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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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This Islamic School Helps Students Build Their American And Muslim Identity  : NPR Ed : NPR



Background of the study

Education is an essential ingredient for human development, social justice, equity and religious harmony; and in all facets, Islam as a religion enjoins its adherents to seek useful knowledge from cradle to grave. Islamic studies on the other hand trains the sensibility of students in such a manner that their challenge to life, approach to all kinds of knowledge and decisions are all regulated by the value of Islam.

On these premises, Muslims of all ages have strived and contributed meaningfully to human development, educational advancement, world civilization and culture (Adeyemi, 2016). In Nigeria, Muslims in both northern and southern parts of the country have being the victims of colonial inequity in term of western educational adventures amidst the British policy of non-interventionism towards the Muslims especially in the North (Rosalind,2001), while their southern counterparts were forced to change their faiths and names in exchange for biblical-inclined education. This, according to Rosalind has resulted in a lasting and destabilizing dichotomy that is firmly imprinted in the historical memory of Nigerian Muslim (Rosalind, 2001).

Social change leads to transformation in thinking which in turn influences behaviour patterns in society. Social change is an alteration in the thought processes of individuals that drives social progress. It may refer to a paradigmatic change in the socio-economic structure of today, characterized by complexity and global interdependence. Historically, social change has been driven by cultural, religious, economic, scientific or technological forces. Contemporary rapid technological advances and escalating global changes have impacted on the global economy in ways that are detrimental to the environment and communities, threatening the sustainability of our societies. To address the challenges faced by global communities, education instructional systems will transform values, challenge and behaviour patterns to actuate social change or modification. Education is a major and vital instrument in initiating social adaptation “by bringing about a change in outlook and challenge of students.

It can bring about a change in the pattern of social relationships and thereby causing social changes”. Emerging new technologies test the existing social systems and often become an antecedent of more efficient human connectedness and globally accepted human communication. Thus social change evolves progressively, sometimes dramatically as it has, in the last two decades. “Social change is a very complex and dynamic phenomenon that can be considered from a variety of perspectives and is reflected in a number of processes. These processes are different in different types of societies” (Pavlova, 2014). Existing cultural, social and economic similarities and dissimilarities in various local environments affect these processes and shift societal structure globally, driving social change. Arab spring, Occupy protest are examples that illustrate how local is transmitted through social networking into the global field, influencing social thought processes and initiating change. Global technological advances are embraced in various environments and disseminated, localized and customized in the existing cultural, social and economic context. Localization presents world readiness consequently local communities emerge with a commonality yet retaining aspects of the local identity. Global societies set common goals with local application thus globalization becomes a worldwide phenomenon that drives social change. Education is a method that will bring about behavioral changes in the society, which will allow every individual to effectively participate in the activities of the society and to form positive contribution to the progress of the society.


Statement of the Problem

A negative challenge towards Islamic studies has been found to be a contributing factor towards under-achievement in the subject. The negative challenge in the subject has created a lot of fear and anxiety among students who continue to perform dismally as they lack the interest, curiosity and patience needed for learning and performing related tasks concerning to the subject. Studies on student’s achievements in Islamic studies have mostly pointed to the fact that student’s challenge is a major contributor yet has received very little attention if any. There is therefore a need to study the effect of student challenge and beliefs as is the integral part of socio-cognitive learning which affects the learning outcomes (Burstein, 2012). This study would concern itself with a variety of beliefs that students harbour and which have potential effects on their learning processes as would determine their ability and willingness to learn. Students’ opinions and beliefs regarding Islamic studies, how much they like it, how important they think it is, how difficult they perceive it is and the future expectations can be understood as facets of student’s challenges’ towards Islamic studies and which determine their success in the subject (Aiken, 2010). This is a clear indication that structural changes alone are a necessary, but not sufficient condition in realizing an improved performance (Trends in international Islamic studies and science study, 2015). There is a need therefore to understand the learners themselves, their challenge and perceptions towards the subject with the aim of suggesting strategies for improvement in the teaching and learning of the subject through challenge change. As a result, some balance should be struck between curriculum goals and the student performance (Mullins et al, 2014).


Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the challenges of teaching  Islamic studies in secondary schools in Ilorin East LGA.

The specific purpose of this study are:

  1. To identify the methods of teaching Islamic studies in secondary school in Ilorin East LGA
  2. Tofind out the type of teaching materials for teaching Islamic studies in secondary schools in Ilorin East LGA.
  • To determine the challenges of teaching Islamic studies secondary schools in Ilorin East LGA.
  1. Torecommend solutions to the challenges of teaching Islamic Studies in secondary schools in Ilorin East LGA.


Research Questions

  1. What are the methods of teaching Islamic studies in secondary schools in Ilorin East LGA?
  2. What are the types of materials used for teaching of Islamic studies in secondary schools in Ilorin East LGA?
  • What are the challenges of teaching Islamic studies in secondary schools in Ilorin East LGA?
  1. What are the solutions to overcome the challenges of teaching Islamic studies in secondary schools in Ilorin East LGA?


Significance of the Study

The finding of this study will be of intense benefits to the following stake holders;

  • Islamic studies students
  • teachers of Islamic studies
  • Public and private school administrators
  • education curriculum developments

Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is to investigate the challenges of teaching Islamic studies in Secondary schools in Ilorin East LGA. The targeted schools are :


  • Government secondary school maraba
  • Sabo Oke community secondary school,
  • Ojagboro Government Day secondary school.
  • Okesuna Girls Day secondary school.
  • Pake community secondary school, Ilorin.

Operational Definition of Terms

Islamic studies: Is the umbrella term for the Islamic sciences (‘Ulum al-din). In a non-Muslim context, Islamic studies generally refer to the historical study of Islam, Islamic civilization, Islamic history and historiography, Islamic law, Islamic theology and Islamic philosophy.

Challenge: Refers to any significant alteration over time in behaviour patterns and cultural values and norms. By “significant” alteration, sociologists mean changes yielding profound social consequences.

Teaching: In education, teaching is the concerted sharing of knowledge and experience, which is usually organized within a discipline and, more generally, the provision of stimulus to the psychological and intellectual growth of a person by another person or artifact. Learn more in: From Broadcasting to Transforming: The Social Construction of Knowledge for Understanding Lawfulness

Learning: Measurable and relatively permanent change in behaviour through experience, instruction, or study. Knowledge or skill acquired by instruction or study.

Secondary School: a school intermediate between elementary school and college and usually offering general, technical, vocational, or college-preparatory courses.



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