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The Best and Worst Social Media Platforms to Use for Business

                                                        CHAPTER ONE


1.1 Background of the Study

The prevalence of digital technology taking over every sector of the society and new innovations coming up daily, made producers of sanitary products to devise and poetized different media platforms for creating awareness and interest for their brands  in order to ensure they remain relevant in the competitive market environment. Digital advertising, also known as online marketing, Internet advertising, or web advertising, is a form of advertising and sales promotion which uses the Internet to deliver advertising messages to consumers. Digital advertising is a broad term that refers to various promotional techniques deployed to reach customers via digital technologies (Singh, 2016).

Internet advertising is involved in delivery of advertising messages and marketing communications through the Website. Due to its wide success, internet advertising currently constitutes a significant marketing channel for a large number of firms, and it is thus, gradually gaining attention in the context of communications strategy, planning and implementation for many businesses.

This new technology  have  undisputeably  enhanced  human  communication and information  sharing.  With the  various digital technology platforms  now being used in promoting products and services, behavioral information about the target audience can be harnessed through their internet use or through the user’s web page visits.  Businesses are able to get more personal information about customers than they ever would with the conventional outdoor advertising mediums such as billboards , banners, television amongst others. (Wilmshurt and Mackay, 2005).

Since the mid 90’s when the use of  the internet became more pronounced, it  has had a revolutionary impact on communication including the rise of – instant communication through electronic mail, instant messaging, discussion forums, blogs and social networking.  It has made communication easier and faster by allowing people to stay in contact with one another irrespective  of the time or geographical location ; also  with  the  effects of  these  new technologies  has also accelerated  the  pace of business  , widened the possibilities within  the  enterprise  and closed  communication gap between the organisation and its target audience, by allowing them to find their voices and express their  opinions about products and services through the social  media as a result of its high degree of interactivity and feedback mechanism which allows customers to  contribute as well as complain about likely advertising messages, products, services and brand improvement.( Tavor, 2011)

The emergence of digital advertising can be traced back to the year 1994, when the first online ad in the form of a banner ad was posted on a website called Hotwired (now known wire.com). The internet has evolved into the best tool for choosing and selecting products and services that most consumers, especially youths , require  nowadays in making choices  for their personal and household use , which could be a major reason why brands are adopting the use of digital platforms in order to remain relevant and visible in the corporate world. With technology  advancing  every day  and  every  facet being affected, brands these days have shifted  attention  from the traditional method of advertising to digital advertising of brands and services on various social media platforms such  as Facebook, instagram, twitter, tiktok etc due to different reasons such as the ability of these platforms to ensure product visibility, Recognition  and Reach. Because the internet has a global reach, the  brand will be  seen by a heterogeneous and larger audience simultaneously than the product sales team or traditional medium can reach. With  higher  numbers of people being able to access the brand, awareness of the products or services will be higher  than  if it  were  the traditional methods of increasing brand awareness. ( H & K,2013).

With so many options available in the market today, it becomes difficult for consumers to become loyal and switching becomes easy to decide which social media platform the brand must use to expand its business. For instance, a brand that has its major consumers   on Facebook, Snap chat, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn etc., it becomes imperative for the brands to have their presence on these platforms used majorly by their customers if they want to maintain a relationship and sustain their prospects and a step ahead of their competitors, by interacting with their consumer’s buzz of their brand among them.

Furthermore, the frequency at which a brand appears across multiple digital channels lends itself to higher brand recognition.  The stronger the brand recognition, the greater the opportunity to be the chosen brand by potential customers. Hence the need why brands are choosing digital platforms for product visibility.


Also, consumers, especially  the youths and females now regard the  internet as  the best tool for choosing and selecting products and services that they require considering the fact these categories of people are the greatest users of these social media platforms and they spend more time  surfing the social media, therefore, brands are choosing digital platforms  for product visibility in order to ensure all day digital visibility for the product as well as give the organisation and brand potential customers and right prospects to get to know more about the product and how to access it, as studies has shown that organisations with less online visibility  has low Return On Investment( ROI).

Utilising digital platforms  for brands visibility boils down to the fact that online visibility helps with brand reputation among competitors or how  a business is  percieved in the market ,as brand reputation helps a website to stand out from its competitors.

Brands  are opting for digital platforms for its product visibility in order to Increase brand equity.Brand equity refers to the commercial value that is gained from what  consumers think and feel about a brand, and how well  the brand commands market share and profit within its industry. Having higher brand equity means that the brand or product  will  experience  a reduction  in  the cost of  paid advertising  associated with gaining online  traffic  or awareness. Higher brand equity is linked to a higher market share, as consumers favour stronger brands over that of its competitors.

