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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦4,000.00

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Huldah's Public Prophetic Ministry - Marg Mowczko



Prophetism in contemporary Ghanaian Christianity has received a lot of media attention and publication because it has spiritual, social and psychological effects on its patrons. Scores of people in ministry and those entering are aiming for the prophetic ministry because of its attraction to both Christians and non-Christians. Given the spate at which prophetic ministries are springing up in the capital cities especially, this research study sought to examine and evaluate the impact of the prophetic ministry on charismatic christians and churches. The study explored the prophetic ministries of three selected prophets in the Adentan Municipality where the prophetic phenomenon is predominantly practised as part of Charismatism. Three research instruments namely participatory observation, interview and questionnaires were employed in carrying out the research. Patrons shared their personal experiences on the prophetic and these impacts were captured accordingly. The study ultimately employed the discursive and analytical approach to tackle the topic and evaluate prophetic impact on patrons. It was obvious from the study that the prophetic ministry is still in existence and that it is influencing scores of charismatic christians and churches. The study concludes by outlining some of these impacts that the prophetic ministry has on both charismatic Christians and churches









CHAPTER ONE         1


Background to Study  1

Statement of the Problem       3

Purpose of the Study  5

Research Questions and Hypotheses 5

Research Questions    5

Research Hypothesis  6

Research Objectives   6

Significance of the Study       6

Delimitation of the study       8

Limitation of the study           8

Definition of Terms    9

Prophetic Ministry     9

Prophet           9

Prophecy         9

Prophetism      9

Charismatism  10

Organization of Study            10

Chapter Summary       11

CHAPTER TWO        12


2.0 Introduction          12

The Prophetic Call     16

The Prophetic Gifts    17

The Prophetic Practices         21

Prophetic Apostles     25

Prophetic Counsellors            25

Prophetic Evangelist  25

Prophetic Intercessors            26

Prophetic Preacher     26

Prophetic Seer            27

Prophetic Social Activist       27

Prophetic Writers       28

The Theology of False Prophets        30

The Theology of True Prophets         31

The First Phase           33

The Second Phase       34

The Third Phase         35

The Fourth Phase        36

The Fifth Phase          36

2.6.5 The Sixth Phase 37

False Prophet/Prophecy         45

Skepticism and Obsoleteness 45

Pride   46

Materialism    47

Sexual Immorality      47



Introduction    49

Research Design         49

Study Area      51

Population      53

Sampling Procedure   53

Data Collection Instruments  54

Data Collection Procedure     78

Data Analysis and Evaluation            79

Chapter Summary       80



4.0 Introduction          81

Gender of Respondent            82

Age of Respondents   83

Christian Denomination of Respondents       85

Highest Level of Education of Respondents 87

CHAPTER FIVE        100


Summary of Findings 100

Conclusion      101

Recommendations      102

Suggestions for Further Research      103

REFERENCES           105

APPENDIX     116



                                           CHAPTER ONE



  Background to Study

The Prophetic is a prominent feature in both the church and the world. This is so because, there is a new hunger amongst people and they are ready to go lengths in search of satisfaction. This hunger stems from an increasing desire for direction as they take steps towards an unknown future. Their primarily objective is to have some guidance as they navigate their paths through the confusion and chaos that this world of ours is characterized with (Joyner, 1997).

The fear of the unknown circumstances of life is a phenomenon of life. This has inspired the need to seek for guidance amongst God’s people. The reason the prophetic ministry is a necessity. In fact, the prophetic ministry has been an essential part of God’s communication strategy since the beginning of time. Through the prophetic, God was able to relate to His people in the Old Testament days and is still doing so in our times.

Thus, the prophetic ministry has an important place in this New Testament era as it had in the Old Testament era. In New Testament Christianity, the prophetic ministry forms an essential part of the believer’s life and religious practice. It is a major key that unlocks the realms of the supernatural and grants the believer access to fragments of God’s knowledge, wisdom and authority. Thus, believers are given revelations regarding the past, present and future. Through the prophetic, God partners with His people and brings to past His plans and purposes for them.


A scriptural trace of the prophetic ministry indicates that its role in the life of the believer is to help him/her have a wide area of influence and impact. A thorough biblical search shows that wherever the prophetic was given a place, it became very beneficial to the people group who allowed its expression and manifestation. The prophetic brought the revelation of God right into the now for them and confirmed God’s abiding presence and protection over them as was seen in the victories they obtained (Francis, 2000).

