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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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Region 6 Education Service Center - Instructional Materials Allotment


Title                                                                                                                        Pages

Certification                                                                                                               i

Dedication                                                                                                                  ii

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    iii

Table of Contents                                                                                                       v

List of Tables                                                                                                             ix

Abstract                                                                                                                      x


Background of the Study                                                                                            1

Statement of the Problem                                                                                           5

Purpose of the Study                                                                                                  6

Research Hypotheses                                                                                                 6

Significance of the Study                                                                                           7

Scope of the Study                                                                                                     8

Operational Definition of Terms                                                                               8


Conceptual Review                                                                                                    11

Concept and Nature of Civic Education Curriculum                                                             12

Concept of Instructional Materials                                                                            14

Need of Instructional Materials                                                                                 19

Type of Instructional Materials                                                                                 20

Characteristics of Instructional Materials                                                                 31

Utilization of Instructional Materials                                                                                    36

Concept of Improvisation in Education                                                                     38

Theoretical Review                                                                                                    41

Theory of Anchored Instruction                                                                                 41

Empirical Review                                                                                                       42

Improvisation of Instructional Materials and Academic Performance                     42

Instructional Approaches to Teaching Civic Education in Secondary School         43

Appraisal of the Review Literature                                                                           46


Research Design                                                                                                         48

Population of the Study                                                                                              48

Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                                             49

Research Instrument                                                                                                   49

Validity of the Research Instrument                                                                          41

Reliability of the Instrument                                                                                      50

Procedure for Data Collection                                                                                   50

Data Analysis                                                                                                                         51


Research Hypothesis I                                                                                                57

Research Hypothesis 2                                                                                               59

Discussion of Findings                                                                                               60


Summary of the Findings                                                                                           62

Conclusion                                                                                                                  62

Recommendations                                                                                                      63

Suggestions for Further Study                                                                                   63

REFERENCES                                                                                                           64

APPENDIX                                                                                                                 72










Table 1: Gender Distribution of Respondents                                                                       52

Table 2. Distribution of Respondents by Educational Qualification                                                53

Table 3: Distribution of Respondents by Years of experience                                             54

Table 4: Distribution of Respondents by Gender                                                                  55

Table 5: Distribution of Respondents by Age                                                                       55

Table 6: Distribution of Respondents parents Educational Status                                        56

Table 7: Distribution of Respondents by students last term performance in

Civic Education                                                                                                        56

Table 8: Relationship between improvisation of Instructional Materials And Academic             performance of Civic Education Students                                                                 58

Table 9: Significance difference between Utilization of Instructional Materials

And Academic performance among Civic Education Students                                 59














This study investigated Utilization and Improvisation of Instructional Materials in Civic Education in Senior Secondary Schools in Ilorin, Kwara State. Two Research Hypothesis were raised to guide the study. The total sample of the study was 150 Civic Education Students and Descriptive research design was used. Data were collected using self-designed questionnaire. Percentages were used to analyze bio data and Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) was used to establish the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variables. The findings revealed that there was significant relationship between Utilization, Improvisation of Instructional Materials on Academic performance among Civic Education Students in Senior Secondary Schools Ilorin, Kwara State. This research also recommended the following areas for further studies: assessment of socio economic status of parents and gender difference on students’ performance in Civic Education in secondary schools, Assessment of students’ academic performance in Civic Education in secondary schools in Ilorin Kwara State.














Background to the Study

Civic Education is all the processes that affect people’s beliefs. commitments, capabilities, and actions as members or prospective members of communities to transmit values and norms that is not limited to schooling and the education of child. It simply signifies that the content of Civic Education can also be acquired outside the walls of the classroom but the most important objective is to propagate norms and values of a particular society.

