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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00


This study examined the effect of drug abuse on the youth using Ohaji Local Government Area of Imo State as a case study. Drug abuse is one of the major problems confronting the nation today especially our youths. Incidences of drug abuse and related anti-social behaviour have tremendously increased in recent years. This has become a matter of concern to the government, parents, teachers, non-governmental organisations and all other relevant agencies. The Nigeria government has recognised the seriousness of drug abuse problem, this is the reason why most of the drugs are prohibited by law and there national and international agencies established for the purpose of monitoring and controlling illegal drug trade. This present study found that drug abuse among youth are increasing despite the control mechanisms that have been put in place. The study recommended that, as a first step to prevent and control drug/substance abuse, parents should be sensitised on the dangers of drug/substance abuse, the attendant problems and their functions as role models. Furthermore, schools should have a drug/substance prevention curriculum from Kindergarten onwards teaching that drug/substance use is wrong and harmful. There is also the need for initiation of rehabilitation programmes for drug/substance dependent persons.


Title page                                                                                          i

Citification                                                                                        ii

Copy right                                                                                        iii

Dedication                                                                                         iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                      v

Abstract                                                                                            vi

Table of content                                                                                vii


INTRODUCTION                                                                                      1

Background of study                                                                        2

Statement of the problem                                                                           4

Purpose of the study                                                                         4

Research question                                                                                       4

Significance of the study                                                                             5

Scope of the study                                                                                      5

Definition of terms                                                                                     6

CHAPTER TWO                  

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                               7

Concept of drug/substance abuse                                                               7

Common drugs/substance abuse by youth in Ilorin metropolis                  8

Reasons for drug/substance abuse                                                              11

Theory on drug/substance abuse                                                                14

Structural strain theory                                                                     15

Theoretical theory                                                                                      15


METHODOLOGY                                                                          16

Research design                                                                                16

Population sample and sampling techniques                                              16

Instrument of data collection                                                            17

Validity of the instrument                                                                          17

Reliability of the instrument                                                             17

Procedure for data collection                                                            18

Method of data analysis                                                                             18


DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS                                           19

Preamble                                                                                           19

Summary of finding                                                                          32



Discussion                                                                                        33

Conclusion                                                                                        35

Recommendation                                                                              36

Suggestion for further study                                                             36

References                                                                                         37

Appendix                                                                                          40                                   

                                           CHAPTER ONE


1.1 Background to the Study

Most youths often resort to dangerous habits such as smoking, alcoholism and drug taking for so many seasons such as; helping them to cope with the problems, fear and pressure of everyday life (brook et.al 2011). Some use drugs as a means of escape from realities in life, to reduce anxieties, out of curiosity, while some turn to it in a bid to challenge authority. They also have a tendency to feel indestructible and immune to the problems that others experience. Using alcohol and tobacco at a young age increases the task of using other drugs late. Some teens will experiment and stop. Or continue to use occasionally, without significant problems. Others will develop a dependency or addition, often moving on to move dangerous drugs and causing significant harm to themselves and possibly others (Ibanga 2010).

Drug abuse has increased drastically in recent years and the problem is becoming more serious, especially among young teens who are predominantly found in the secondary schools (Anthony et.al 2005).the average age of first marijuana use is 14, and alcohol use can start before age 12. The use of alcohol and marijuana in secondary schools has become common. Drug use is associated with a variety of negative consequences, including increased risk of serious drug use later in life, school failure and poor judgement, which may put teens at risk of accidents, violence, unplanned and unsafe sex, and suicide. According to Laver (1978) drug/substance abuse simply means the improper use of drug/substances to the degree that the consequences are defined as detrimental to the user and or the society. The World Health Organization (WHO (2006) also defined drug/substance abuse as a “state” of periodic or chronic intoxication, detrimental to the individual and to the society, produced by the repeated consumption of a drug/substance (natural or synthetic).

Drug/substance abuse patterns include all aspects of drug/substance usage by the youths ranging from how much, how often and what sort of drug/substances, where who, with, what circumstances and so on. The analysis of contemporary social problems has consistently proved more and more controversial because of the variables involved in their analysis, with the incidence of drug/substance abuse, being of utmost concern to the user himself, his family, the government and the entire society in which he lives. This situation seems to have caused a lot of embarrassment to the government including most especially the damage done to the image of Nigerian abroad. It is obvious that custom officials in the United States of America and indeed the entire nations of Europe subject the people of Nigeria traveling to their countries to a more thorough and embarrassing checks. This type of degrading and humiliating checking of Nigerians according to them is because they want to crack down on drug smugglers of which Nigerians are the chief suspects due to the hard drug/substance trafficking posture exhibited by many greedy Nigerians.

Drug addiction, also called substance use disorder, is a dependence on a legal or illegal drug or medication. Keep in mind that alcohol and nicotine are legal substances, but are also considered drugs. When an individual is addicted, he is not able to control his drug use and he may continue using the drug despite the harm it causes. Drug addiction can cause an intense craving for the drug. The individual may want to quit, but most people find they can’t do it on their own. It can also lead to serious, long-term consequences, including problems with physical and mental health, relationships, employment, and the law.

