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Education as an investment constitutes the largest enterprise in Nigeria. It is the principal instrument for academic progress, social mobilization, political survival and effective national development of any country (Usman, 2016). Quality of performance has become the key factor for personal progress. Parents desire that their children climb the ladder of performance to as high a level as possible. This desire for high level of academic achievement puts a lot of pressure on students, teachers, parents and schools and in general the education system itself. In fact, it appears as if the whole system of education revolves round the academic performance of students. According to Wikipedia (2013), academic performance is the outcome of education; it is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. Thus performance is characterized by performance on tests associated with coursework and the performance of students on other types of examinations (Amasuomo, 2014). Academic performance to Jamila (2009) is the illustration of our knowledge, understanding, skills and he describes grade point average (GPA) as a clear indicator of student’s performance. He stressed that academic performance of students must be effectively managed and therefore, factors that can affect their performance should be carefully analyzed to reveal whether these factors influence them negatively or positively. Additionally, academic performance is the numerical scores of students’ perception, understanding and concepts, which demonstrate their adaptation level to the educational system.

Academic performance plays an important role in an individual’s placement, be it in an academic institution or job placement (Ernest-Ehibudu and Tusiima, 2017). Due to this, many people are concerned with the way they can enhance their academic achievement. The emphasis is on academic performance which is also prevalent worldwide, and has encouraged many studies about the conditions promoting it. The conditions promoting this academic performance are as follows, learning, study skills, concentration, and motivation. Therefore, the role of academic performance is one of the predictors of one’s life success and also in aspect of academic placement in schools to higher institutions as well as the level of employability in one’s career is inevitable (kyoshaba, 2009). Thus, academic performance or achievement is the outcome of education, the extent to which a student, teacher or an institution has achieved their educational goals. Academic performance is commonly measured by examinations or continuous assessment but there is no general agreement on how it is best tested or which aspects is most important procedural knowledge such as skills or declarative knowledge such as facts (Annie, Howard and Mildred, 2013).

The Nigerian University has for long been recognized as an ivory tower of education. The university is seen as the factory for producing high level man-power in every conceivable field of human endeavour. It is populated by three major sectors: The bureaucrats (administrators) the academics (Lecturers, Tutors/Instructors) and the students (Victor and Fago, 2015). These three sectors are generally referred to as the University community, with each sector performing a defined role. University education in Nigeria shall make optimum contribution to national development by intensifying and diversifying its programmes for development of high level manpower within the context of the needs of the nation; making professional course contents reflect our national requirements; making all students part of a general programme of all-round improvement in university education, to offer general study courses such as history of ideas, philosophy of knowledge, nationalism and information technology (IT); and making entrepreneurial skills acquisition a requirement for all Nigerian universities (NPE, 2013).

University remains the chief agents of progress in the society and progressive nations are those with flourishing universities. University helps in the development of nations by providing the high as well as the middle level manpower needed for the social, economic and political advancement. This is done through the programme of teaching, learning, research and community services (Ajegbelen, 2016). This places university education at the apex in the ranking of educational system, as it is designed to accommodate knowledge acquisition and production (Anunobi and Nwogwugwu, 2013). According to Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, Universities are institutions of higher learning that provide facilities for teaching and research and are authorized to grant academic degrees such as bachelor, master and doctorate.

In the technology era, the acquisition of knowledge is depicted as a process that is mediated by the device. The emerging technologies pave the way to the progress of numerous prospects that enhance the learning process in such a manner that was not possible before now. According to UNESCO (2015), the affordances of the technology offers not only possibilities for new experiences and learning but also places demands for acquisition of new skills such as computational thinking, problem solving, innovative product creation, collaborators, effective communicators. Technology has provided opportunities for communication and by extension made the learning experience better (Bon, 2010). Technology has become so much part of our lives in the 21st century that even being fully integrated now includes an aspect of computer literacy. The latest explosion in this field is the development of the so-called mobile technology devices (also referred to as hand-held devices) such as ipads and smart phones (Tabisa, 2013).

Information technology is now an inevitable tool for teaching and learning in the present education system (Shaibu, Mike, Oyelere & Jarkko, 2016). With the aids of information and communication technology, mobile technologies have transformed from mere means of socialization to modern educational tools.  Mobile technologies can facilitate human interaction and access to information resources anytime and anywhere (Elias, 2011). Mobile technologies, such as cell phones and personal digital assistants, are widely used in life for various purposes.       Mobile technological devices have become affordable and hence are within reach of the masses (Crescente and Lee, 2011). They have also introduced a variety of new tools that improve user-friendliness to the extent that they can even support education. Likewise, developments in wireless communication networks such as the 3G/data card, data bundles, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and general packet radio service (GPRS) further extend this opportunity for mobile technology users.

