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Child abuse prevalent in all Nigeria's 36 states—UNICEF - Vanguard News


The study examined the nexus between parental neglect and child abuse in child development in Calabar South Local Government Area of Cross Rivers State. Specifically the study was carried out to investigate parental responsibility towards their children, determine areas of child neglect and abuse, identify factors associated with parental neglect and child abuse and suggest social work intervention techniques in ameliorating parental neglect and child abuse in the study area. Random sampling technique was used to get information from 30 respondents. Data gathered were analysed using percentage tables, mean score and regression analysis. According to the findings, parental obligations include: providing food, clothing, healthcare, and housing, counseling in sex, career, and friends, and training to teach moral ideals. Street hawking, maltreatment, unsupervised internet use, and a lack of sufficient supervision are all examples of kid neglect and abuse. Polygamy and parental unemployment are factors connected with parental neglect and abuse. The provision of rehabilitation centers for neglected and mistreated children is a social work intervention strategy. According to the report, the media should promote programs about childcare and the dangers of child maltreatment.

                                                 CHAPTER ONE


1.1 Background to the Study

Parental neglect is when parents fail to give their children the experiences and resources they need to grow to their full potential. Child neglect, according to (Dambazau, 2019), occurs when a person responsible for the child knowingly or through extraordinary inattention allows the child to experience avoidable present suffering and/or fails to provide one or more of the elements typically regarded as necessary for developing a person’s physical and intellectual capacities. According to Nwideeduh (2015), neglect of a child includes failing to provide the child with adequate physical and medical care, exposing him to cruel and abusive treatment, failing to provide him with proper supervision, allowing him to be exploited for financial gain under control, forcibly keeping him out of school, and exposing him to criminal or immoral influences.

Child abuse is the anticipated outcome or consequence of child neglect. The most prevalent type of child maltreatment is neglect. A youngster might go without appropriate food or clean clothes, shelter, supervision, or medical or health treatment. Every child who is neglected is at risk of abuse according to the pluralist, protective, and romantic conception of the child. Since the child would be exposed to a lot of harmful socio-cultural elements, it is difficult to distinguish between parental neglect and abuse. Dambazau, (2019), made a connection between child abuse and neglect. According to his opinion, neglected children are more prone to engage in criminal or antisocial activity and are at a high risk of failing to exhibit the anticipated standards of behavior. According to him, abuse could be either physical, emotional, or sexual. Sexual abuse includes all sexual acts that give the perpetrator sexual gratification emotionally or financially, such as having sex with the child, using the child for prostitution, performing phonographic displays, and other forms of sexual exploitation. Physical abuse includes all acts that physically harm the child. Verbal abuse and other acts of omission or commission that also lead to psychological instability in the child are examples of emotional abuse. Two categories of child neglect were distinguished by the National Exchange Club Foundation of the United States of America: physical neglect and educational neglect.

In the twenty-first century, child neglect and abuse have remained major socioeconomic issues. Although there are no accurate numbers for Nigeria, the phenomenon may not be any less concerning. Everyone who is a keen observer will discover the proof after visiting Lagos and other significant cities in Nigeria. In Lagos, it’s typical to see kids wandering under the bridges as their new homes after being left by their parents. This is especially true of the Eko and other bridges. Many youngsters have become street children in the many slums in and around Calabar South, including Watt Roundabout, IkotAnsa, Ekorinim 1and 2, and Uwanse, wandering from street to street without any type of education or parental supervision. In reality, (Onibokun, 2019) simply identified these child types and their circumstances: as youngsters forced to make a living in the informal sector, such as on the street as beggars or as domestic servants. Some people perform labor in the unregulated economy under dangerous, unhealthy, and cruel conditions. Markets and garages are rife with children working as porters, messengers, and other jobs. Many children with disabilities are kept out of the public eye. Children are sold as slaves into other countries.

Some kids suffer only because they are a part of marginalized groups, like the Osus in Abia and Imo State. Children that have been ejected from their parents homes without any type of parental care are a common occurrence in Port Harcourt metropolis, the local government area’s capital. Some are employed as domestic helpers by other households. They might serve as hawkers for various goods in such foster homes (Olley, 2006). Some work as nannies. Many kids who should be in school are not. There are many young boys and girls who work as car park touts. The fact that some kids are missing and have been turned into commodities by child traffickers is now a common news story. Many young adolescent girls have developed into a ready market for those who transfer them to Europe for forced labor and prostitution (Nwideeduh, 2003).

