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Research project topics

                                               CHAPTER ONE


1.1     Background to the Study

Information is becoming a more valuable resource that helps our society grow since it provides knowledge that helps us with everyday requirements including health, employment, education, and training (Islam and Ahmed, 2012). In organizing and disseminating knowledge, libraries and librarians are essential, according to Ngulube (2012:1). They play a significant role in the chain of knowledge production and utilization. Although different authors, writers, and researchers have varied understandings, definitions, applications, and management of the concept of information, all of them work for the same end: the accomplishment of a purpose, objective, or goal. But for the purpose of this frame topic, it is geared to the state via the library.

Oparaku (2011) describes an ideas library as a collection or selection of books accompanied by apparatus for their exploitation operated by persons trained in the relevant procedures. Waiting makes this definition official in his introductory remarks. He went on to say that in the modern era, a library must also consider adding to its collection materials other than books, such as periodicals, films, records, illustrations, types, etc. (AVM). Additionally, the library must specify or offer ways for patrons to access informational resources that are not available through any of the graphic or other recorded sources.

Numerous services provided by special libraries are essential to efficient management and delivery. According to Olanlokun and Salisu (1993), a library is an organization that gathers, processes, preserves, and disseminates recorded information in the several formats that suit its intended audience the best. Generally speaking, special libraries are tasked with gathering information from various sources and providing it to its patrons. Knowledge and information are synonymous, and it has been shown that information drives productivity and economic progress (Oyeronke, 2012).

An academic library’s primary goals are to carry out, enhance, and promote the parent institution’s educational initiatives. The improvement of reading abilities and instruction in the use of books and libraries are two more goals. This curriculum on book and library usage educates students and library users how to utilize the resources of the library to the fullest and most efficient extent possible. University students need to use the materials in the library to support both their academic endeavors and their lifelong learning. According to Ossai (2011), the majority of students use information resources for their academic burden, which includes information for assignments, tests, and research. They also use information resources to meet their needs for personal growth, implementation, health, and worldwide knowledge.

School libraries are collections of literature arranged for teachers and students in educational institutions. Reference books and books for reading at home could be included, chosen by a curator with experience. It is an essential course in any school, regardless of how instructional its methods of thinking are. According to Unegbu (2012), a school library is a stepping stone toward a student’s academic turn of events. It may be thought of as a scaled-down scholarly force to be reckoned with or data focus found in primary schools, optional schools, and educational trade schools. The author goes on to say that a school library is an assortment of books placed at the school for use by teachers and pupils.

According to Nwaigwe (2012), school libraries with collections for young children can be found in essential, auxiliary, pre-essential, and optional schools. They have a vast range of teaching and learning resources for their teachers and students. According to Aniebo (2007), school libraries support and enhance the academic program of their parent organization in addition to helping teachers and students. According to Ugocha (2011), school libraries are those that are established, maintained, and under supervision at mandatory, elective, or other post-grade schools. An example of such a school would be an instructor’s trade school, whose goals are to provide data administrations to support teaching and learning activities in schools. The creator further expresses that a school library is an instructional focus providing the fundamental vital data materials as well as that, which gives the motivating forces, the direction and atmosphere basic and favorable for learning.

For an association, division, or unit’s information and data resources, library assets are crucial. According to Onwubiko and Uzoigwe (2004), library assets are all the information materials that make up a library collection. The assets are acquired in order to comprehend the parent institutional goal and to satisfy the data requirements of the library’s patron base. They demonstrate how the library’s resources are divided into print and non-print materials. Print materials come in the form of books (monographs) and serials. Okoro (1999) believes that the primary source of data is established by book library assets. The properties or assets that support the regular operations of the library are known as library assets. Successful library administrations are just conceivable when there is subjective and quantitative ampleness of pertinent library assets. It’s implied hence, that agreeable library and data administrations are unimaginable without sufficient arrangement of library assets.

Students that require information to finish lecture notes, create assignments, and offer materials from their subject areas are the primary consumers of the school library. Students also anticipate libraries to serve as a resource outside of their subjects of study and to act as a classroom where they can stay up to date on changes in the social, political, economic, and cultural spheres. Easy-to-read books that can help children extend their perspectives and cherish their culture, as well as create a moral and intellectual worldview and boost academic progress in school, are required to be available in the school library. As well as a forum to encourage students to understand the environment and graduate as educated and prosperous (Aniebo, 2004: 34). It is therefore, against this backdrop that this study intends to investigate the acquisition of library materials and library services to users in special libraries in Cross River State.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Any individual who wants to receive a high-quality education must have access to information resources that will broaden their perspectives, increase their knowledge, and help them perform better in their studies by drawing upon the writings of experts in related subjects. Making library resources available in schools for teaching, learning, and research is necessary because the school administration is obligated to provide these materials, which is why these materials are not only being sought after by these individuals, particularly when they are enrolled as students. There are certain issues with the way modern libraries are set up, particularly “special libraries like the University of Calabar Library and the University of Cross River State Library.” As a result, it is reasonable to say that a variety of issues, such as inadequate government funding, subpar facilities, underqualified and occasionally insufficient staff, low motivation, administrative and corporate interference and intervention, inadequate information networks, office idiots, poor communication, a lack of inventiveness and creativity, a lack of expansion, outdated and out-of-date library stock, a lack of training and retraining, and library rules and regulations, are known to be barriers to library and information services, particularly special libraries in Cross River State. The study area’s users frequently find it challenging to obtain information resources on their own, the researcher notes. In order to help these users, user education is implemented. Through user education, users can maximize the use of the resources accessible to them in libraries and develop the skills needed for lifelong learning and research. Investigating the procurement of library resources and services for patrons in Cross River State’s special libraries is the goal of this study.

1.3 Objective of the Study

The main aim of this study is to examine the acquisition of library materials and library services to users in special libraries in Cross River State. The study specifically seeks to:

  1. Asses the Library and information services to the University of Calabar Library and University of Cross River State Library.
  2. Determine the extent of government funding of the University of Calabar Library and University of Cross River State Library.
  3. Examine roles played by the workers in the library and other departments on information services to the universities.
  4. Determine whether information rendered to the special libraries is applied and used by the Liberians in University of Calabar Library and University of Cross River State Library.
  5. Proffer suggestion, solutions and recommendations where necessary.

1.4 Research Questions

The following formulated questions will guide the study:

  1. How effective are the services offered by special libraries in Cross River State?
  2. What is the level of library services in ensuring availability of materials?
  3. What is the relevance of library services to the promotion of availability and resourcefulness in Cross River State?
  4. What are the challenges hindering effective library services and acquisition of materials in Special libraries in Cross River State?
  5. What are the solutions to the challenges militating against effective library services for good administration and delivery in Cross River State?