However, the responsibility of molding a responsive citizen partly rested on the shoulder of the school. This is evident in a statement that recognized the fact that schools make worthy citizens is the most important responsibility placed on them with public schools given the mission of educating the young for citizenship (Carretero, Haste & Bermudez, 2015). From the perspective of pedagogic implications, education is expected to expose students to an increasingly sophisticated and mature understanding of civic matters, provision of the right kinds of experiences and contexts for learning to facilitate active, effective, and meaningful processing (Carretero et al., 2015). The content of Civic Education in the realm of classroom should lay emphasis on exposing students to matters that are civic in nature such that a logical arrangement of learning experiences would mold an individual that would be responsive to the immediate society.

Despite various attempts by government to achieve the objectives of education with reference to improving performance of students in Civic Education, it seems that it is not yielding positive results secondary schools (Ibitoye, 2017). From the Examiner’s Report on Civic Education reflected on the West Africa Examination Council e-Learning platform (2018), the following were identified as the weakness of the students that sat for the examinations: lack of proper understanding of the subject matter, illogical representation of ideas, lack of qualified teachers, dearth of standard textbook, among others listed. Hence, to address some of the identified weaknesses for students in Civic Education, improvisation of instructional material can readily solve issues relating to understanding concepts in the subject matter, lack of qualified teachers and misrepresentation of ideas.

Improvisation could be defined as the act of using alternative materials or resources to facilitate instruction whenever there is lack or shortage of some specific first hand material to enhance classroom instruction (Egbodo, 2010). An instructional material is any item or material that helps the teacher to present skills and knowledge clearly to a learner and in turn, perceives instruction better (Anigbogu, 2019). It was further stated that these materials are all types ofresources that are used to record, store, preserve, transmit or retrieve information for learning and teaching. Improvisation of instructional material is the imitation of those teaching aids or resources which the teacher and in fact the entire class utilize for the purpose of making teaching/learning more effective (Anigbogu. 2019).

In a study conducted on influence of instructional material on academic performance, it was revealed that students taught with instructional materials performed significantly better than those taught without instructional materials and also that the use of instructional materials generally improved students’ understanding of concepts and led to high academic achievements (Adalikwu, 2013). Furthermore, Ibitoye (2017) ascertain the fact that learning environment in combination with appropriate instructional material contribute immensely to the academic performance of student. It then implies that adequate utilization of instructional material can boast the academic performance students at any levels of knowledge.

The concept of utilization clearly depicts the process of usability. So, the utilization of instructional material, if effectively utilized, can bring about improved academic performance. According to Bukoye (2019), the following represents the contributions of instructional material utilization on the academic performance of students;

Enhancement of the memory level of the students, facilitating the teaching-learning process, improvement of student rate of accumulation, serving as tools used by the teachers to correct wrong impression and illustration things that, learners cannot forget easily, assisting in giving sense of reality to the body of knowledge under discussions, giving lessons a personal look and encourages teacher’s creativity, lastly, permitting the students and teachers to experience in concrete terms the learning activities that can promote the idea of self-evaluation. Therefore, from the foregoing, proper utilization of instructional can bring about improvement in the academic performance of students in any subject area, most especially, Civic Education at every levels of education.

Teaching is planned contingence of activities that would expose students to learning experiences which will bring about learning. The approaches adopted in teaching a concept within the confine of the learning environment. Instructional Approach, which can also be referred to as instructional method, is the form or the way a teacher teaches in the process of transmitting instructions to facilitate knowledge (Gill & Kusum, 2017). Conclusively, the teaching approach adopted in teaching Civic Education for the essence of improving academic performance requires effective utilization of instructional material. In other words, the utilization and improvisation of instructional materials as determinants of academic performance among Civic Education students in Kwara State and Nigeria.

Statement of the Problem

Civic Education is a subject taking at the secondary school level in Nigeria educational system. The subject is to introduce the students to civil responsibilities within the society and be acquainted with the moral and discipline within such society. Hence, the teaching of the subject as a foundation for inculcating norms and value in students required adequate attention. The performance of students in some of the subjects taking at the level their education can be determined by the values, norm and morals imbibed by such individual in given attention to knowledge acquisition. The level of knowledge acquired molds the personality of individual within a society such that-all civil and social responsibilities would be carried out within the ambit of the law governing the society.

