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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of field trip on biology student achievement a selected public secondary school in Obot Akara Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. To accomplish this goal, four research questions and two research hypotheses were developed to drive this study. The major instrument used to collect data from 30 respondents, who were principals and teachers from selected public secondary schools in Obot Akara Local Government Area, was a structured questionnaire. Thirty (100%) copies of the questionnaire were properly completed and submitted for data analysis. To examine the research topics, the data received from respondents was analyzed using tables and descriptive statistics, while the Chi-square statistical approach was utilized to assess the hypotheses. The findings demonstrated that biology who participated in field trips did better than those who were taught using traditional methods. The current study’s findings show that field trips have a positive influence on students’ views toward biology in general. There was a statistically significant difference between students who went on field trips and those who had standard classroom scientific teaching. The main reason for being optimistic is that field trips boost students’ understanding of science. As a result, as students moved from the constraints of the classroom to the outside and field setting, they increased cognitive, behavioral, and effective domains of learning.








1.1 Background to the Study

Many educators favor informal learning experiences, often known as educational field trips, for their ability to boost interest and enhance the knowledge given in the classroom. There are numerous other causes. Educational field trips can also be used as a complement to the curriculum by formal educators. An educational field trip serves several functions. It is an effective method of generating interest in a subject. It can be used to introduce a subject that is about to be covered in class, as well as at the end of a unit as a follow up to illustrate and reinforce the lesson recently taught. It can also provide context by demonstrating how the subject can be used in the actual world. It is also used to improve concepts and push students to learn more. All of these goals have one thing in common: they are all meant to boost students’ interest and understanding of the subject. A field trip is sometimes known as an instructional trip or a school excursion (Behrendt & Franklin, 2014).

A field trip as a learning approach is taking students outside of the classroom to make relevant observations and gather specific information. It could be a neighboring school farm, national park, institutions, agencies, and government parastatals, woodland, or game reserve. It is a vital part of teaching basic Social Studies topics (Bajah, 2002). According to (Aliyu, 2008), a field trip is getting students outside of the classroom to view real examples of classroom theories. It also allows for direct observation and interpretation of the drug in its natural environment. It necessitates the application of fundamental abilities like as observation, identification, classification, and manipulation of substances in the natural environment. It gives the content being learnt a real-world perspective. Students will recall and understand more if they can observe where and how things work or happen in real life. This correspond with a Chinese proverb cited by Ukairo in Ahmad (2014) that says; “What I hear, I forget; What I see, I remember; and What I do I understand”.

Biology as a branch of the general body of knowledge (science), has been defined by different scientists according to perception and understanding of the subject. Okwo and Tawtiyas, (2000) define biology as a science which involves systematic study of living things and interaction with each other and their environment. Kalu, (2007) simply defines biology as the science of life. Biology as a science of life is concerned with the characteristics of living things, their forms, functions and relationship with one another and with their environment among others. However, for effective biology teaching, the use of method/strategy which would make the use of the environment would achieve much and bring home the actual meaning of the concepts. Among science subjects (chemistry, physics and biology), biology is the most popular (Ibrahim 2008). It is a core (compulsory) subject for almost all Senior Secondary Schools Students in Nigeria. Also, the basic knowledge of biology is a prerequisite for studying a number of disciplines such as medicine, agriculture, pharmacy, microbiology, biochemistry and psychology among others (Bichi, 2003, Kalu and Ndokwo, 2006). So, the use of strategy that will ground the students in biology concept should be used. The present study investigates the effects of field trip on students’ academic achievement and retention in ecology concept at senior secondary school level. Biology plays a vital role in the economic development of a nation. This is because Ajaja, (2008) said that recent advances recorded in the field of biochemistry, physiology, ecology, genetics and molecular biology, have made the subject a central focus in most human activities including solutions to the problem of food scarcity, pollution, population explosion, radiation, disease, health, hygiene, family life, poverty eradication, management and conservation of natural resources as well as biotechnology and ethics. Due to immense benefits of the subject (Biology) to both individual and societal development, the Federal Government of Nigeria, in the National policy on education, (FME 2005), made biology a core science subject at the senior secondary school (SSS). The objectives of biology Programme are: Adequate laboratory and field skills in Biology; Meaningful and relevant knowledge in biology; Ability to apply scientific knowledge to everyday life in matters of personal and community health and Agriculture; Reasonable functional scientific attitudes and Emphasis of content and context of the syllabus is placed on: field studies, guideddiscovery/Biology as inquiry (FME 2005).