A biblical search into Old Testament prophetism shows that, prophets were God’s chosen messengers or spokespersons. Through these prophets, God conveyed His messages to His people. Some of these prophets wrote the divine messages God gave them and used such to warn and/or instruct God’s people to keep to their covenant with God. As prophets, they served as counsellors who gave guidance and divine direction to people concerning the future. They revealed divine mysteries and prophesied about the coming of the messiah (Ayikwei, 2018).

The New Testament also shares some insights on the ministry of the prophet as well. According to Awulley Ayikwei, prophets in the New Testament era were vessels that voiced God’s word to the people and not just the laws. Thus, prophets were spokespersons who delivered God’s word in order to have each person experience God’s inscription of the law in their own hearts. Prophecies by prophets had the gospel as the central message and their role was to speak God’s word and interpret the word of God to God’s people.

Today, the prophetic ministry has taken a different turn in contemporary Christianity. Besides the original purpose for which the office


of the prophet was established by God as seen in the old and new covenants, many other reasons have prompted the emergence of prophets unto the Ghanaian Christianity scene. The prophetic ministry has become a welcome news to many charismatic and pentecostal churches because prophets have positioned themselves as solution-bearers to social problems plaguing people.

Given the rampant rate at which prophetic ministries are springing up in almost every area in Ghana and the number of people that throng into charismatic churches that are involved in prophetism, it becomes necessary for an enquiry to be made into its operations and establish the social and spiritual impact it has on charismatic Christians and churches.

This research study was conducted in a setting where the prophetic phenomenon is known to be practised in order to find answers to the many questions on the minds of people concerning its impact on patrons.



  Statement of the Problem


The Prophetic Ministry has become a prominent feature in contemporary Christianity in Ghana. Prophets are the sensation of most spiritual gatherings in recent times and people go there for various reasons. People that visit and seek for the counsel and guidance of prophets often do so because they desire to acquire information on their existential needs or solutions to their struggles on issues relating to their businesses, career, education, health, marriage, promotion, abroad travels etc. (Onyina, 2000).

Many Ghanaian Christians and non-Christians have resorted to seeking the counsel of Christian prophets because they believe the


prophets have powerful spiritual connections and can elicit the relevant information they need for them. For many, Christian prophets are preferred because society has become more ‘Christianized’ and ‘civilised’; making it ‘uncomfortable and unwholesome’ to visit traditional priests for such relevant spiritual information and hence their choice of Christian prophets. Christian prophets are perceived as ‘true prophets whose words are beyond challenge or questions’ (Grudem, 1990).

As a result of this perception and development in the Christian scene in Ghana, it is not much of a wonder to see people who subscribe to other religious belief systems in prophetic services organized in Charismatic churches.

Consequently, this prophetic phenomenon has led to the rise of prophetic ministries all across the country. In fact, it is very difficult to number the prophets in the regional capitals of Ghana, especially Accra and Kumasi.Their numbers are increasing by the day and their prophetic activities within the Christian and Ghanaian community at large have become questionable. Concerns have been raised by both Christians and non-Christians alike in society and that prompt the questions; i) ‘Is the prophetic ministry really impactful on the lives of Christians? ii) Does the prophetic ministry have any meaningful effect or impact on the church in Ghana?

The above concerns constitute a problem for the Christian faith and until satisfactory answers are given to these questions, then the


prophetic ministry is more of a nuisance than a necessity to the Christian community and the larger Ghanaian community.


          Purpose of the Study


Most contemporary charismatic christians and churches have welcomed the prophetic ministry and its practices as a solution to some spiritual and social problems. In recent times, the prophetic ministry has become a media sensation and seen some publications because it is perceived to proffer solutions to the socio-economic and psychological problems people are confronted with.

There have however also been instances where the prophetic ministry have been implicated in the media as a platform on which some prophets make financial and material gains from ignorant or innocent people and does not necessarily have any positive impact on the patrons.

It is in the light of these concerns that the researcher conducted this study to explore the prophetic ministries and prophets in present operation, the authenticity of their prophecies and prophetic activities and a critical evaluation of the impact that these prophetic practices have on charismatic christians and churches.



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