The rapid growth rate in use of internet is  increasing by the day at a fast pace which is due to the fact that online surfing,  online shopping ,payment of bills ,surfing for information and communication have become common  especially among the youths who are considered as early adopters  of most new innovations  such as the digital technologies.

They are ranked as having high purchasing power and often referred to as the fastest growing community of online buyers. Youths  play  significant role  in  family  decision  making  and influence the buying behavior of  the  family. It   also help in influencing the buying behavior of the friends. Almost  all  companies  have adopted   the digital advertising and marketing platforms  to  influence  the  young  generation,  especially  the  companies who sell consumer goods and household  sanitary products.

Youths preference for choosing digital platforms for buying choices of their daily needs can be attributed to several factors including but not limited to some of the following; ease of shopping, that is, saves time and is less stressful as most youths believe that online purchase can be made via the social media platforms, payments can be done  online,cash and home delivery offers and discounts leads to maximum use of online purchasing by the youths. (papers.ssm.com)


1.2 Statement of the Problem

With the emergence of new technologies cropping up everyday globally, and with the world being reduced to a global village, with people  being   exposed to diverse digital technology which are being embraced,  there has been a drastic and obvious  change in the choice of  media by youths across the world which is corroborated by the long hours these teeming youths spend on the social media.

The rate at which youths use the various social media platforms is quite alarming, hence the reason why many manufacturers have shifted from the use  of conventional medium of brand awareness creation to the  use of social media platforms  to promote  and create awareness for goods and services which has over the years gained the preference of many organizations producing household goods and services due to its interactive nature and its ability to reach a large heterogeneous dispersed audience at a cost effective rate.

Therefore, the challenge is finding out whether the influence of social media platforms in advertising different types of sanitary products enhances the purchase of these products, especially among the youths.  Another problem which the research work intends to find solution to the challenges facing the use of social media to promote sanitary products.

Facebook leads social media platforms in Egypt, followed by Instagram and  TikTok - Dailynewsegypt

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The following are the objectives of the study:

  1. To know if youths are conversant with sanitary products brands promotion of social media.
  2. To establish how frequent youths see sanitary products advertisements on social media.
  3. To find out which sanitary product brand are commonly seen on social media.
  4. To determine the social media platforms that commonly feature sanitary products brands.
  5. To measure the influence of social media platforms on sanitary product brands.

1.4 Research Questions

  1. Are the youths conversant with sanitary products brand promotions on social media?
  2. How frequent do youths see sanitary products advertisements on social media?

iii.Which sanitary product brands are commonly seen on social media.

iv.Which social media platforms commonly feature sanitary products brands.

v.What is the influence of social media platforms on sanitary products brands.

1.5 Significance Of The Study

The significance of this study cannot be underestimated as:

* This study will examine the use of social media platforms and its influence on audience patronage of specific sanitary products.

* The findings of these research work will provide the needed information to producers of  sanitary products ,youths and the general public.


1.6 Scope of the Study

This study is focused on the Influence of social media platforms on sanitary products patronage among youths in Ogun State. This study has been narrowed to examine how social media influence  the  buying power of the youths with specific reference to the students of Moshood Abiola Polytechnic,  Abeokuta, Ogun State.

It will also examine if the use of  social media platforms is concieved to provide reliable and   cost effective methods to reach out to the youths.

The period of this study spans from January to June 2022 and will look at the various ways the target audience of the sanitary products has  responded to social media platforms advertisement

Furthermore, the research work will be of advantage to producers of sanitary products because it will help them to understand  the target audience perception towards the use of social media platforms to advertise the products.


1.7 Limitation Of The Study

Just like any other research, this study was constrained by a number of factors which are as follows:

The obvious fact that the study was conducted on interpersonal level (face- to-face), it took a while to convince most participants to respond to the survey questionnaires at the same date.

Unavailability of needed accurate materials on the topic under study.

Also, some respondents had to be disqualified for data errors ranging from failing the baseline questions or some other irregularities on their responses.

1.8 Operational Definition Of Terms

Influence -The action or process of producing effects on the actions , behavior,  opinions , etc of another or others.

Social  Media– A computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts,  and information through virtual networks and communities.

Social Media Platforms.

Patronage- patronage  refers to  a  scenario  in  which  an  individual with a need/want to fulfil acquires something of value from a supplier in  order  to  satisfy  the  need or  lack .

Brands: a class of goods identified by name as the product of a single firm or manufacturer; a public image, reputation, or identity conceived of as something to be marketed or promoted.  Majorly, this  study  shall  focus  on  detergents as  representing  brands.

Detergents: Detergent is a chemical substance , usually in the form of a powder ,which is used for washing things such as clothes or dishes.

Youths –  A young adult who could be between  the age of 18 – 45 .