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The Impact of the Russian- Ukraine War On Refugeeism

| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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Ukrainian refugee crisis seen pressuring Europe's housing market | Reuters




1.1 Background of the study

According to Poroshenko, Russian forces invaded Ukraine on February 24th, after weeks of heightened tensions and increased fighting in eastern Ukraine (2022). Major strikes have been reported across Ukraine, including in Kyiv, causing widespread terror and panic, forcing many people to seek shelter in shelters and subways as air raid sirens blared in Poroshenko’s streets (2022). Military clashes are ongoing in other major cities across Ukraine, including Chernihiv (north), Kharkiv (north-east), Kherson (south), Mariupol (south-east), Mykolaiv (south), Odessa (south-west), Sumy (north), and other major cities in the northern, eastern, and southern parts of the country, while pre-existing hostilities in Donetska and Luhan (Poroshenko’s, 2022). As hostilities escalated, Ukraine’s government declared a 30-day State of Emergency on February 23. with the exception of the oblasts of Donetska and Luhanska, which have had a special security regime in place since 2014. On February 24 (Poroshenko’s birthday), the government declared martial law and imposed a nocturnal curfew in Kyiv. At the moment, the curfew is in effect from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Poroshenko imposed a curfew in Kyiv until 8:00 a.m. on February 28, 2022. (2022). Ukraine’s airspace remains restricted as of February 24, and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency has advised pilots to exercise extreme caution in airspace within 185 kilometers of the Belarus-Ukraine and Russia-Ukraine borders. NATO has stated that a “no-fly zone” over Ukraine will not be established. The long-running conflict in eastern Ukraine has escalated, and new hotspots have emerged. Outside of the typical conflict hotspot of the Donbas area, have formed throughout Ukraine, according to Poroshenko (2022). Hundreds of houses, water and sanitation infrastructure, schools, and health facilities have been damaged as a result of the ongoing fighting, which has resulted in an increase in civilian fatalities, disrupted livelihoods, and damaged critical civilian infrastructure Forbes (2022). The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) reports at least 240 civilian casualties, including 64 deaths and 176 injuries, across the country as a result of aerial and ground attacks between 4:00 a.m. on February 24 and 5:00 p.m. on February 26, with nearly 85% of those killed and injured in Government-controlled areas (RCI,2022). President Zelenskyy reported after the first day of Russian military operations that More than 130 military personnel were killed, and more than 310 others were injured (Forbes,2022). Hundreds of thousands of people have been left without power or water as a result of significant infrastructure damage, and towns have been cut off from markets for food and other necessities due to shelling damage to bridges and roads. Among the most pressing humanitarian needs are emergency medical services, critical medications, health supplies and equipment, safe drinking and hygiene water, and housing and protection for people who have been displaced from their homes (RCI,2022). People began fleeing the capital, which is home to nearly 3 million people, and other conflict-affected areas of Ukraine, displacing over 160,000 internally and forcing over 116,000 to cross borders. into neighboring European countries such as Poland (where border officials estimate 100,000 people have arrived in the last few days), Moldova, and Romania (France 24,2022). While the exact magnitude and breadth of the displacement will likely be revealed in the coming days and weeks, Ukrainian officials believe that up to 5 million people may flee the country, resulting in a refugee crisis that will put neighboring countries’ response capabilities to the test (France 24,2022). The latest escalation of violence comes as Ukraine deals with an Omicron-driven surge in COVID-19, which saw active cases increase by 555 percent between 15 January and 25 February, a figure that could be much higher due to a lack of testing (RCI,2022). As more people are evacuated, the risk of COVID-19 infection rises.  Along with an increase in the number of injured people requiring emergency medical care, this would place additional strain on the country’s already overburdened health-care system (RCI,2022). The current situation is exacerbating an already severe humanitarian crisis in the Donbas region while also creating new multi-sectoral needs across the country. Even before the current escalation, the protracted fighting in Ukraine had resulted in over 3,000 deaths and 7,000 injuries6, as well as the damage or destruction of approximately 55,000 homes (Schengen Visa,2022). As a result of the escalation of armed conflict, an estimated 2.9 million people require humanitarian assistance, a figure that is expected to rise exponentially. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has resulted in one of Europe’s largest and most rapid refugee flows since World War II.  II came to an end. Forbes (2022). An estimated 874,000 people had fled to neighboring countries by the 2nd of March, just seven days into the battle. According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), up to four million people may be forced to flee the country in the coming weeks[Forbes,2022]. According to the European Union (EU), there could be up to seven million refugees by 2022[France,2022). Whatever figure is correct, it is now undeniable that Europe is facing an unprecedented refugee crisis. While the EU describes this as the “biggest humanitarian disaster” Europe has seen in “many, many years,”[Schengen Visa, 2022], it is important to remember that the region recently experienced another major humanitarian crisis, the 2015 refugee “crisis” triggered by the Syrian conflict. war. However, Europe’s polar opposite reactions to these two crises thus far serve as a cautionary tale for anyone seeking a more compassionate and generous Europe (Schengen Visa, 2022). The distinctions also explain why certain people leaving Ukraine, particularly those from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, do not receive the same lavish treatment as Ukrainian residents. As of the time of writing, Ukraine’s neighbors had responded with an outpouring of public and political support for the refugees (RCI,2022). Political leaders have publicly stated that Ukrainian migrants are welcome, and nations have stated that they are prepared to accept refugees at their borders with teams of volunteers distributing food, drink, clothing, and medications [RCI,2022]. Slovakia [Schengen Visa, 2022] and Poland [RCI, 2022] have both announced that refugees will be accepted. People fleeing Ukraine’s conflict will be allowed to enter their countries even if they lack passports or other valid travel documents; other EU countries, such as Ireland, have announced that visa requirements for people arriving from Ukraine will be lifted immediately (Schengen Visa,2022). Ukrainian migrants will be provided with free public transportation and phone service throughout Europe [Government of Ireland, 2022]. The EU is considering reactivating the Temporary Protection Directive, which was implemented in the 1990s to address large-scale refugee migrations during the Balkan crisis[Jacopo,2022]. Ukrainian refugees would be granted up to three years of temporary protection in EU countries without the need to apply for asylum, with the right to a residence permit and access to education, housing, and the labor market.

