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The role of mediation in the russian- ukraine conflict

| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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1.1 Background of the study

According to Gross (2022), determining the value of mediation is difficult. Indeed, in some mediation situations, there is no clear distinction between “success” and “failure” (Gross, 2022), because such judgments are highly dependent on the conflict’s temporal horizon. Effectiveness can be measured objectively (the design of a peace agreement, its quality, and so on) or subjectively ( the effectiveness of a peace agreement). Subjective measurements are based on people’s perceptions of their own abilities to achieve their objectives (Gross, 2022). Addressing the conflict parties’ subjective points of view aids in understanding their interpretations of a very complicated scenario in which ‘objective’ measures of success are hotly debated. When the perspectives are compared, the researcher can see how different interpretations of the issue may stymie EU-US relations. cooperation and obstruct conflict resolution (Merlingen,2019). Following a review of relevant international mediation literature, four characteristics that are widely regarded as key predictors of mediation efficacy have been identified. Three of them concern mediator qualities, while the fourth concerns mediator behavior. The Russian and Ukrainian crisis in February 2022 provided an opportunity for Western nations to express their support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as its right to choose its security partners (Kartsonaki and Wolff, 2022). They have warned Russia that any military escalation will have serious economic ramifications. Sanctions against Russia’s financial institutions, energy sector, and individuals close to the Kremlin are among the measures being considered (NEU, 2022). Russia’s contentious Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Europe may be halted. Any sanctions package should include this provision. Ukraine NEU is also receiving military assistance from the United Kingdom, the United States, NATO, and the European Union (2022). This was demonstrated by the Normandy framework, which included Germany and France as mediators. Mediation and diplomacy continue, with several world leaders visiting Moscow in recent weeks for talks. At the time of writing, it was unclear whether the Kremlin would agree to NATO’s proposal for more substantive security talks in the long run (2022). On February 17, 2022, the US administration received a Russian response to the US administration’s counter proposals on legally binding security guarantees, which is currently being considered NEU (2022). During Euromaidan, the European Union was perceived as a more concentrated player (November 2013-February 2014). It was not the case. It is not only up to the European Commission to get involved, but also the European Parliament. Later, as a result of the Russian Federation’s involvement in the Ukrainian issue, a common stance on sanctions against Russia was developed (after lengthy discussions and negotiating) (Poroshenko,2022). Even in the post-Soviet region, the EU is regarded as a “honest mediator” who is welcomed to the conflict-resolution negotiating table. The situation in Ukraine is unique in that the Russian, Ukrainian crisis was the first to be sparked by the country’s desire for active European integration NEU (2022). As a result, meeting the critical need for excellent mediation and impartiality became more difficult under these conditions. For example, the leverage of future European integration In 2013, the EU-mediated Kosovo-Serbia reconciliation was critical. While this reasoning was ineffective in the conflict between Moldova and Transnistria, it is far less effective in Ukraine NEU (2022). One of the most important questions is what motivates the EU’s involvement in conflict resolution. Is it motivated by human or European security imperatives, as Argyro Kartsonaki and Stefan Wolff ask in their article 2022? In the sense of a norms-based strategy informed by the human security approach, as well as a utility-based policy that seeks stronger European security in the sense of greater security for the EU, its population, and member states (Kartsonaki and Wolff, 2022). It raises the issue of the incentive for European Union member states to participate in dispute resolution in various ways. On the On the one hand, the EU’s normative approach and a fundamental principle of unification – no more war in Europe – provides a pacifistic approach to resolving problems in other countries that threaten democracy, human security, development, and European collaboration (Poroshenko,2022). On the other hand, the goal could be interpreted as ensuring its own security, limiting spillover effects, bolstering national interests, and mitigating the negative impact of transnational threats. At the same time, the EU’s incentive to get involved varies depending on how close the conflict is to its borders. The EU employs a human security strategy, albeit primarily as a tool, in regions where it has the greatest security interests (Kartsonaki and Wolff, 2022). As a result of this, the EU’s

In general, Europe’s goal is to defend its own security while also communicating a peaceful attitude and normative principles to others (Russia and Ukraine).

1.2 Problem description

Since 2014, the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, which has periodically devolved into an armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine, has remained one of Europe’s, if not the entire world’s, most significant sources of stress NEU (2022). In recent weeks, the possibility of admitting Ukraine to NATO has been discussed, raising the prospect of military conflict and war (Poroshenko,2022). According to Assist. Prof. Dr. Erdi afak, a lecturer in the Near East University International Law Department and the Deputy Director of the Near East Institute, the United Nations has failed to be an effective actor in the Middle East. the crisis that began between the two countries and escalated into a showdown between Russia and the West, and that this situation has heightened tensions even further (NEU,2022). Why is the UN unable to play a more active role in this crisis? The answer is that Russia, one of the UN Security Council’s five permanent members, is at the heart of the conflict, and the People’s Republic of China, another permanent member, has sided with Russia. Tim,(2022). Because Russia and China have the authority to veto UN Security Council decisions, the UN is unable to play a proactive role in this problem Tim (2022). As a result, the researchers felt compelled to investigate the role of mediation in conflict resolution.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

1.3 The study’s purpose

The study’s overarching goal is to examine the role of mediation in the Russian-Ukraine conflict. The specific goal is as follows:

To investigate the origins of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

To assess the role of the United Nations in times of crisis.

To investigate the European Union’s role as a mediator in the Russian-Ukraine crisis.

1.4 Research Issues

The following study questions have been prepared:

What factors contributed to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict?

What is the United Nations’ role in times of crisis?

What is the mediating factor?

1.5 Importance of the research

This research will look into the role of mediation in the Russian-Ukraine conflict.

As a result, it will be significant to government and policymakers, exposing them to how best to mediate during a crisis in order to avoid war.

The study will also be important to the academic community because it will add to the existing literature on the role of mediation in the Russian-Ukraine crisis.

1.6 The Study’s Scope

This research will look into the causes of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The research will also assess the role of the United Nations in times of crisis. Finally, the study will look into the European Union’s role as a mediator in the Russian-Ukraine crisis.

1.7 Study Restrictions

A number of factors hampered this study, which are as follows:


as in any other research, ranging from a lack of needed accurate materials on the topic under study to an inability to obtain data

The researcher faced financial constraints in obtaining relevant materials as well as printing and collating questionnaires.

Time constraint: Another constraint is time, which makes it difficult for the researcher to shuttle between writing the research and engaging in other academic work.

1.8 Methodology of Research

Research methodology is concerned with the various methods or approaches used by the researcher to carry out the research, as well as the instrument used to collect data. There are several research methodologies that can be used to answer the research questions. The research methodology used in this study to collect data and relevant

The historical research will provide information, and the study will use a descriptive data collection method. This will entail gathering information from secondary sources such as books, journal articles, magazines, internet sources, international and national conference proceedings, published and unpublished articles, and so on.



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