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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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Comfort 95.1 FM, Uyo – Your Radio, Your Comfort



CHAPTER                   TITLE                                     PAGES 

Fly leaf      –        –        –        –        –        –

Title page  –        –        –        –        –        –        i

Certification        –        –        –        –                  ii

Dedication          –        –        –        –        –        –        iii     

Acknowledgements     –        –        –        –        iv

Table of Contents         –        –        –        –        vi

List of Tables      –        –        –        –        –        ix

Abstract     –        –        –        –        –        –        xi


1.0              INTRODUCTION      –        –        –        –        1

Background of the Study      –        –        –        1

  • Statement of the problem –        –        –        5
  • Objectives of the Study –        –        –        –        7
  • Research Questions –        –        –        –        8
  • Significance of the Study –        –        –        8
  • Scope of the Study –        –        –        –        9
  • Limitation of the Study –        –        –        9
  • Definition of Terms –        –        –        –        10

2.0              REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                  13

2.1              Meaning and Concept of Radio

Broadcasting      –        –        –        –        –        13

2.2              Origin of Radio in Nigeria   –        –        –        15

2.3              Strengths and Weakness of Radio          –        17

2.4              Radio Listenership      –        –        –        –        21

2.5              Perception of Interactive Radio

Programme on Family Issues        –        –        24

2.6              Theoretical Framework        –        –        –        27

2.7              Review of Study –        –        –        –        –        29

3.0              RESEARCH METHODOLOGY  –        –        30

3.1              Introduction        –        –        –        –        –        30

3.2              Research Design –        –        –        –        –        30

3.3              Population of the Study        –        –        –        31

3.4              Sample and Sampling procedure           –        31

3.5              Instrument of Data Collection       –        –        33

3.6              Validity and Reliability of the

Instrument –        –        –        –        –        –        34

3.7              Method of Data Presentation and

Analysis    –        –        –        –        –        –        35


DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS     –        –        36

4.1              Introduction        –        –        –        –        –        36

4.2              Data Presentation and Analysis    –        –        36

4.3              Discussion of Findings                   –        –        –        49


5.0              SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION  –        –          –        55

5.1              Summary of Findings –        –        –        –        55

5.2              Conclusion          –        –        –        –        –        57

5.3              Recommendations       –        –        –        –        58

References –        –        –        –        –        –        59

Appendix  –        –        –        –        –        –        60


 This study focused on the “perception of comfort fm radio programme ‘family matters’ in family relationship”. The objectives were to determine the extent residents of Ikot Ekpene urban are exposed to comfort fm radio programme “family matters”, To find out who residents of Ikot Ekpene urban listen to comfort fm radio programme “family matters” with, To determine what in comfort fm radio programme “family matters” appeal(s) to residents of Ikot Ekpene urban, To determine how residents of Ikot Ekpene urban perceive comfort Fm radio programme ‘family matters’.  The survey designs was employed in the study with the questionnaire serving as a data collection instrument 300 questionnaires forms were administered and 250 were retrived and found useful for the study.   Random sampling technique was used in selecting the sample size. The information gathered from the respondents through the questionnaires was used for data analysis and interpretations. The findings shows that listeners in Ikot Ekpene urban know about the programme “family matter”, that majority of the people who are aware of the programme listened to it on a regular bases Residents perceived the programme to be useful in solving family issues, families in crisis will also listen to the programme as it is aimed in building their family relationship. Residents are also interested in increasing their knowledge in family issues. Residents listen to the comfort Fm radio programme, “family matters” on their own. The issues addressed during the programme are mostly what appeal to the residents




1.1 Background to the Study

Communication is essential to the human race as oxygen is to all creatures. Without communication, humanity would be extinct; it is the bone of our existence because it is the means we pass across thoughts, emotions and deeds in a language and manner that is meant to be understood form one person to another (Talabi, 2011). Communication is important to the human race in that it server as a fulcrum for maintaining the balance and mutuality in all human interactions and endaevours. Eluwa (2010), also asserts that communication is sharing information or providing entertainment through speaking, writing, sign language, different kinds of symbols, gestures or a combination of two or more of these methods. From the above aforementioned definitions, it can easily be agreed that communication is the process of expressing ones thought, opinions, facts, feelings and it is essential in every human society.

The world today is celebrating the advancement in communication technology which has broadened the scope of communication through information and communication technologies (ICTs).  Modern technology in communication no doubt has turned the entire world into a “Global Village”. It helps people to be better informed, educated, enlightened and keeping abreast with world developments.

Radio is one of the most important inventions that affects and changes the social life substantially. Radio draws the attention of large masses in a short time due to both technical and social effects it created on the societies during the period it was invented. It presents ideas and actions in the public interests and provides contemporary events and reflects human performance and brings messages into the homes and mind of the listeners.

