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Relevance of Field Trips Teaching and Learning Physics In Secondary Schools in Akwa Ibom State

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Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦5,000.00

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The study was conducted to evaluate the importance of field visits in the teaching and learning of physics in the Port Harcourt metropolitan. The study was directed by four research questions and four hypotheses. The research instruments were a series of structured questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed to the target population’s students and teachers (respondents). The study issues were evaluated using mean and standard deviation statistics, while the hypotheses were tested using z-test statistics. Field trips were discovered to improve effective learning, provide experiences and learning, provide a practical approach, and promote essential attributes in pupils.It is recommended that field visits be included in the physics teacher’s activities for the senior high school curriculum. The kids should be guided by their professors to produce a report after each field trip, which will improve their writing skills and intellectual ability.
Every student possesses unique characteristics; field trips can assist students develop attributes such as leadership, socializing, unity, self-confidence, discipline, and organization.
Teachers should focus more on equal distribution of attention to both male and female students since that gender is not a driver of student achievement in physics. Teachers should take students on field trips to expose them to practical work as a style of teaching that promotes and encourages social contact, active involvement in learning, self-motivation, discovery learning, learning by doing, and learning by experiencing. The competent authority should conduct frequent school inspections to ensure that the curriculum is being followed and that pupils are achieving their goals. The government should offer appropriate finances and resources to schools to support proper field trip planning. Curriculum developers should create curricula that require the utilization of field trips in secondary schools across the country.



1.1 Background to the Study

Physics is a key science topic covered in secondary schools. It is the study of matter in relation to energy. The program is intended to generate educated individuals, some of whom may or may not pursue a career in physics. However, wherever students end up, it is hoped that the physics knowledge they received in secondary school would be beneficial to the rest of their schooling. The goal of education is to help students improve their knowledge, skills, and character. Thus, education is defined as the process of learning and knowing that is not limited to school or textbooks. Education is essential in one’s life. It is an important part of any modern society’s development. The importance of education may be seen at all levels of education, including primary, secondary, and higher education.

Because students are the primary beneficiaries of secondary education, they demand not just great instruction but also effective and cutting-edge learning methods in order to gain a better understanding of what they are learning and use it in their future life. At this level, many activities such as seminars, discussions, presentations, workshops, and field excursions are required. Meanwhile, schools who lack basic equipment could participate in industry visits using community resources and field trips (NERDC, 2007). The mission of field trip is to enhance learning and academic success by providing activities and programs for the students by allowing community resource persons to share their skills, knowledge and expertise. Field trips give learners opportunity to be active learners instead of passive or mere recipients of knowledge which have been the major hindrance to effective learning and teaching (Yusuf, 2006).

Field trips are excursions outside of the classroom for the purpose of gaining key perceptions and gathering specific data (Ajewole, 2007). Field trips are a strategy for extending classroom learning to many regions of the world by removing students from the classroom to learn in any excursion site (Achimugu, 2006). According to Wikipedia, a field trip or excursion is a journey by a group of people to a location that is different from their normal situation. The reason for being is to give understudies knowledge outside of their usual exercises and to allow them to have genuine experiences. According to the Youth Learn activity, “field trips are an excellent way to convey energy enterprise to learning.”

According to Golden D. Walker, with the availability of learning materials on the web, some instructors and students may question why field excursions are essential any longer. Field trips might be difficult to plan and manage, but they do provide learning opportunities. Field trips are additionally useful for the educators to characterize, build up, related and
organize precise ideas, translations and thanks and empower him to make adapting more
concrete, compelling, fascinating, helpful, important and substantial (Aggarwal, 2003). That person cannot possibly be knowledgable about the classroom. They are an excellent way to convey difficult information. Field visits enable the overwhelming majority of ideas and marvels to be effortlessly organized, comprehended, and acclimatized, saving a significant amount of vitality and time for both instructors and understudies.


Take note that field trips give understudies the opportunity to gain science process abilities, for example, perception, control, distinguishing proof, characterization, estimation, recording, imparting, expectation, understanding, examination, speculation, and reaching determination, which are required for science research. Because the field trip technique for instructing is used to obtain direct data during the course of the test, it will enable both educators and students to produce vital and helpful learning both on the field and in schools.

