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Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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Real School Issues That Negatively Impact Learning


The study investigated the influence of truancy on the academic performance of primary pupils in Ilorin East Local Government Area of Kwara State. Two hundred pupils were purposively selected from collected 20 primary schools through the influence of truancy on academic performance question more data was analysed using frequency counts, percentage, t-test and ANOVA statistics. The results indicated that truancy has negative influence on the academic performance of male and female young and old and pupils from polygamous and monogamous parents. However, there is a significant difference the influence of truancy on the academic performance of pupils from illiterate non graduate and graduate parents. In view of this finding it is recommended that guidance and counseling should be introduced to primary school to assist pupils with problems.


Title Pages                                                               i  

Certification                                                             ii     

Dedication                                                               iii

Acknowledgements                                                  iv    

Abstract                                                                   v

Table of Contents                                                     vi

List of Tables                                                           viii


Background of the Study                                                 1     

Statement of the Study                                            7

Research Question                                                   8

Purpose of the Study                                               9     

Research Hypothesis                                                       9

Significance of the Study                                                 10

Scope/Delimitation of the Study                              11

Definition of Major Terms                                                11



Introduction                                                             13

The Concept of Truancy                                           13

Causes of Truancy                                                   16

School Factors in Truancy                                       19

Effects of Truancy                                                    27

Appraisal of Related Literature                                         30



Introduction                                                             33

Research Design                                                      33

Population of the Study                                           33

Sample and Sampling Techniques                           34

Instrumentation                                                       34

Validity of the Instrument                                        35

Reliability of the Instrument                                    35

Administration of the Instrument                            36

Procedure for Data Analysis                                             37


Hypothesis Testing                                                  38

Discussion of Findings                                            44



Summary                                                                         47

Conclusion                                                              48

Recommendations                                                   49

References                                                               50

Appendix                                                                 52



1.1 Background to the Study

The school is a social organization and as such it has got her established patterns of behaviour expected of all its members. These are expressed in the form of rules and regulations which governs the deeds of the headmaster, the teacher, the pupils and many other groups of personal that work within it.

Today, the school like most other social organization, faces the serious problem of its members, mostly the pupils do not conform to the standard behaviour expected. The   non-conforming to norms of an organizations is what sociologist refers to as “deviant behaviour”.

Truancy is one of its aspects and the most common among primary schools pupils and secondary school students.

According to Webster’s Dictionary (1991), truancy is the act of a child absenting himself or herself from the school without permission or good reason. Also the Oxford Dictionary (1989) defined “truancy as absence from duty without leave, especially a child absenting himself or herself from school without permission or running away from one’s place of work or school without a good reason”.

From the above definitions, truancy could be take to mean an act of staying away from school by a child without a good reason. According to editorial comment of Nigeria Tribune (20th July 2001 Pg 10) the news was as worrisome as it was alarming. It was widely reported in the media recently that about 600 students from various primary and secondary schools in Lagos State were found at a party organized by some of the at a hotel situated at lyana-Ipaja during school hours. Bewildered the matter to the Lagos state commissioner for education who promptly sent the rapid response team of education ministry to investigate the case.

By the time the team and some armed policemen arrived the hotel, the students has reportedly embarked on a drinking space and sexual orgy of unimaginable proportions. They were said to have dangled bottles of bear and condoms at the government team, which forced the door of the hotel open.

Subsequently, thirty students were arrested while the rest escaped leaving their bags behind. This is symptomations of the pervasiveness of the not in the society in general and the education sector in particular.

Such incident, has become imbiquistes all over the country in recent times. Rather than staying in schools, some students visits video games shop, hostel and recreation centres where they some cigarette, drink alcohol and generally indulge in vacuous nefarious activities.

It is this some set of students who are members of secret cults in Nigeria secondary or primary schools. This situations is so bad that the students reportedly bring things to their schools to molest teachers and fellow students. Little wonder than that these students are daily being recruited as pimps, prostitutes, drug carries and even armed robbers by criminals who frequently besiege hotels like the one located at Iyana-Ipaga where students held their “Owanbe party”. It is therefore beyond the researchers imagination of hotelies that would allow underage student’s to hold a party as early as a 9.00-am and even sell cigerattes and alcohol to them.

Perhaps, it is such playing of truancy that has led to the phenomena decline in the standard of primary and secondary education in the last ten years and the attendant increase in the examination mal-practices.

Primary education as referred to in the National Policy Education (1998) is the education given in an institution for children aged normally 6-11 years plus.