The term ‘mobile technology’, as used in this study, includes mobile computers (such as laptops), mobile devices and wireless communication tools. In other words, with the use of mobile devices, learners can learn anywhere and at any time (Crescente and Lee, 2011). With mobile technologies, university lecturers and students can communicate with audio visual approach making the presentation to be multimedia. Using mobile technologies for educational purposes is becoming a common expectation of teachers and learners alike (Heflin, Shewmaker and Nguyen, 2017).

A university’s objective is to educate its students using information and communication technologies (ICTs) and teaching techniques that would enable its graduates become flexible and life-long learners that can easily adapt to the changes eminent in the information society. Achieving this aim requires among other factors, the adoption  and usage of appropriate teaching methodology and use modern technology tools  such as mobile technologies which supports the inculcation of collaborative and lifelong learning skills, technology use skills, knowledge sharing skills and social networking skills into students.

Teaching and learning with the use of mobile technology is an emerging educational phenomenon resulting from the integration of electronic learning and mobile technologies (Pollara & Broussard, 2011). The increasing use of mobile technology for teaching and learning activities is creating a paradigm shift for electronic learning. Adoption and usage of mobile technologies for teaching and learning in Nigerian Universities provides significant learning prospects and enhance  academic performance of  students who regularly use mobile devices like personal digital assistance, android, smart phones, and so on (Adegbija & Bola, 2015). Mobile technology is defined as handheld information technology devices or artifacts that encompass hardware (devices), software (interface and applications), and communication (network services) (Gedik, Hanci-Karademirci, Kursun & Caglitay, 2012). Hashemi, Azizinezhad, Najafi and Nesari (2011) described mobile technologies for learning as the use of technological devices or technologies, which include mobile phones, androids, smart phones, iPad, and so on, to extend the reach of teaching and learning to occur across multiple locations.

The continued growth of mobile technology as an educational tool is as a result of its flexibility and pervasiveness (Iqbal & Qureshi, 2012). The ease of use, portability and relatively cheap procurement make the mobile technologies ready tools that can be used by students generally (Elias, 2011). Adegbija and Bola (2015) opined that the use of mobile technologies for academic activities in universities can enlarge the scope of tertiary education and allow it to better reach students. The use of these technologies for academic purposes is equally capable of providing a more interactive and effective type of learning to meet individuals’ learners needs (Pollara and Broussard, 2011). Mobile technology can be beneficial for higher education due to its ubiquitous nature and ability to shape information processes (Schepman, Rodway, Beattie and Lambert, 2012). Adoption of mobile technology for academic activities offers the ability to engage in learning activities such as communication and content material sharing between students and lecturers, students and subject experts, and among students and their environments (Ishita, Santoshi and Guha, 2015).


Mobile technologies have the ability to bridge pedagogically designed learning contexts, facilitate learners’ generated contexts and content (both personal and collaborative) while providing personalization and ubiquitous social connectedness which makes it to be different from the traditional learning environment (Utulu & Alonge, 2012).  Mobile technology can also be referred to as social technology which provides social learning environment for learners and improved students’ academic achievements. The use of mobile technologies for effective instructional delivery could contribute to the effectiveness of instruction and increase availability of education to the thousands of the youths waiting and yarning for global information or knowledge lacking in higher institutions in Nigeria. It is against this background that the current study was carried out to assess the influence of mobile technologies on student’s academic performance in AL-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria.

Statement of the Problem

Learners do not learn in a vacuum. They learn together with their peers and their teachers, they learn while competing and collaborating, they learn by example, they learn by doing and they learn by correcting misconceptions they have from previous “learning activities”. Furthermore, they learn within a well-defined learning environment. In the past, this was constrained within walls and the teacher was the main source of knowledge. With the advent of mobile technologies, the teacher was put in a position in which the information within the walls was competing with information outside the classroom.

