelism Fellowship



1.1 Background to the study

All Christian parents want to lead their children to Jesus. Children are our future. They are the Church’s future. However, we need to recognize that changes within our contemporary culture have shaped a new generation of children today which present greater challenges for leaders and teachers to introduce them to spiritual things. Thus, today’s children have an appetite for anything fast: fast food, fast actions, fast gratification, and fast growth. But they are also masters of the electronic world from computers to the internet, CD-Rom, DVDs and Play-Stations. Therefore, they are able to process lots of information even at a very young age. Furthermore, children can make a solid decision to trust the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior. At that age we should present the gospel to them and let them have the opportunity to answer, Children are lost. In addition, the Bible clearly teaches that it is God’s divine purpose that everyone should have the opportunity to hear the gospel and be saved. The Lord’s Jesus last commands to His followers were, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15) and “make disciples of all nations” (Mathew 28:19) It is clear that God’s intent is that the Gospel be shared with all people regardless of race, national origin, gender or age. However, there had been controversy surrounding this question in evangelical churches today as it has been in ages past. That “Do Children need to be saved?” However, the evangelization of Children is clearly supported by the scripture, personal testimony from Christians saved as children, perspectives from theologians and great Christian’s leaders and researchers studies have established that children can make a solid decision to receive the Lord Jesus as their personal savior.

This wealth of support should lead Christians everywhere to one conclusion – which the gospel should be presented to the child at an early age so that as the Holy Spirit works, he will come to know Jesus as personal savior. As a result the child can begin to develop Christian character, which is the outward expression of a new inward life.

Certainly, children Evangelism is the sharing with children the good news of how to receive the full forgiveness of God by entering into personal relationship with Christ Jesus. James 4:17 tells us, “Anyone, then, who knows what he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sin”. Sa Doherty, a theologian and Christian educator brings to our notice that “it is important to remember that the Bible does not teach theology of childhood which is separate from, and different to a theology of adulthood. Instead, the Bible gives a theology of man which includes both children and adult”. It is not for us to fix ages. It is easy for the Holy Spirit to reveal Christ in the heart of a small child as it is for Him to do in an older person. The principal acts of saving faith are accepting, receiving and resting upon Christ for justification, sanctification and eternal life by the virtue of the covenant of grace.(John 1:12). The cross work of Christ. His substitutionary death, burial and resurrection has paid for the sin of the whole world (John 1:29). The responsibility of the individual in salvation is the recognition of his sinful condition before God and repentance from that sin. The heart belief that Jesus died on the cross and rose again and personal faith in Jesus Christ alone as savior. Thus, the only condition placed on humanity for salvation is to believe. There is no qualifier of age, either a beginning age at which it is possible to believe or an ending age after which it is too late to believe for salvation since it is the divine work of the Holy Spirit.

How to Share the Gospel with Jehovah's Witnesses – The Daily Grace Co.

Statement of the Problem  

The challenge that the facing the churches today is that pastors and elders do not understand the value of Children ministry, despite knowing the truth that the children are the future of the church. Moreover, it is time for children to become a focused priority of the global church. If not, the future of the church and its faith will be in question.

However, the name ‘Children Church’ is not used in most Churches rather they call it ‘Children Department’. As much as we do not refer to the ‘adult church’ as ‘Adult Department’. Obviously, the term children department is irrelevant in the church setting. Most church leaders do not have foresight in planning for the children church. Any church without children church is not complete. Most church do not give enough distance between the adult church and the children church to avoid disturbance. Children should be allowed to worship God in their own way. There are no adequate security in place to arrest children restlessness.

Also, churches treat children church like adult church, they do not divide the children church into sections and enough ventilation.

Furthermore, many minister of God, throughout their theological or ministerial training did not offer the course on children ministry. Therefore, on resumption of their pastoral work, they find it difficult to set up the children church. This is a major basic of spiritual child abuse within our denominations.

Undeniably, this clearly shows that God didn’t exclude the children in all His dealings. However, with the Israelites as a church in the wilderness. Infact, the children were partakers in all the programs of God with the Israelites. Never at any time did God forget to include children. God foresaw that the children will inherit the covenant and transmit it to other generations (Deut. 29: 9 – 11)

Also, many other scriptures openly show that God had created a central place for children to occupy in the church. They are the custodian of the future congregation of God’s assembly. So any church that wants to grow must value children and transmit into them the full knowledge of God and His council. Therefore, any denomination that neglect the children manifest a nonchalant attitude which is not scriptural.

However, many denomination attitudes towards the children grieve the heart of Jesus Christ. Moreover, most denomination after many years of existence do not have the children church.

Biblically, children are part of the Body of Christ and without them there will be no future church (Ps. 27:2). Hence, the generation after Joshua’s generation failed to carry out the work of children evangelism. Thus, any Christian denomination that neglect children evangelism cannot have growth and development. The Lord is waiting for the church without blemish, spots or wrinkles, the children too will appear before the Lord (Rev. 20:12).


Purpose of the Study

The following are the purpose of the study;

To examine the impact of children evangelism as a tool for church growth in Jehovah witnesses Nigeria.

identify the functions and duties of children evangelism ministries in a church

identify the other factors militating against children evangelism

Significance of the Study

Findings from this study will educate the church authorities and the general public in the study area what the church authorities need to do or incorporate into the system to ensure church growth.

This research will also serve as a resource base to others scholars and researchers interested in carrying out further research in this field subsequently.

Delimitation of the Study

This study is concerned with the impact of children evangelism on church growth. Therefore it will focus on children and teenagers ministry. Therefore, it will only focus on the importance of children evangelism on church growth in the study area. However, the result of data analysis could be useful as a model for other churches.



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