Since the rest of the education system is built upon it, the primary level is the key to the success or failure of the whole system. This being the case, the general objectives of primary education are:-

  1. The inculcation of permanent literacy and numeracy and ability to communicate effective.
  2. The laying of sound basis for scientific and reflective thinking.
  3. Citizenship education as a basis for effective participation in and contribution to the life of the society.
  4. Character and moral training and the development of sound attitude.
  5. Developing in the child the ability to adopt to his changing environment.
  6. Giving the child opportunities for developing manipulative skills that will enable him to function effectively in the society within the limits of his capacity.
  7. Proving basic tools for further educational advantage cement including preparation for trades and craft of the locality.

In pursuance of the above objectives of the Kanaiwa Cegiwa square venue of the lunch of UBE president Obasanjo took the tumultuous crowd down memory land when he launched the Universal Primary Education (UPE) in his position then as the military of state 23 years ago. The justification for that programme, at that time, remains such the same as it is today. There is a continuous need to provide for the children and indeed for all citizens, the basis educational skills they require to be useful citizen in their communities, their country and in the world at large. He said the UBE was almost the same in concept as the defunct UPE, “It is still full and universal like before, but now in addition, it will be compulsory” he further maintained that, the present scheme extended to all children from age (six) 6 to 15 primary school to junior secondary school and adult literacy programme. The Universal Basis Education programme has been expanded to enable all Nigeria children not only to learn how to read and write but also to learn how to acquire basis technical and other skills for survival in this modern time.

Education describes the total process of human learning by which knowledge is imported facilities trained and skills developed. Schooling is only one form in which education is provided. The ideas are implicit in the world education, one is that of leading out into knowledge and experience, the other is that of feeding, thereby producing growth and development.

Both of these helpful in understanding what education is and both point to the fact that education is an essential process whereby the adult members of the society guide the development of the younger ones. It is how deviation of the expected roles affects the system that is the forms of this study.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Truancy is accompanied with many maladjustive behaviours which have negative effects on the performance of the affected pupils. This is not only affect the school of the individual but many crasequently affect the society on the long run.

It is asserted that truancy is a stumbing book in effective school which administration truancy apart from effect of low academic achievement may lead to school dropout. This is why this study is interested in investigating the influence of truancy on the academic performance of meant pupils in primary schools in Ilorin East LGA.

1.3 Research Questions

The following questions were formulated to provide the study.

  1. What are the influences of truancy on academic performance of Ilorin East LGA Primary School Pupils?
  2. Is there any difference in the influence of truancy on the academic performance of male and female school pupils?
  3. Is there any difference of in truancy in the influence on the academic performance of old and young pupils.
  4. Is there any different in the influence truancy on the academic performance of pupils from illiterate and literature parents?
  5. Is there any difference in the influence of truancy on the academic performance of pupils from polygamous and monogamous parents?

1.4 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of truancy on the academic performance of pupils in primary school is Ilorin East LGA of Kwara State.   

Similarly, the study is aimed at finding out weather the in fluency of truancy on the academic performance is the determine by gender, age, level of education and family status.

1.5 Research Hypothesis

The  following hypothesis were tested in the study

Ho1   There is no significant difference in the influence of truancy on the academic performance of male and female pupils.

Ho2   There is no significant difference in the influence of truancy on the academic performance of old and young pupils.

Ho3   There is no significant difference in the influence of truancy on the academic performance of pupils  from illiterate and literate parents.

Ho4   There is no significant difference in the influence of truancy on the academic performance of pupils from on polygamous and monogamous parents.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The truancy phonogamous in schools ahs been discovered to affect adolescent in schools in many ways. One of it is to keep an individual way from taking full advantage of educational opportunities. The study of this nature has the advantage of giving information on the prevalence and the extent of influence on the individual students.

The out come of this study may be beneficial to school teachers administrators and parents who may be on check out for such maladaptive behaviours of students.

The school counselors will be advantageous by assisting students to adjust positively. Thereby minimizing or eliminating truancy in the school.

It will also encourage government and philanthropist in the management of school such as paying, teacher salaries and other remuneration promptly.

1.7 Scope/Delimitation of the Study

The study covered some selected primary schools in Ilorin East Local Government Area of Kwara State. These are only primaries 5 and 6 participants because they are matured to answer any question asked them. The study deals mainly with truancy and also tries to see if non-truants are better academically than truants.

Although there are many network of factors that affects pupils performance in examination, this study is basically concerned with influence of truancy on academic performance of pupils in Ilorin East Local Government Area of Kwara State.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Truancy: Is an act of not wanting to go to school and making plan to do some thing else, it is one of the commonest deviant behaviour of the school children.

Truants:   Is any student who is absent from schools or classes without the conscent of the school authorities for many occasions.

Absentism: Is the practice of being absent from school work or other regular duty frequently and without good reason.

Delinquency:    Is the act of wrongdoing

Deviant:   To turn aside or wonder from common or right
