The Problems and Prospects of Press Club in Secondary Schools
| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|
Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE
Amount: ₦3,000.00
Chapter One
Background to the Study
In recent times, educational experimenters have emphasized the critical part of the star in creating an effective academy terrain which involves the development of a strong academy culture that prescribes specific pretensions, places and behaviours by preceptors in and out of class settings( Parkay & Hall, 2009). The effect of adulterous conditioning similar as the press club, drama club, communal society, debate clubs, sports etc on secondary academy learners justifies their actuality and proper operation in secondary seminaries( Craig, 2000). These conditioning live to round the academy’s academic class, compound the learner’s educational experience and give a setting for them to come involved and to interact with other learners. similar involvement extends to broader community life which implies that the primary thing of adulterous conditioning synopsize the individual learner, the institution and broader community( Helfgot, 2005).
In general the armature of secondary seminaries emphasizes sameness including standard calendars, age- graded classes, adulterous participation and schoolteacher prospects. National programs and institutional practices anticipate headliners and learners to conform to the ideal norm of stylish practices without considering different surrounds. The effect is that the sameness in seminaries makes differences in surroundings, the ultimate which is responsible for making each academy a distinctive place of its own( Christie, Butler & Potterton, 2007). Related to stylish practice is the notion of using the academic grid against which all academy evaluations are measured. The demands for standardised academic affair result in extreme prioritising of the academic class( Dickeson, 2009). As is the case with academy headliners in general, headliners of secondary seminaries are under constant pressure to ameliorate academic programmes in order to strengthen and sustain their overall achievement character( Masteralexis etal., 2005).
For every mortal society the successful conduct of her internal/ external affairs depends largely on the extent of the trustability of government outfit and the government successfully communicating, understanding and accepting themselves in a collective and symbiotic relationship ”- Obaze. A et al( 2004).
The need for information through the establishment of a concrete press club in secondary seminaries is similar that man can hardly serve or determine his course of life without communication. On account of this, the influential part of the media is cited in her caprice to direct, deflect, and shoulder the course of altitude change and breeding erecting public perception towards societalaffair.There’s no ultramodern society that can apportion with the press especially journals and TV. The journals especially to places where there are no radio stations fleetly spread important news. The journals give us dependable information about municipalities and countries. numerous social tools are exposed in one review to attract the attention of the government, police and the citizens as a whole so that similar immoralities may be incontinently combated. numerous papers written by intelligent people and carried by journals contain good ideas with which we can experiment in our shot to reform the society. These papers have suggested ways and means by which we can combat tribalism, fraud, serious crimes, mercenariness, rapacity, and extravagance, which are disintegrating forces in the society.
By impacting meaningfully through the involvement of Nigeria press vis- à- vis as a social system in society positioning, it’s her duty, responsibility and obligation to enhance the survival of the vital component of society demand. Which are concinnity; structure;inter-dependence; compliance, commitment and conformity; and transmission of social morals, culture and value. The media is by this gear towards enhancing the durability and survival of the total social “ contrivance. ”
The print media, particularly the medium of review has come the major source of information dispersion over the times, and also the major means of political rallying in Nigeria. review has the capability to inform, educate, entertain, enlighten and rally the public. That’s why the government and other private bodies give important attention to it. The capability of review to also rally the people and make them bear in a given manner and to perform certain conduct has made it a tool in the hands of the government. The medium serves as an conciliator between the government and the people, because it assists the government in getting it plans and programs across to the people, and the people in return gets their response, feeling and plight back to thegovernment.Footnoting this trend on the public scale, the challenges that defy us as youthful republic nation in a country of different ethnical peak, is to establish an ideological and structural unity with a common political fortune and purpose among our different ethnical groups, forthwith, the media being an institution of the larger society is nearly demanded to shoulder this course.
Statement of the Problem
In order for secondary seminaries to be effective in delivering a quality service to their scholars, their education programmes need to be managed effectively. This includes organising and easing of all learning conditioning so that learners can achieve a satisfying and fulfilling educational experience. To achieve this, the academy star needs to continuously and totally plan all educational programmes along side with redundant class conditioning to boost academic performance of scholars( Okumbe, 2009).
