| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|
Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE
Amount: ₦3,000.00
This study examined the effective communication channels in Dangote cement, focusing on Abuja. The population of the study is 6,026 comprising the entire staff of Dangote cement, Abuja, Nigeria. Taro Yamane formula was used to derive the sample size of 488. A structured questionnaire was administered resulting in a response rate of 79.9%. A confirmatory factor analysis was done to establish validity of the questionnaire. The data gathered was analyzed with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0 software involving frequency distributions. Findings revealed that horizontal communication has a significant effect on organizational; vertical communication has a significant effect on organizational performance; and diagonal communication has a significant effect on organizational performance. From the study, it is evident that communication variables, namely, horizontal, vertical and diagonal communication, each has a significant effect on organizational performance in Dangote cement, Abuja, Nigeria. Based on the findings, the study recommends that top management of manufacturing industries should emphasize the importance of latent and future needs. So as to improve the guidance of employees towards organizational goals and mission.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Research questions
1.5 Significance of study
1.6 Delimitation of the study
1.7 Limitations of the study
1.8 Definition of terms
2.1 Review of related studies
2.2 Review of concepts
2.3 Review of opinions
2.4 Theoretical framework
3.1 Research design
3.2 Population of study
3.3 Sample size/ Sampling procedure
3.4 Description of measuring instrument
3.5 Methods of data analysis
4.1 Results
4.2 Discussion of findings
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendations
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
Around the world, Businesses are demanding and tasking. For businesses to stay successful and make profits in a competitive and demanding global economic market, factors of production should be managed wisely. Human Resources constitutes challenges in view of the fact that employee management requires skilled management of thoughts, feelings as well as emotions to achieve high output. Channels of communication play a role in dealing with the difficult tasks.
Communication has crucial impacts among work groups in that organizational communication is a channel to flow information, resources, and even policies. “Organizational communication can be broadly defined as communication with one another in the context of an organization (Eisenberg & Goodall, 1997; Shockley-Zalabak, 2006)” as cited in Eunju (2009). Communication involves sending and receiving messages through various authority levels, involving message systems. Communication engages influencing the opinions and views within communities, organizations, governments. Communication is used to pass documents within members of the organization, to supervise activities, reduce manager workload.
Effective communication channels result in job satisfaction and other imperative work outcomes (Balakrishnan & Masthan, 2013). Internal communication is the two-pronged interchange of information, thoughts and outlooks that results in positive discourse and action throughout organizational ranks. Internal communication undertakings should preferably focus on better notifying and appealing to an organization’s workforce. Exactly how such news and information is received and deliberated between the workers that eventually leads to action on their part will finally have a positive or undesirable effect on employee performance. Employees who opine that they are well-versed about their organization become more individually involved in the business and usually generate higher quality work.
Good communication channels improve productivity, reduces absenteeism, increases levels of innovation, and there are fewer strikes and reduced costs (Clampitt & Downs, 2012). Effective communication channel is a discrete and continuing task at every level within an organization. Everyone from new recruits to the most senior director has a role to play in the communication network of an organization. Communication is thus an ongoing function that needs to be directed consciously (Chitrao, 2014). This study viewed effective communication channels as the operational function that needs to be consciously facilitated and encouraged in an organization’s entire communication network. Therefore, the focus of the study is on effective communication channels and organizational performance in Dangote Cement.
1.2 Statement of the problem
Working environments differ from all perspectives such as culture, economic and social instigation. With such circumstances, organizations’ bulky reports would be tough for the employees to understand. These reports sometimes include conflicting information, and obligations hereby making some subordinates become more answerable to a particular superior. Intra- communication equipment which includes emails and memos are ignored by some organizations which ends up causing lack of knowledge for the employees on the mission and vision of the organization. Academic works have shown that effective communication helps employees to achieve goals. This also includes decision-making, problem solving and change-management process etc. This enables members of an organization or institution to work towards a common goal and purpose. Organizations with communication challenges continue to find the most effective channels for communicating across the subordinates.
Communication channels play an important role in organizational performance because it helps in achieving its goals and objectives. Organizations need an effective and efficient inflow of communication and communication systems in order to be able to pass information across to the society. Unlikely, there seems to be a lack of efficient and effective communication strategy at Dangote cement. Dangote cement consumers have made complaints of major delays in the processing of their orders. Communication plays an important role in coordinating and balancing all departments of an organization and to enhance organizational performance, there was a need to evaluate the organizational communication structure, channels of communication, communication policy and communication system at Dangote cement to assess how relevant and effective they are in this era of Information Technology.
1.3 Objective of the study
The main objective of this study is to assess the effect of communication channels in Dangote cement, Abuja, Nigeria and how they affect organizational performance.
The objectives of the study are;
- Examine the effect of horizontal communication on organizational performance in Dangote cement, Abuja, Nigeria.
- Determine the effect of vertical communication on organizational performance in Dangote cement, Abuja, Nigeria.
- Assess the effect of diagonal communication on organizational performance in Dangote cement, Abuja, Nigeria.
1.4 Research questions
The study will attempt the following research questions:
- Does horizontal communication affect organizational performance in Dangote cement, Abuja, Nigeria?
- In what way does vertical communication affect organizational performance in Dangote cement, Abuja, Nigeria?
- Does diagonal communication affect organizational performance in Dangote cement, Abuja, Nigeria?
1.5 Significance of study
Management of Dangote cement
This study had findings that might be of value to Dangote cement, management of other organizations, and even public organizations as the human resources is an important aspect of any organization. First, the findings will be important to Dangote cement as they will provide an in-depth insight into how employee performance can be influenced by internal communication. The findings therefore are expected to inform Dangote cement on what can be done to make internal communication effective to positively influence employee performance.
The public
The findings might also be valuable to public as well as private organizations as these organizations will be able to learn how performance can be enhanced by improving internal communication in the organization. This therefore will inform them on how they can undertake effective internal communications to foster employee productivity.
Academicians and Researchers
The study findings might also be of importance to academia and scholarship. The findings will add to the theory and empirical findings regarding the role of internal communications on employee performance in the organization. The findings can also be used in learning and teaching by scholars and students while the limitations and suggestions for further research that will be provided in the study can be used by researchers to conduct further research in the field of internal communications and employee performance.
1.6 Delimitation of the study
This study will be restricted to Dangote cement, Abuja, Nigeria. The researcher will limit the research to the Dangote cement, which is a major player in the manufacturing industry. The manufacturing company was picked because the level of communication practices employed by the company in getting their products out into the market is on the high level. They send messages to the employees and consumers who are the receivers and all these are done utilizing various techniques such as the people, the process and the technique.
1.7 Limitations of the study
The study faced various limitations which include challenges in accessing some areas, accessing most of the employees and some employees being reluctant to respond. The researcher dealt with these challenges by recruiting an assistant who was conversant with the area. The assistant enabled the researcher to administer questionnaires and collect them. To deal with reluctance of some employees to participate, the researcher was able to assure them of confidentiality of their responses. This enabled them to provide voluntary consent.
1.8 Definition of terms
Communication: this is the exchange of information either by speaking, writing, or some other medium. It is also the means of sending or receiving information, such as mobile phones or computers.
Organizational Performance: this comprises the actual output or results of an organization as measured against its intended goals and objectives.
Horizontal communication: this form of communication flows laterally within the organization and involves persons at the same level in an organization.
Vertical communication: this is where information or messages flow between or among the subordinates and superiors of the organization.
Diagonal communication: is a way of communication between employees from different organizational units and from different hierarchical levels.