Many things influence the development of an addiction. While we do not yet know how these various influences combine to form an addiction, we do know there are two basic types. One type of influence is biological forces, such a person’s genetics. The second type is environmental influences. This includes people’s life experiences. Early life experiences, interpersonal relationships, and culture can heavily influence us.

The Nigerian society has defined some drug/substances as acceptable while others as not acceptable without reference to their effects on mental and physical wellbeing of the users. For instance, our society considers the use of alcohol and nicotine as acceptable; hence those who take these drug/substances do so freely in public without fear of arrest or societal stigma. In the society as a whole, crime, promiscuity, armed robbery and other vices are all linked to drug/substance abuse. Therefore this study is motivated by the controversy that surrounds the effect of drug abuse among youth in Ohaji Local Government Area of Imo State.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The usage of drug/substance either by the youths or other members of the larger society in all its ramifications appears to be a social problem. This problem is widespread and it affects all and sundry. In other words, this wide spread use and abuse entice people from all walks of life and beyond the human destruction caused by drug/substance dependence is the damage to traditional values and lifestyles. Studies have also shown that drug/substance abuse wrecks the individual, shatter families and weakens the entire society with its burden of economic looses, health cost,  increased lawlessness and crime. In addition, drug/substances undermines ability of youths to learn meaningfully.It also contradicts societal values of physical wellbeing.

People experiments with drug/substances because they seem to hold the promise of fulfillment. However, the fulfillment is generally elusive, since greater and greater quantities are consumed and ultimately the person suffers both physical and psychological deterioration. The drug/substance abuser also experiences problems of interaction and such interactional problem is encountered inside his immediate family and stress is invariably created in the family situation of drug/substance abuse (Hoffman, 1990).

Furthermore, drug/substance abuse may entail a lot o social problems ranging from lateness to lectures, family neglect, deviance behaviours, involvement in crime etc (Earl 2000). In terms of economic cost, it includes the more money required to deal with the undesirable effects of the drug/substance abuse, the less money for services and programmes that enhances the quality of life (Earl, 2000).

One of the factors militating against the eradication of drug/substance abuse among our youths is that of security agencies, such as the police force, and the National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies among others these have not done enough to check this scourge. Another factor militating against the eradication of drug/substance abuse among Nigerian youths is the problem of corruption among the men and women                                                                                                                                                        officials of these aforementioned agencies.

To this end and judging from the problems outlined earlier, this research was aimed at ascertaining the effect of drug abuse on the youths of Ohaji Local Government Area of Imo State.

1.3 Aims/Objectives of the Study

The primary aim of this study was to determine the effect of drug abuse on the youths of Ohaji Local Government Area of Imo State. Specifically the study intends to:

  1. Find out the drug/substances that are commonly abused by youths in of Ohaji Local Government Area.
  2. Find out the implications for youths involvement on drug/substance abuse in of Ohaji Local Government Area.
  3. Determine the extent of drug abuse by the youth in of Ohaji Local Government Area.
  4. Identify strategies/measures aimed at eradicating the drug abuse problems among youths in of Ohaji Local Government Area.
  5. Ascertain the reasons why drug/substances are been abused by the youths in of Ohaji Local Government Area.

1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions will guide the study:

  1. What are the common drug used by the youths in of Ohaji Local Government Area?
  2. What are the major reasons accountable for engagement of youths in drug abuse in of Ohaji Local Government Area?
  3. What are the likely implications for youth’s involvement in drug abuse in of Ohaji Local Government Area?
  4. What are the measures that should be used to eradicate drug abuse among youths in of Ohaji Local Government Area?
  5. What extent do youths in of Ohaji Local Government Area use drug and substance?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The results of the study will help in creating awareness in the society on the general negative effects of drug/substance abuse on their health most especially the youths.

It will help youths in of Ohaji Local Government Area to realize that excessive or even small intakes of these items (drug) have inhibitory effects on their brain and general wellbeing.

The result of this study will also be used in making drug abusers to have a second thought before partaking in their uses.

This will go a long way in modelling the behaviors of the youths when the general awareness has been created.

Findings from this study will go a long way in reducing the numerous health problems encountered as a result of the misuse of drug or the intake of hard drugs.

Result from the study could also help young researchers or educators in solving some problems of drug/substance abuse, thereby ensuring good health of the youths in general and social harmony in the society.

Finally, all the social ills in the society as a result of the effects of drug abuse among the youths in the society will be drastically minimized.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The research work was carried out to investigate the effects of substance abuse among the youths in of Ohaji Local Government Area, Imo State a case study. The scope of this study is limited to drug abuse by the youths of Ohaji Local Government during the period of this research work.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Effects: This could be defined as consequences. It is also the power to produce result.

Drug: A drug or substance is a chemical substance capable of altering the physical and psychological function of the body such as India hem, Marijuana, cocaine etc.

Abuse: This means the misuse or over use of something. It can also be described as the illegal use of something.

Drug/substance Abuse: This is the misuse of drug/substances. It could be defined as the illegal use of substance which interferes with the human behavior.

Youth: The period of existence preceding maturity or age; the whole early part of life, from childhood, or, sometimes, from infancy to manhood.



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