One of the factors affecting proper planning and organising of adulterous conditioning in secondary seminaries are limited coffers across the broad diapason of provisioning, videlicet mortal, fiscal and infrastructural coffers( Asmal, 20003). Some of these coffers, for illustration fiscal coffers, are veritably scarce. utmost secondary seminaries serve on hay budgets and are anticipated to fund fractured adulterous events. This they’ve to do notwithstanding the review that the plutocrat concerned could have been better utilised for copping learning support accoutrements like learners handbooks and classroom cabinetwork or perfecting preceptors ’ hires and benefits and supplying them with fresh textbook books for discussion. An added problem is the lack of interest on the part of learners attending secondary seminaries to share in adulterous conditioning. This creates enormous challenges for the academy star to develop and maintain a feasible and sustainable organisational structure for adulterous conditioning( Seefeldt & Ewing, 2009).
A lack of incitement to ameliorate their capabilities in adulterous coaching has a ripple effect on preceptors. Many have been in seminaries where the star is an adulterous sucker and in numerous cases headliners don’t value the donation of sports conditioning for developing a healthy body to contribute to the development of a healthy mind( Harrison, 2004). When headliners or preceptors do have an interest in one particular sport, the tendency is to concentrate on that performing in neglect of other precious sporting conditioning. This leaves learners with no option but to share in the sport that’s offered indeed if they may not have an interest in it. numerous may choose not to share, with the mischievous goods that follow.( Thomas & Moran, 2000).
Due to all the complications related to adulterous provisioning in secondary seminaries, numerous headliners give up on the planning and perpetration of an adulterous programme in their seminaries. Effective tutoring for successful literacy, still, involves sharing and collaboration of all conditioning that impact on learners ‟ lives in and out of class. Headliners are thus obliged to motivate themselves and all other stakeholders to contribute to the realisation of a feasible adulterous programme at academy; similar provocation sweats form an integral part of the top ‟ s directorial liabilities( Buck, Lund, Harrison & Cook, 200738).
Purpose of the Study
The main end of the study is to examine the problems and prospects of press club in secondary seminaries. Specific objects of the study are
To examine the problems of setting up and maintaining press clubs in secondary seminaries in Port- Harcourt.
To assess the effectiveness of press clubs towards achieving its objects in secondary seminaries in Port Harcourt.
To determine the prospects of press clubs in secondary seminaries in Port Harcourt.
To assess the effect of press clubs on academic performance of members in named secondary seminaries in Port Harcourt.
exploration Questions
What are the problems of setting up and maintaining press clubs in secondary seminaries in Port- Harcourt?
How effective are press clubs towards achieving its objects in secondary seminaries in Port Harcourt?
What are the prospects of press clubs in secondary seminaries in Port Harcourt?
How have press clubs affected academic performance of members in named secondary seminaries in Port Harcourt?
Exploration Thesis
HO Press Clubs aren’t effective in achieving the overall ideal it was established in secondary seminaries in Port Harcourt.
Hi Press Clubs are effective in achieving the overall ideal it was established in secondary seminaries in Port Harcourt.
Significance of the Study
The significance of setting up and maintaining an effective press club in a secondary academy can not be over emphasized. The benefits of a press club are enormous to be ignored by policy makers in the education sector as this club adds further value to secondary academy education by preparing the minds of secondary academy scholars towards taking up journalism as a career.
Since the study is fairly new, the study will serve as companion for pupil experimenters that want to explore further into the subject matter. Findings and recommendations from the study will further guide scholars who may have interest in the subject matter for fartherresearch.The study will also prop policy makers in the education sector to streamline the academic timetable of secondary seminaries to accommodate redundant class conditioning similar as the press club. Effective operation of the academic timetable with redundant class conditioning will bring out the stylish in scholars.
Compass of the Study
The study covers Three( 3) secondary seminaries in Port Harcourt, examining the problems and prospects of the colorful press clubs in these secondary seminaries. All findings and recommendations are grounded on results from these seminaries videlicet, Community secondary seminaries Amadi- Ama, Community Secondary academy Nkpolu and Girls Seconarys Schools Orominike.
Limitation of the Study
fiscal constraint-inadequate fund tends to stymie the effectiveness of the experimenter in sourcing for the applicable accoutrements , literature or information and in the process of data collection( internet, questionnaire and interview).
Time constraint- The experimenter will contemporaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This accordingly will cut down on the time devoted for the exploration work.
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Account Name: Emmanuel Idorenyin Samuel.