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Education is the most effective tool for promoting national development. That means education is the foundation of any nation’s growth and development. According to Chidi, Ukadike, and Okoye (2022), education is viewed as a means of exposing new generations to existing knowledge of their physical environment, the organization of their society, teaching them skills for performing their jobs and enjoying their leisure, and instilling sound moral values in them for their own and society’s benefit.

Formal education in Nigeria takes place at the primary, secondary, and postsecondary levels. The tertiary level of education is the highest degree of education, instilling in its students the necessary skills and competencies for the workplace. Tertiary education encompasses all official post-secondary education provided by governmental and private universities, colleges, technical training centers, and vocational schools (World Bank, 2021). Tertiary education, as defined by the Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN) (2013), is the education received after completing secondary education.

FRN (2013) stated that the goal of tertiary education in Nigeria is to produce highly trained professionals, enhance students’ intellectual capacity, and acquire both physical and intellectual abilities. FRN also stated that others are responsible for promoting academic success and volunteerism. Tertiary educational institutions achieve these goals through teaching, research, knowledge generation, and dissemination, which they accomplish through a variety of programmes including certificate, diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate degrees. Thus, tertiary education instills in its pupils the information, skills, and competencies required in the workplace by exposing them to a variety of academic programs.

The business education programme is one such tertiary-level academic programme. Business education is defined as a comprehensive academic program that provides students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to succeed in any business venture they choose to undertake. Business education is part of a comprehensive educational curriculum that provides students with the knowledge, skills, perspectives, and attitudes they need to succeed as consumers or producers of goods and services in the business world (Dambo & Ibitoroko, 2022).

Oroka, Atarere, and Okifo (2020) defined business education as a subset of vocational education that equips students with the skills and theoretical knowledge necessary for success in the business sector, whether through employment or self-employment. Business education is a collaborative program in which the educational and industrial sectors of any economy work together to prepare individuals to enter both business and the classroom as professionals. As a result, it is a part of the educational curriculum that strives to equip students with the required business and vocational attitudes, understanding, knowledge, and abilities. It focuses on the development of pedagogical and professional skills in industry and education for personal use, as well as entry into the business world as an employer, employee, or self-employed individual (Ubulom & Dambo).

According to Nwazor and Udegbunam (2016), the goal of business education is to provide students with specialized instruction to prepare them for careers in business; fundamental instruction to help students assume their economic roles as consumers, workers, and citizens; and background instruction to help students prepare for professional careers that require advanced study. The business education programme, which serves as the medium through which business education intends to achieve its goals, is subject to change as a result of technological advancements, particularly those employed in teaching and learning. One of these breakthroughs is online learning. Online education technology, also known as online technology, is a type of educational technology that helps with teaching and learning. According to Singh and Thurman (2019), online education is the use of technology to facilitate teaching and learning.

Online education connects instructors and students using digital platforms including WhatsApp, Zoom, Google, and Classroom. Furthermore, online learning covers more than just direct instruction; it also includes any assignments or activities distributed by the instructor via online channels. Online education, commonly known as e-learning, refers to educational practices that are offered via digital technology. The introduction and use of online education tools in business education assists students in becoming autonomous learners, developing critical thinking skills, and developing problem-solving techniques or policies.

Forman (2018) stated that online education technology involves learning that is facilitated and supported by information and communication technology, which may encompass various technologies such as desktop and laptop computers, software (including assistive software), interactive whiteboards, digital cameras, mobile and wireless tools (like mobile phones), electronic communication tools (such as email, discussion boards, chat facilities, and video conferencing), virtual learning environments, and learning activity management systems. Chidi, Ukadike and Okoye (2022) averred that numerous technologies are fundamental for online education, using various approaches to deliver learning content independently. Among the most prevalent communication tools employed in e-learning are email, instant messaging and blogging.

Shivangi (2020) described online education as learning experiences in synchronous or asynchronous technologies. Synchronous learning is described as a real-time, instructor-led online learning event in which all participants log in at the same time and speaks immediately with one another. Synchronous learning, as described by LeShea (2013), is learning that occurs concurrently in real-time through the web utilizing multiple technologies. The instructor maintains control of the interaction with the class in this virtual classroom scenario, with the option to “call on” individuals. Students and lecturers can utilize an electronic “whiteboard” on most platforms to see work in progress and exchange information. Interaction can also take place through audio- or videoconferencing, Internet telephony, or twoway live broadcasts. Shivangi (2020) noted some of the synchronous technologies to include audio conferencing, video conferencing and electronic whiteboard among others. But this study will deal with audio conferencing because it appears to be very important educational technologies that can assists in the teaching and learning process.

