| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|
Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE
Amount: ₦3,000.00
The current study aims to increase understanding of influences on and consequences of self-regulation in adolescence. The mechanism underlying the potential effects of specific parental behaviors and interparental conflict on self-regulation and their unique effects on adjustment have been largely unexamined. It was hypothesized that parental psychological and behavioral control and interparental conflict would be indirectly associated with adolescent outcomes via self-regulation abilities. Besides, differential impacts of parental controlling behaviors on self-regulation were also explored. The study involved a sample of 300 students of selected secondary schools and their mothers. Students completed self-report questionnaires on parental control behaviors, self-regulation abilities, and academic self-concept. Furthermore, mothers completed questionnaires including parental control, interparental conflict, self-regulation abilities of adolescents, and adolescent adjustment (i.e., hyperactivation/inattention, emotional, and prosocial behaviors).
This study extends previous works and theories in several important ways. Initially, independent contributions of parental and marital variables on capacity of adolescents’ self-regulation were examined. Secondly, the question of how theoretically and culturally important aspects of parental control are linked to adolescent self-regulation were explored. Moreover, the systematical analysis exploring interactions between the maternal/paternal psychological and behavioral control may provide insight into the processes associated with both parental control and self-regulation.
Table of Contents
- Background of the Study
- Statement of the Problem
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the study
1.4 Research Questions:
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Limitaions of the study
1.7 Definition of terms
Reviews of the Literature on Self-Regulation
Self-Regulation Process: Conscious or Automatic Responses?
Delay of Gratification
Self-Regulatory Strength Model
Self-Regulation as an Automatic Process
Consequences of Self-Regulation Success and Failure
Development of Self-Regulation and Implications for Parenting
Parenting as a Socialization Instrument
Parental Control and Adolescent Adjustment
Psychological and Behavioral Control, Marital Conflict and Self- Regulation in Adolescence
Academic Self-Concept
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Sources of Data Collection
3.4 Participants
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection
3.6 Sampling Procedure
3.7 Data Analysis
4.1 Demographic Analysis
4.2 Data Analyses
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusions and recommendations
- Background of the Study
Primary concern of parents is to promote their children’s well-being and to prevent negative outcomes in their developmental trajectory. However, past studies have documented that the ability to regulate, alter or control one’s own behavior or emotion is the main protective factor that prevents children from risky behaviors or maladaptive outcomes (Sethi, Mischel, Aber, Shoda, and Rodriguez, 2000; Tangney, Baumeister, & Boone, 2004). High levels of self-regulation ability has also been linked to social and cognitive competence (Barkley, 2004), while low levels of self-regulation have been found to be associated with problem behaviors in childhood and adolescence (Tangney, Baumeister, & Boone, 2004). However, the majority of previous work regarding the association between self-regulation and psychological adjustment has focused primarily on adolescents (Tangney, Baumeister, & Boone, 2004; Moilanen, 2007). In contrast, research regarding the effects of contextual and familial effects (e.g., parenting) on self-regulation has mainly conducted on children (Finkenauer, Engels, & Baumeister, 2005; Grolnick, & Ryan, 1989). For instance, there is not adequate research on how parenting during adolescence is associated with self-regulation. Besides parenting behaviors, the impact of the family context variables on the self-regulation ability of adolescents has also not been examined systematically in previous studies. Therefore, this study aims to examine the interplay among specific parenting behaviors, marital conflict as an indicator of family context and adjustment among adolescents using a conceptual model. Detailed rationale of the study and related literature review will be presented in the following sections.
- Statement of the Problem
The current study aims to examine a proposed mediational model in which self-regulation abilities of adolescents mediate the relationship between family context variables and adolescent outcomes.
Parenting is conceptualized as the specific parenting behaviors, including parental control behaviors. It is also aimed to examine the effects of different dimensions of parental control on adolescent self-regulation. Previous research indicated that both parenting and self-regulation have a unique (independent) impact on adjustment. These studies, however, have not investigated the unique contribution of specific dimensions of parental control on self-regulation and adjustment behaviors. Specifically, it is expected that parental psychological control would have a negative effect on adolescent adjustment especially by increasing emotional and conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer problems and by decreasing prosocial behaviors and academic self-concept. Based on the past literature and culture-specific expectations, it is also assumed that parental control and adjustment may have a curvilinear association. Whereas low and high levels of parental control would be associate with worst adjustment, moderate level of control might be related with the optimum level of adolescent functioning as well as positive academic self-concept. In the current study, multiple sources of informants, including mothers and adolescents will be used to test these assumed links. Relevant literature on self-regulation and parenting variables will be summarized below.
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the study
The aim of this work is to investigate the impact of parental control, criminal and marital conflict on adolescents’ self-regulation and adjustment.
The specific objectives are;
- To determine if boys report higher perceived guilt induction/erratic emotional behaviors.
- To find out if mother’s levels of education have significant effects on the guilt induction/erratic
- To determine if there is a significant age difference on perceived guilt induction/erratic emotional behaviors
1.4 Research Questions:
1. Do boys report higher perceived guilt induction/erratic emotional behaviors?
2. Do mother’s levels of education have significant effects on the guilt induction/erratic emotional behaviors?
3. Is there a significant age difference on perceived guilt induction/erratic emotional behaviors?
1.5 Significance of the study
The findings of this study are consistent with the beliefs that parental behaviors characterized by the dimensions of control, structure and limit setting results in adolescents who tend to be more competent in their ability to regulate their behavior, attention, and emotions. This implies that adolescents benefit from an environment that reflects reasonable control, including monitoring, knowledge about whereabouts. Parents should understand that their children choices within a limited and “safe context” is not equal to permissive parenting. In fact, the findings of the current study suggest that under controlling parents, characterized by a lack of structure and control and conditional regards (i.e., love withdrawal/irrespective), is associated with weaknesses in a child’s ability to regulate their behaviors, attention, and emotions. Overall, it appears that extremes of control and structure (psychological control or lack of behavioral control) are not necessarily desirable and that the most effective parenting includes a compromise between control and permissiveness with a warm and un conflictual family environment.
1.6 Limitaions of the study
Although the current study has contributed to the current literature it is not without its limitations that should be considered when interpreting the presented findings and in planning for future research. First, the sample characteristics of the current study may have affected the results in unknown ways: participants were volunteers and were not randomly selected, and thus were not representative of all adolescents in this age group.
Second, data were collected at only one time point, thus the cross-sectional nature of this study prevents any firm directional or causal interpretations. Although the current results were interpreted from the perspective that parental control and interparental conflict influence both adolescent self-regulation and adjustment.
Third, it is likely that, given the complex nature of parent-child relationships that there are many factors that play a mediating or moderating role in the relationship between parental control, interparental conflict and numerous adolescent outcomes. For example, the interparental conflict can moderate the relationships between parental control and adolescent outcomes.
1.7 Definition of terms
Self regulation: Self-regulation is the controlling of a process or activity by the people or organizations that are involved in it rather than by an outside organization. Adolescents: a young person who is developing into an adult, one who is in the state of adolescence, or transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and adulthood. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines an adolescent as any person between ages 10 and 19. This age range falls within WHO’s definition of young people, which refers to individuals between ages 10 and 24
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