According to Ejinkoenye (2011), the three primary or basic functions of radio are to:

  1. Educate (Education)
  2. Inform (Information)
  • Entertain (Entetainment)

The significant role of radio in educating, informing and entertaining can never be overemphasized. These essential roles are offered to the public through their various programmes. Radio programmes are the different products and services which they offer to their listeners. One of such programmes is “Family Matters” on comfort 95.1 FM Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.

Comfort FM radio programme “Family Matters” is an audience participating radio programme that is aimed at solving family issues and developing good family relationships. The programme “Family Matters” takes place from 7:30 am to 8:00am every Saturday on comfort 95.1 FM. Different family issues are raised and discussed. There is always a special guest on the programme to advise and provide counseling to listeners who may have issue or issues relating to the topic under discussion.

The introduction of audience participatory programme on radio such as “Family Matters” had made the functions of radio to go beyond information, education and entertainment. It is equally use for shaping and influencing the opinion and behavior of people to build good family relationships. Programmes like “Family Matters” should be emulated by other radio stations for a better society.

Like other listener of the programme, those in Ikot Ekpene perharps listen to the programme, but one does not know how they perceive it, and this made the study on Perception of comfort FM radio Programme “Family Matters” in family relationships, a study of Ikot Ekpene Urban posssible.

  • Statement of the Problem

Contemporary radio has become a potentially participative tool. We are facing a paradigmatic change in the relation between radio and its audience. Listeners are becoming the real content of radio, Mcluhan already understood this when he claimed that ‘in electronic media user is content’. However, with interactive programmes like “Family Matters”, the challenge of the broadcaster often is to determine how suitable he should present the complexities of human behavior without compromising or reducing the range of subject matter value and perception of the programme by the audience. This requires exceptional awareness of considerations peculiar to the medium and of the composition and preferences of particular activities.

The station’s programmes “family matters” is supposed to enhance family relationships, but it has been observed that though the people in Ikot Ekpene Urban listen to AKBC radio, they do not seem to be affected by this programme. One therefore does not know how the influence of this programme on the audience. It could be asked, how audience members of Comfort FM radio perceive the programme, “family matters”. This is what this study attempts to find out.

  • Objective of the Study

The study seeks to achieve the following objectives;

  1. To determine the extent residents of Ikot Ekpene urban are exposed to comfort FM radio programme “Family Matters”.
  2. To find out who residents of Ikot Ekpene urban listen to comfort FM radio program, “Family Matters” with.
  • To determine what in comfort FM radio programme “Family Matters” appeals to residents of Ikot Ekpene
  1. To determine how residents of Ikot Expene urban perceive comfort FM radio programme “Family Matters”.
  • Research Questions
  1. To what extent are residents of Ikot Ekpene urban exposed to comfort FM radio programme “family Matters”?
  2. Who do residents of Ikot Ekpene urban listen to comfort FM radio programme “Family Matters” with?
  • What in comfort FM radio programme “Family Matters” appeals to residents of Ikot Ekpene urban?
  1. How do residents of Ikot Ekpene urban perceive comfort FM radio programme “Family Matters”?
  • Significance of the Study

The study will help comfort 95.1 FM Uyo to create the needed awareness about the programme “Family Matters”. By creating this awareness it will at the same time enlighten the audience about the need to listen to the programme which might have a solution to some of their family issues.

The study will also add to the existing body of knowledge on the subject matter. Lastly, I will be useful to other researchers who may wish to undertake further study on related topic.

  • Scope of the Study

The study focuses on the perception of Comfort FM radio programme “Family Matters”. It is limited to Ikot Ekpene urban.

  • Limitations of the Study

Research involves a systematic way of solving a lasting problem. To be able to achieve ones aim, there are challenges a researcher must have to scale through. The major problem that the researcher encountered in the course of this work was time constraint since the research work was combined and conducted simultaneously with lectures in school and also preparation for then researcher’s final examination also posed a major setback on the researcher. As such the researcher had a difficult moment in administering the questionnaire on her respondents.

Also, considering the area of coverage of the research, finance also posed another limitation as the researcher being a student does no have these kind of finance required to fund this elaborate project. However, efforts were made to solve these problems.

  • Definition of Terms

The following are operational definitions.

Audience: This refers to listerners of Comfort Fm radio programme, “Family Matters” in Ikot Ekpene Urban.

Broadcast: This refers to the transmission of programme from a radio or television station

Influence: This is the capacity of “Family Matters” to have an effect on the character or behavior of Ikot Ekpene Urban residents who listen to it.

Listeners: This refers to a person who listen, especially someone who does so in an attentive manner.

Mass media: The mass media is a diversified collection of media technologies that reach a large audience via mass communication.

Programme: This refers to an item broadcast between state times on radio or television.

Relationship: this is the way in which two or more people are connected, such as family members in Ikot Ekpene urban who listen to comfort FM radio program, “Family Matters”.



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Account Name: Emmanuel Idorenyin Samuel.

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