Audio conferencing, often known as telephone conferencing is the use of a telecommunication system (such as a specially equipped conference room or telephone unit) to enable electronic, multipoint communication between individuals or groups that are physically separated (Simonson, Smaldino, Abright & Zvacek, 2012). Audio communication systems have the advantages of being costeffective (decreases travel expenses), accessible (individuals may join regardless of geographical distance), and real-time (immediate engagement not delayed by mail or email). When it is not possible to meet face-to-face, audio communication solutions may be useful for group cooperation. The fundamental technologies and services required for an audio conference are widely available. An audio conference can be held utilizing a basic speakerphone or hands-free audio equipment equipped with sensitive microphones and advanced echocancellation software. Participating in an audio conference has social as well as pedagogical benefits for tertiary institution students.

As most individuals are accustomed with telephone equipment and have expertise comprehending and using telephone conversational etiquette, there is no technological barrier to overcome. Gowon, Okoye and Okorafor (2022) noted that analytical tools, internet, projectors and telephoning are the most available ICT facilities, which if adopted and optimally utilized could enhance teaching and research in technology education amid COVID-19 pandemic prevalent. The finding disagrees with Okiridu and Okafor (2022) revealed that video conferencing and recorded audio was lowly utilized for teaching-learning process of business education courses during the Covid-19 era. Okiridu and Okafor (2022) noted that there is no significant difference in the mean response of business educators and postgraduate students on the extent recorded audio irrespective of their years of teaching experience. The audio conferencing can be used in connection with other asynchronous technologies. Asynchronous learning is learning in which interaction between instructors and students do not occur in real time (van der Keylen, Lippert, Kunisch, Kühlein & Roo, 2020).

Asynchronous settings are classified as more individually based and self-paced, as well as less instructor-dependent, and are temporally and geographically independent. They do, however, provide obstacles, as the media richness and media naturalness approaches imply. The media richness approach describes a medium‟s “ability to provide immediate feedback; transmit verbal and nonverbal communication cues; provide a sense of personalization; and simulate a natural language,” whereas face-to-face communication is considered to be the most natural form of communication. As a result, asynchronous learning settings are less natural and “rich” than face-to-face learning environments (Ogbonna, Ibezim & Obi, 2019).

Shittu, Padung, Cirfat and Polmi (2022) opined that asynchronous technology leads to increased cognitive burden, increased communication ambiguity, and decreased activity. However, not all students are prepared with the necessary tools to capitalize on this potential benefit: learning from home, particularly in asynchronous circumstances, need additional self-study abilities, as well as the motivation and determination to pursue learning objectives (Okiridu and Okafor, 2022). In the study, the researcher will investigate the roles of asynchronous technology like online discussion forums for teaching business education in tertiary institutions. An online discussion forum (ODF) is a web-based tool that connects people that have similar interests and perspectives. Online discussion forums (ODF) have become a popular tool and successful method for involving students outside the classroom (Alabo & Emmah, 2014).

ODF are text-based asynchronous discussions used in online learning. Several educational best practices for students and instructors are integrated into online discussion forums. ODF is an online learning platform that gives students the ability to add messages to discussion threads, engage with other students and instructors, and receive feedback (Lowenthal, Borup, West & Archambault, 2020). This allows students to gain a deeper grasp of the topics being discussed. They have been used in education to supplement conventional teaching methods like lectures and tutorials (Shivangi, 2020). All students must respond to prompts and interact with their peers. Students will have more time to establish thoughts and respond carefully to others. Students will spend more time constructing grammatically accurate solutions, which will help them write better. Online discussion boards give students a place to study, debate, and reinforce the topics covered in class according (Alabo & Emmah, 2014).

Tiria, Ferrer, Versoza and Caballero (2022) reported that Google Classroom was the online platform used in the class work section of the google classroom where questions were posted, and responses were placed by the students. Tiria further revealed that there is no significant difference in the performance of students in terms of participation, quality of posts, plagiarism and students‟ attitudes. However, certain variable could influence business educators‟ perception of online education technology for teaching business education in tertiary institutions. The variable could be years of teaching experience. Years of teaching experience in the context of this study refers to the number of years of professional practice as business educators. It is viewed as the skills and knowledge an individual has garnered from time on the job.

Adeoye, Adenikan and Adenikan (2020) reported that there was a consensus in business educators‟ perception of online education technology for teaching in tertiary institutions irrespective of their years of teaching experience. Adeoye, Adenikan and Adenikan further revealed that schools having more business educators with 6-10 years and above 10 years teaching experience had better results and can apply online education technology in tertiary institutions more than business educators with below five years teaching experience. The years of teaching experience of business educators, according to Jokiaho, May, Specht and Stoyanov (2018) could influence lecturers‟ use of online education technologies in teaching. It is therefore against this background that the researchers sought to investigate the roles of online technologies for improving teaching of business education programme in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.