Field excursions can be utilized as an opportunity to gather information for later investigation
to produce fine art and animate discourses both on location and back at schools in classes and
workshops (Omosewo, 2009). Field trips are an interactive method of teaching which give both male and female students equal opportunity to widen their practical and cultural experience by varying their learning environments. Thus, no evidence of superiority is expected to be noticed in the academic performance based on gender, if both males and females are exposed to learning experiences equally (Amosa, 2013). Field visits, when used effectively in physics teaching and learning, make learning more concrete, real, immediate, and lasting (Achinmugu, 2006). However, in order to reap the greatest benefits from this teaching technique, the instructor must assure effective planning and implementation.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Students and teachers of sciences, particularly physics, in the majority of our secondary schools, complain that the disciplines, often those requiring practical or hands-on engagement, are difficult to get through. Students assert that the subject or topic is quite broad and that they frequently don’t cover much of it before writing their exams. Surprisingly, prior studies show that pupils’ academic performance in science, especially in the area of physics, is not particularly noteworthy. According to Adebayo (2011), the failure rate of physics students in the May/June West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) was a reflection of the disconnect between teachers and students, necessitating the need for a novel strategy to close the learning gap in the classroom. According to a study conducted in Ebonyi North, Onah, and Ugwu (2010), success in secondary school physics was dependent on the gender of the student, the teacher’s training, and the availability of lab space. Some students assert that they lack the practical knowledge required for them to understand the topic or subject. Many continue to gripe that their physics instructors are incompetent in their handling and instruction of the topic. A professionally educated scientific teacher, no matter how well-trained, would be unable to put his or her theories into practice if the educational environment lacked the tools and resources required for him or her to turn their expertise into reality, according to Franzer, Okebukola, and Jegede (2005). The majority of secondary schools, according to the physics professors, do not have the requisite lab apparatus for the successful teaching of the subject or topic. Many kids don’t seem to care about the subject. Obioha (2006) noted a lack of physics teachers and poor lab resources. Adebayo (2011), Omole (2011), and Olorukoba (2007) all noted ineffective teaching techniques. According to Adesoji (2008), senior secondary students’ unfavorable attitudes toward physics are to blame for the widespread low performance. There is a need for this study since all of these assertions and perspectives from the teachers and students need to be addressed.

Field Trips - Shenandoah National Park (U.S. National Park Service)

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The primary aim of the study is to state the relevance of field trips teaching and learning of
physics in secondary schools in Uyo metropolis. Specifically, the study sought to:

  • Ascertain if field trips provide practical approach for the students.
  • Determine if field trips teaching encourage effective learning.
  • Find out if field trips provide experiences and learning among students.
  • Ascertain if field trips promote required qualities among the students.

1.4 Research Questions
The following research questions were drawn up to guide the study:
1. What is the extent which field trips encourage effective learning?
2. To what extent does field trips provide experiences and learning among the students?

3. What is the extent which field trips provide practical approach for the students?
4. To what extent does field trip promote required qualities among students?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
The following null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance.
1. There is no significant difference in the mean opinions of the students and teachers
about the extent which field trips encourage effective learning.
2. There is no significant difference in the opinions of the students and teachers about
the extent which field trips provide experiences and learning among students.
3. There is no significant difference in the opinion of students and teachers about the
extent which field trips provide practical approach for the students.
4. There is no significant difference in the opinion of the students and teachers about
extent which field trips promote required qualities among students.
1.6 Significance of the Study
Students will profit from the study’s findings if relevant tools for teaching and understanding physics are made available in schools. Teachers will find the study valuable since it will inspire them to include field visits into their subject teaching. The state government will find the study valuable because it will inform them about the importance of effective subject teaching and learning. Researchers will find the study beneficial because of the knowledge gained as a result of the concepts that will be revealed. The secondary schools board will consider the study to be of immense
benefit as it will serve as a springboard from where other ideas can emanate.
1.7 Scope of the Study
The research work is restricted to the perceived relevance of field trips teaching and learning
of physics in Secondary Schools in Uyo metropolis of Akwa Ibom State; which are encouraging
effective learning, providing experiences and learning among students, provision of practical
approach for the students and promotion of required qualities among the students.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Field trips:field trip is an trip made by students and a teacher to see or study something, for example a museum, a factory, or a historical site

Physics: Physics is the branch of science that deals with the structure of matter and how the fundamental constituents of the universe interact. It studies objects ranging from the very small using quantum mechanics to the entire universe using general relativity.

Teaching: Teaching is the practice implemented by a teacher aimed at transmitting skills (knowledge, know-how, and interpersonal skills) to a learner, a student, or any other audience in the context of an educational institution. Teaching is closely related to learning, the student’s activity of appropriating this knowledge.

Learning: Learning is “a process that leads to change, which occurs as a result of experience and increases the potential for improved performance and future learning” (Ambrose et al, 2010,

Students:student is a person enrolled in a school or other educational institution.