Academic achievement is determined by the amount of intellectual stimulation that a child receives from a learning scenario (Obeka, 2009). According to Blaiv (2010), to achieve is to acquire or gain something via hard work and expertise.’ On the other hand, Love in Okafor (2011) emphasized that academic accomplishment is concerned with mental health treatment. According to him, mental health is founded on physical health and intellectual abilities, which result in appropriate means of adjustment, social sensitivity, and an adequate self concept. According to Adeyemi (2010), achievement is a student’s scholastic position at any particular time. It is related to the effective completion of a goal(s). Achievement is the outcome of education that allows a student, teacher, or institution to accomplish their educational goals (Ezeudu, 2016). Achievement denotes something that someone has accomplished successfully, particularly via his or her own efforts and talents (Okeke, 2016). The act of getting a result through efforts in the quality and quantity of pupils’ work is referred to as achievement. According to Bitrus (2014), academic performance is a measure of information obtained via the educational process that is often reflected by test results, grade point average, and degree. The present  study  was  designed  to investigate  the  influence  of  field  trips on  students’ attitudes towards basic science.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The ancient teaching practice of “talk and chalk” has become an ingrained characteristic of Nigerian teachers. They regard themselves as master know-it-alls, and as a result, they tend to convey their knowledge to the learner as if the learner’s brain is a machine capable of absorbing everything offered to it. The learner’s responsibility is to sit, grasp, and integrate all knowledge. This has not gone down well with Secondary School student offering biology. In most of our secondary schools, both students and teachers of sciences, particularly in biology, express frustration with the disciplines, particularly those requiring practical or hands-on participation. Students claim that the subject is large or that it is most likely vast, and they frequently do not cover much before writing their exams.  Surprisingly, in Obot Akara Local Government Area, most teachers continue to rely on the lecture technique, ignoring the use of fieldtrips in their instructional delivery. As a result, students studying biology graduate from high school with academic knowledge but no practical expertise of biology. This may have an impact on student retention and accomplishment in internal and external examinations in Senior Secondary Schools. In the twenty-first century, efforts are being made to alter students’ paradigms from being passive learners to learners who actively participate in the learning process and acquire knowledge for themselves. Many novel instructional tactics, including field trip instructional strategies, have been utilized to teach science courses at the elementary and secondary levels in developed countries around the world. However, there have been few, if any, empirical studies on the influence of fieldtrip strategy on students’ academic progress. The majority of past research are theoretical in character, focusing on the role of fieldtrips in teaching and learning. As a result, the purpose of this study is to assess the effects of field trips on Biology student academic achievement in Obot Akara Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.

1.3 Aim/Objectives of the Study

The primary aim of the study was to investigate the effect of field trip on biology student achievement in Obot Akara Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. Specifically, the study sought to:

  1. Evaluate the academic achievement of biology students taught using field trip and those taught using conventional method.
  2. To examine the attitude of senior secondary school students to learning biology before and after field trips.
  • Find out if there is difference between the academic achievement of rural and urban students who were taught biology by means of field trips.
  1. Determine if there is difference between the academic achievement of male and female students who were taught biology by means of field Trips.

1.4 Research Questions

The following questions are formulated in line with the above objectives to guide the study:

  1. Does biology students that participated in field trips performed better than those taught using conventional method of teaching?
  2. Are there significant improvement on the attitude of senior secondary school students to learning biology before and after field trips?
  3. Is there any significant difference between the academic performance of rural and urban students who were taught biology by means of field trips?
  4. What is the difference between the academic performance of male and female students who were taught biology by means of field Trips?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

The following statement of hypotheses will be tested in the course of the study:

H0: Biology students that participated in field trips does not performed better than those taught using conventional method of teaching.

H1: Biology students that participated in field trips do performed better than those taught using conventional method of teaching.

H0: There is no significant improvement on the attitude of senior secondary school students to learning biology before and after field trips.

H2: There is a significant improvement on the attitude of senior secondary school students to learning biology before and after field trips.