Medical research studies have revealed that the experiences a child has throughout the first few years of life have an impact on how the child’s brain develops. Children require their parents to show them love and affection. They require their parents’ company and contact. Researchers have established that neglecting a child puts them in danger and makes them more likely to become criminals as adults. A child’s physical, social, and emotional development can be impacted by neglect. It squanders the child’s inner potential and raises the likelihood that they will experience poverty, illness, and antisocial conduct when they are adults. Social workers in foster homes claim frequent instances of infants being left in dumpsters, bushes, and unfinished structures. The high prevalence of teen prostitution, drug use, and other illegal trade may be seen by going to nightclubs and street corners throughout the city at night. Teenage domestic violence is a common issue police stations receive daily.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Parents all across the world are experiencing moral panic as they consider how to raise their children. The effects of modern communications technology, industrial work, and globalization have put a strain on the family institution. It is terribly terrible that the majority of parents and other caregivers cannot distinguish between child abuse and discipline. Parents and other adults who are responsible for children often use street hawking as a form of child discipline. As a result of the traumatic experience the child endured at a young age, when he or she should have been in school for formal instruction, these activities ultimately mold and have a negative affect on the child’s psyche. In the course of selling things in the neighborhood, the child is also likely to come into touch with criminals, who will then introduce him or her to illegal activity. In the old African society, it was up to the parents and community members to raise their children, and they had the authority to chastise and discipline them when they made mistakes. The youngster was raised by his or her parents in a manner appropriate and acceptable to the social norms. Parents frequently delegate to the school the task of leading, directing, counseling, and role-modeling for the children in addition to their regular school duties since the establishment of nursery and pre-primary schools and the arrival of western education. Nowadays, parents delegate the care of their children to the school. Numerous young kids who would have been at home at the age of roughly two have been forced into attending school. There are many children who are daily neglected, hated, and abused as a result of the instructors’ and school administration’s heavy responsibility. Many moms and fathers no longer fulfill their conventional duties as parents and as parents, respectively, in the family. As a result, the study sought to evaluate and pinpoint the root causes of child abuse and how they affected a child’s growth, leading to child abuse and neglect in Calabar South.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main aim of the study is to examine parental neglect and child abuse on child development in Calabar South. Specifically, the study sought to:

  1. Ascertain parental responsibility towards their children in in Calabar South.
  2. Determine the areas of child neglect and abuse in Calabar South.
  • Identify the factors associated with parental neglect and child abuse in Calabar South.
  1. Suggest social work intervention techniques in ameliorating parenting neglect and child abuse.

1.4 Research Questions

The following questions will guide the study:

  1. What are the parental responsibility towards their children in in Calabar South?
  2. What are the areas of child neglect and abuse in Calabar South?
  • What are the factors associated with parental neglect and child abuse in Calabar South?
  1. What social work intervention techniques will ameliorate parenting neglect and child abuse in the study area?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

H0: There are no areas of child neglect and abuse in Calabar South.

H1: There are areas of child neglect and abuse in Calabar South.

H0: There are no factors associated with parental neglect and child abuse.

H2: There are factors associated with parental neglect and child abuse.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The results of this study will be extremely important because they will give us the knowledge we need to stop or lessen the crime of parental neglect and child abuse in Nigeria. This study will advocate for realistic and responsible steps toward the rehabilitation of kids who have already been the victims of various forms of abuse in addition to presenting ways and strategies for reducing the occurrence of child abuse and neglect in our society. The Child’s Right Act of 2003 and other legislation on children’s rights will be more effectively enforced if the shortcomings, defects, and other issues are brought to light by this study’s findings.

People in our culture have historically paid little attention to the crime of child abuse. This study aims to highlight the crime of child abuse and suggest solutions for reducing its prevalence.

This work will be very helpful to the government and other policy makers as they look for solutions to this issue. In a similar vein, this effort would help law enforcement officials in Nigeria reduce the crime of child abuse. Finally, this research will act as a reliable source of reference for students, researchers, and others working in related fields in order to conduct additional studies.

1.7 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The research is on parental neglect and child abuse on child development in Nigeria. The research is restricted to cover street children in Calabar South Local Government Area of Cross River State. In the course of carrying out this project work, the research encountered a lot of problems. Such problems that was encountered includes lack of adequate materials, financial constraint, logistic problem, time limit for the completion of work was not enough to encourage a most preferred research project.


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