Hence, the use of instructional material to depict visuals and illustration to introduce students to norms and culture of a society cannot be overemphasized. The central role played by instructional material in the concretization of knowledge needs to be examined with respect to the teaching of Civic Education in our secondary schools. The implication therefore can be far reaching in making conclusion on the influence of instructional material on nurturing a young mind to be responsive to all civil and social responsibilities within a recognized society. Therefore, the researcher intends to explore the influence of instructional material on the performance of Civic Education students in Kwara State. The researcher does not have access to findings that relate to the variables under study within the locale specified which is why this research is necessary at this very moment that more emphasis is laid on social and civil responsibilities. Therefore, the basic purpose to gather empirical information on utilization and improvisation of instructional materials as determinants of academic performance among Civic Education students in Kwara State.

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to examine the utilization and improvisation of instructional materials as determinants of academic performance among Civic Education students in Kwara State. The specific purposes are to

  1. Find out the relationship between utilization and improvisation of instructional materials and academic performance among Civic Education students.
  2. Examine the relationship between the instructional materials and academic performance of Civic Education students.

Research Hypotheses

Ho1: There is no significant relationship between improvisation of instructional materials and academic performance of Civic Education students.

Ho2: There is no significant difference between utilization of instructional materials and academic performance of Civic Education students.


Significance of the Study

The investigation of utilization and improvisation of instructional materials for teaching Civic Education in secondary is to determine whether they influence the performance of students in the subject. Hence, the findings are expected to be beneficial to all major stakeholders in the field of education and nation building. These stakeholders include but not limited to teachers, students, policymakers, public agencies and government at all levels of Nigeria administrative system. Teachers of Civic Education across the nation are expected to benefit from the findings of this study by means of having access to empirical result on influence of utilizing and improvising instructional materials for teaching the subject. This in a way would contribute to the positive performance of the students in the subject area. Furthermore, students as the primary beneficiary of the findings of this study would give more attention to importance of instructional materials and as well as encourage Civic Education teachers to improvised instructional materials.

The respective State and Federal Assemblies would pay attention to formulating policies that would make the utilization and improvisation instructional materials a compulsory activity in the process of delivering Civic Education instruction to students in order to mold a responsive individual that would be conscious of citizen role in the society. This would also awaking the concerned public agencies like Nigeria Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC), State and Federal Ministries of Education and other related agencies to carter for the production and availability of instructional materials in secondary school. Conclusively, all the stakeholders would be alive to their role in molding citizens that would be conscious of their role within the society and the nation at large.


Scope of the Study

This study would examine the utilization and improvisation of instructional materials as determinants of academic performance among Civic Education students in Kwara State. while the sample scope would be the representative of all Civic Education teachers in the three Senatorial Districts of Kwara State. The instrument scope would be a researcher-designed questionnaire that would be made up of four sections (A, B, C, & D). The locale for this study would be one local government area (Ilorin West, Ifelodun and Moro) each in the three Senatorial Districts.

Operational Definition of Terms

Instructional Material: This is the resources that are used by secondary school teachers to supplement teaching methods during instructional delivery process in a Civic Education class. It is those functional media that supports and simplify the teaching of concepts in Civic Education.

Improvisation of Instructional Material: This is the level at which Civic Education teachers create or design an alternative teaching resource in the non availability of the actual (real) instructional material for teaching Civic Education Utilization of Instructional Material: This is the level at which the Civic Education teachers use instructional material in teaching their students in the school.

Civic Education: It is a subject introduced at the secondary level of Nigeria Educational System which exposes students to civic responsibilities and other norms of the society.

Academic Performance: This is the intellectual ability of students in the assimilation of instructions in Civic Education as delivered by the secondary school teacher.



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