The unprecedented manner by which mobile technologies has penetrated Nigeria has resulted into many Nigerians now having better access to these mobile technologies more than clean portable water, good health care facilities, and even electricity (Callum, 2010). It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the importance of mobile technologies on students’ academic achievements in higher education in Nigeria. In spite of this general acceptability of these mobile technologies in Nigerian higher institution of learning, it appears that its adoption and utilization for academic purposes not widespread (Ayoade, 2015). This is against the study of Oladele and Oyewusi (2017) who revealed that usage of mobile technologies for academic purposes is very useful in ensuring increase access to quality education and improved on students’ academic achievements especially in developing countries like Nigeria. This study also corroborate with that of  Oluwole (2012) who revealed that web browsing, instant messaging and social networking facilities on smartphone devices are used by students for academic purposes and enhance their academic achievements in higher institutions of learning. Specifically, it is in the light of these problems that this study was therefore set to carry out on the influence of mobiles technologies on students’ academic performance in AL-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria.

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to assess the influence of mobile technologies on Students’ Academic Performance in AL-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria. Specifically, the study intends to determine the:

  1. Perceived influence of mobile technologies on student’s academic performance in AL-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria.
  2. Mobile technologies frequently used for academic activities among the students in AL-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria.
  3. Accessibility of mobile technologies used for academic activities among the students in AL-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria.
  4. Possible constraints toward the use of mobile technologies for academic activities among the students in AL-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria.

Research Questions                                                                                           

In line with the specifics objectives of the study, the following research questions are raised to guide the study:

  1. Does mobile technologies usage influence student’s academic performance in AL-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria?
  2. What are the types of mobile technologies frequently used for academic activities among the students in AL-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria?
  3. Are mobile technologies accessible for the used among students for academic activities in AL-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria?
  4. What are the constraints toward the use of mobile technologies for academic activities among the students in AL-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria?

Research Hypotheses

For the purpose of this study, the following research hypotheses are formulated and to be tested at 0.05 level of significance.

HO1 There is no significant influence between mobile technologies usage and student’s academic performance in AL-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria.

HO2 There is no significant relationship between the types of mobile technologies frequently used and student’s academic performance in AL-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria

HO3 There is no significant relationship between the accessibility of mobile technologies used and student’s academic performance in AL-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expected to be relevant to the following groups of stake holders: Students, Lecturers, Government, tertiary institutions, Non-Governmental Organization and Researchers.

The introduction of mobile technologies in Nigerian university education would create awareness among students, and emphasize the need to use, and encourage students of all categories to use, mobiles technologies device for academic activities.

It will also bridge the gap between lecturers and students as much as it will improve their skills on the use of mobile technologies for teaching and learning and enhances students’ academic improvements. The outcome of this study will also provide information on the efficiency and effectiveness of mobile technologies in teaching and the usefulness of educational application in learning.

The outcome of this study would be useful to government at various levels of governance in the aspects of curriculum planning, initiation, application and development. This is in view of the fact that the study would provide useful data for the various tiers of government in the planning, designing, and implementation of mobile-based learning for the growth and development of education at all levels in Nigeria.

It is hope that outcome of this study would educate tertiary institutions and support them on the modus operandi surrounding the use of mobile technologies for teaching and learning. Also non-governmental organizations will then know the areas where they could help students and institutions in the acquisition of mobile technologies. Finally it is also hoped that the results of this study will serve as a source of data to student and researchers in educational administration and management and related field of study as reference materials for further research works.

Scope of the Study

This study focuses on mobile technologies and students’ academic performance in AL-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria. The study is delimited to the use of undergraduate students both Male and Female of Faculty of Education in AL-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria as this will enable the researcher to get first hand information and reasonable data as regards to the influence of mobile technologies on students’ academic performance in AL- Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria.

Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined as they are used in this study:

Mobile Technology: Mobile technology is handheld information technology devices or artifacts that encompass hardware (devices), software (interface and applications), and communication (network services)

Mobile Device: Mobile device as it is use in the study offers the ability to engage in learning activities such as communication and content material sharing between students and lecturers, students and subject experts, and among students and their environments.

Student: Student is a person who studies a particular academic subject.

Performance: Performance refers to of performing or carrying into execution or action; execution; achievement; accomplishment; representation by action.

Academic Performance: Academic performance is the outcome of education, the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. Academic performance is commonly measured by examination or continuous assessment or cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of students.

Universities: Universities are institutions of higher learning that provide facilities for teaching and research and are authorized to grant academic degrees such as bachelor, master and doctorate.

Education: Connects the process of inculcating and acquiring the right type of knowledge, through information technology-based instruction to enable the child become relevant in this era of globalization.



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