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Born Yet Unnoticed (A Poem For Mum)

She was born out of mystery
When war was real and not history
She may not know her age
Yet she took the center stage
An infant born in the rage
When houses are set ablaze
A child denied the picture
Of her lineage and future

She was born out of mystery
When war was real and not history
When to live was dead and dying doom
Raised by an immature
In an unknown lonely zone
When running was a leisure
And being chased, a squirrel’s pleasure
But she scale through the mystery
And her birth led her siblings to victory

She was born out of mystery
When war was real and not history
Struggling through the lines of thorns
She survived the havocs of war turn by turn
To live was her fate by nature
No breast nor milk to feed
Yet mother nature took the lead
Serving her dews in place of milk
Today she’s my Super Hero
I love her more than my game of Mario

She was born out of mystery
When war was real and not history
A child raised in the midst of fear
Couldn’t know how to control her tears
The winter and rain did wiped her tears
Awaken by the sounds of guns
Her cry was covered by sounds of guns
When tales by moon light was death where art thou
She came, saw and conquer
Today I’ll send her roses via Conga

She was, she is and will always be my greatest inspiration.
That to survive I only need the hand of God
My Heroine, My Queen, My Mother
This Poem I dedicate to you.
Happy Birthday Sweet Mum.
Your Son Emmanuel Samuel