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Attitude of University Undergraduates towards Online Teaching

| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦5,000.00

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                                                   CHAPTER ONE


1.1       Background of the Study

Information and communication technology are being integrated into education more and more, which has an effect on many aspects of our life. Technology integration into education is now essential due to recent advancements, for both social and personal purposes. Online education is a prime example of utilizing information and communication technologies (Adeoye, Adanikin, and Adanikin, 2020). It is indisputable that online learning has become incredibly popular. Horton, citing Henderson (2016), defines online learning as an instructional approach that is accomplished through a web browser or online applications, thereby obviating the necessity for supplementary software or tangible learning materials. Eze (2014) expands on this idea by describing online learning as using the internet to access pertinent educational materials while learning. It offers assistance throughout the learning process and encourages interaction with the material, teachers, and other students. One of the many benefits of online learning is that it allows for independent study at one’s own speed and from any location (Akpomi et al., 2020). Its adaptability, ability to foster self-regulation skills, opportunity for collaborative learning, and independence in planning one’s own educational path make it a more and more desirable option.

Though the use of computers and the internet as alternative learning resources in school is now commonplace, it’s important to remember that this practice goes back to earlier phases of technological development. The world’s first attempt at remote instruction was announced as “Steno Courses” and published in a Boston newspaper in 1728, to name one notable historical example. Furthermore, Sweden University offered “Correspondence Composition Courses” for women in the nineteenth century, and the University Correspondence College was founded in 1843 to support correspondence education. Online learning is the most recent development in the long-standing interaction between education and technology, as is demonstrated by this historical setting (Adnan and Anwar, 2020). Students can access a variety of learning resources via the internet through online learning, which is becoming a more and more common strategy in the field of education. This method differs from traditional in-person classroom settings. According to Horton (2021), this approach usually entails more engagement outside of the actual classroom and occurs via online browsers or applications, doing away with the requirement for extra software and educational resources.

Online learning encourages the development of pedagogical practices centered around digital resources and communication technologies in addition to utilizing technology for educational goals. Gebre, Saroyan, and Bracewell (2014) have observed that this strategy efficiently supports learning and facilitates pedagogical decision-making. From an educational perspective, Kim, Wang, and Ketenci (2020) stress that in order to build a strong online learning community, it is imperative to recognize and support students’ leadership in online conversations. In terms of the instructor’s role, this type of instruction promotes more frequent student contact, meaningful conversations, and challenges students to think critically about their ideas. Furthermore, because of societal and individual improvements and requirements, technological integration in education is now inevitable.

Utilizing the potential of internet technology, remote education has recently moved to computer-based platforms. Thanks to developments in mobile devices and internet connection speeds, this trend has led to the emergence of mobile education. As a result, the educational landscape is ever-changing. Students must be prepared in a certain way in order for this comprehensive online learning to be accomplished (Kwara State Government, 2015). One of the most important factors in promoting and supporting online learning is student preparation. It is undeniable that a learner’s positive attitude online acts as the cornerstone for their preparedness for online learning.

Often called “online learning readiness,” this preparedness includes a variety of elements like technical ability, digital literacy, self-motivation, and time management abilities (Aboderin, 2015). Combining these traits gives students the tools they need to interact with course materials, work cooperatively with classmates, successfully traverse the digital learning environment, and get the most out of online learning opportunities (Bao, 2020). The significance of online learning preparation increases as online education develops, underscoring the necessity for educators and institutions to offer resources and support in order to guarantee that students are equipped for the dynamic realm of online learning.

Students’ attitudes include their preconceived notions about a range of topics, such as how they feel about using information and communication technology (ICT), how they view the subject content, and how they feel about online learning in general. In the context of education provided through online tools and platforms, the attitude of the students toward online learning is especially important (Akpomi, 2020). These attitudes that people hold are a reflection of their feelings, ideas, and actions toward a specific attitude object. When these beliefs are well-established, they might act as tenets that direct one’s behavior. Positivity regarding online learning is important in the context of education since it can have a big impact on how well different learning methodologies are used. Positive attitudes on virtual education can result in more successful and involved learning experiences. Positive attitudes about online learning increase the likelihood that students will take advantage of the resources offered, engage fully in the virtual classroom, and modify their behavior to improve their education and learning outcomes (Adeoye, Adanikin, and Adanikin, 2020).  This emphasizes the significance of the psychological and emotional components of online education in addition to its technological components, as these elements are crucial to the development of an effective and satisfying online learning environment.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

Prior to starting the educational process, student preparation is a critical factor in the pursuit of success in online learning practices (Oyenira et al., 2020). As it turns out, being ready has a direct impact on the structure that leads to success in online learning environments. The evolution of remote education programs has required modifications to the requirements of all program components; yet, learners’ attitudes and approaches remain crucial in deciding the overall success of education (Elfaki, 2019). “Attitude” is a notion that includes behavioral, affective, and cognitive components. It describes how the student reacts to stimuli in the electronic learning environment, how their own ideas, vitality, and motivation are activated, how they react to different influences, and how these reactions are translated into perceptible behaviors. To put it simply, a learner’s attitude toward online learning is a complex construct that influences how they interact with the digital learning environment. Psychological theories state that an individual’s attitude toward a specific behavior—in this case, learning—has a major influence on their level of engagement and achievement. Depending on how a person feels about the learning environment, their level of success and adaptability in online learning can differ. The role that students play in online learning environments is one of the most important components. In other words, people’s attitudes toward their online education can have a significant impact on the caliber of their learning experiences. As such, educational institutions that provide web-based instruction need to think about and account for the views of their pupils. In fact, the intended learning objectives may be hampered by ignoring the role that student attitude plays in the classroom. It is crucial to evaluate and comprehend students’ views on online learning in light of these factors. With an emphasis on a case study of Olabisi Onabanjo University Main campus students, the study attempts to analyze university undergraduates’ attitudes about online instruction in order to meet this demand. The research aims to provide significant insights into how students’ perceptions and attitudes affect their experiences and outcomes in the online learning environment by examining their attitudes in this context.