as part of this program. The EU also wishes to make it easier for Ukrainian refugees to cross borders and enter the EU[Jacopo,2022]. Many Ukrainian refugees have left neighboring countries to visit relatives and friends in other EU countries, where they can travel visa-free for 90 days [Monika,2022]. The European public and politicians are banding together to show sympathy and support for the refugees fleeing Ukraine.

1.2 Problem description

There has been conflict in Ukraine since 2014, when the Russian military took control of Crimea, which it then effectively annexed after a dubious local vote (Monika,2022). Separatists backed by Russia took control of two areas in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions and declared independence, establishing the de facto Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. Republics (Monika,2022) (Monika,2022). Conflict has broken out in the area between rebels backed by Russia and Ukrainian armed forces. Students and refugees from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia are increasingly reporting discrimination, obstruction, and violence as they attempt to flee Ukraine (Schengen Visa,2022). Many people reported being denied access to trains and buses in Ukrainian cities because Ukrainian citizens were prioritized; others reported being violently dragged aside and stopped by Ukrainian border guards while attempting to enter neighboring countries [Stephanie,2022]. There have also been reports of Polish authorities detaining and refusing African students entry into Poland, despite the fact that the Polish Ambassador to the United Nations told the United Nations General Assembly on February 28 that claims of racial or religious discrimination would be investigated.

at the border with Poland were “a complete lie and a terrible insult to the country” (Stephanie,2022). “Nationals of all nations may seek refuge in my country if they have been victims of Russian aggression or if their lives are in danger,” he said. As a result, the impact of the Russian-Ukraine conflict on refugeeism must be investigated.

1.3 The study’s purpose

The study’s overarching goal is to examine the impact of the Russian-Ukraine war on refugeeism. The specific goals are as follows:

i. Investigate the causes of the Russian-Ukraine conflict.

ii. To look into the impact of the Russian-Ukraine conflict on the influx of refugees to other European countries.

iii. To learn about the difficulties that Russian-Ukrainian war refugees will face.

face in their quest for shelter and protection.

1.4 Research Issues

The following study questions have been prepared:

i. What are the root causes of the Russian-Ukraine conflict?

ii. How has the Russian-Ukraine war affected the influx of refugees to other European countries?

iii. What obstacles will refugees fleeing the Russian-Ukrainian war face in their quest for shelter and safety?

1.5 Importance of the research

This study investigates the impact of the Russian-Ukraine war on refugeeism. The study will be significant to the European Union because it will expose them to the best way to handle the region’s refugee situation.

The study will also be important for the

It will add to the existing literature on the impact of war on refugeeism in the academic community.

1.6 The Study’s Scope

The study looks into the causes of the Russian-Ukraine conflict. The research will also look into the impact of the Russian-Ukraine conflict on the influx of refugees into other European countries. Finally, the study will investigate the difficulties that Russian-Ukrainian war refugees will face in their search for shelter and protection.

1.7 Methodology of Research

Research methodology is concerned with the various methods or approaches used by the researcher to carry out the research, as well as the instrument used to collect data. There are several research methodologies that can be used to answer the research questions. The kind

The historical research methodology will be used in this study to collect data and relevant information, and the study will use a descriptive data collection method. This will entail gathering information from secondary sources such as books, journal articles, magazines, internet sources, international and national conference proceedings, published and unpublished articles, and so on.



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