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A Comparison On The Impact Of Gender Criminality In Nigeria

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Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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Gender and criminality | EHNE




Gender is clearly defined as the economic, social, and cultural characteristics, qualities, and opportunities associated with being either male or female. Men and women are fundamentally different in most societies, as evidenced by their activities and business, as well as their access to and control over resources and participation in decision-making. Gender is a tool for power, as well as a social institution and cultural construct.

The concept of gender is not limited to the male or female species, but extends further to fully assess the correlations between them. This relationship has been continuously debated by researchers, laypeople, political parties, and others in the process of enforcing change in the political, economic, social, and cultural environments at the local, national, and international levels.

and supranational levels, to name a few.

Crime is a particularly interesting event and a major problem in any society because it is, in every way, the polar opposite of good deed. This is essentially correct if we define crime broadly as behavior in which individuals obtain resources from others through force, fraud, or stealth. Criminal acts have the opposite effect of good. People who commit these acts intend to cause harm to others in order to further their own selfish interests.

Crime is traditionally defined as acts prohibited by law that are punishable by imprisonment. Crimes include murder, robbery, burglary, rape, drunken driving, child neglect, and failure to pay taxes, among others. Criminality is at the heart of the behavioral definition of crime.

A specific personality profile that encourages all types of criminal behavior. Criminal behavior includes using force, deception, or stealth to obtain material or symbolic resources. Furthermore, criminality is a type of strategic behavior characterized by self-centeredness, selfishness, apathy toward the suffering and needs of others, the belief that “I cannot achieve it on my own,” and a lack of self-control.

Gender crimes in Nigeria have resulted in Gender research simply means learning about both the roles that men and women play as well as their responsibilities. A comparison of the impact of gender criminality in Nigeria involves a comparison of male and female criminality; this will also shed more light on gender inequalities in society and how they encourage criminality in Nigerians.

Suleja prisons, in particular. Gender inequality does not imply that all women are worse than all men, nor does it imply the opposite. However, gender (being male or female) is a vital social separation described by the term inequality to some extent. Gender influences people’s perspectives and social expectations to a large extent. Gender equality, on the other hand, refers to women and men having the same status and having equal human rights, as well as the opportunities for acknowledging their full human rights and the ability to participate in, contribute to, and benefit from national, political, economic, social, and cultural development. Gender equality reduces crime and promotes social unity, growth, and development.

more damage

than good to the citizens, inmates specifically. Poverty is common among women. Previous research found that women account for more than 70% of the world’s absolute poor. Women are frequently victims of adverse circumstances because they want to keep the position imposed on them as housekeepers, baby-making machines, and so on in order to keep their homes and provide for their children, and as such bear a disproportionate burden when attempting to manage household consumption and production during times of recession.

Among the many areas in which parliamentarians play important roles in encouraging, supporting, and protecting women’s rights, discrimination against women and girls in the criminal justice system is a major issue that receives less attention than others. These worries range from discriminatory to gender-biased. Offenses and reasons for detention, as well as the impact of a lack of financial resources to prevent detention and a prison system designed by men for male prisoners. Because of the rise in discrimination, girls are increasingly vulnerable to attacks. Women commit criminal offenses under different circumstances than men nowadays. As a result, a significant number of female offenders are incarcerated as a direct or indirect result of discrimination and deprivation experienced by their spouses, family members, and the community. Crimes committed by women are often motivated by poverty and the desire to provide for their families and children. In relation to the The profile and background of women in prison, as well as the reasons for their incarceration, differ significantly from those of men. Women prisoners, like men, are primarily from economically and socially disadvantaged areas of society, and are overrepresented among drug peddlers/users, lower-level property offenders, and sex workers. In comparison to male prison populations, women primarily commit minor crimes such as theft and fraud, which are primarily caused by emotional, physical, and/or sexual abuse. Women (and girls) constitute a minority of prisoners worldwide, accounting for an estimated 2 to 9% of national prison populations. Nonetheless, the number of imprisoned women has significantly increased in some countries, and is significantly higher than for men. As a result of this, The unique needs and characteristics of women and girls, which are at the heart of the criminal justice system, have gone unacknowledged and unaddressed. Prison systems are always designed for the majority male prison population, which is not intended and is the result of discrimination; from the prison framework to security procedures, to healthcare, family contact, work, and training facilities. As a result, only a few prisons meet the specific needs of female inmates, and they are frequently not prepared for release with gender-appropriate rehabilitation. In order to put things in place, the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders were adopted in December 2010 to address the lack of such measures. standards, but the international community is still lacking in awareness and commitment to implementation. Gender roles have left a scar on women in prison, and while their husbands and partners naturally support their husbands in prison and upon release, women are often silenced by their spouse and, in some cases, the entire family if they are detained. At the same time, because women are often the sole caregivers for young children, even short periods of detention have a significant impact on children and the wider family.


Criminality in Nigeria has been a long-standing issue that has hampered the country’s economic, political, and social development. Because of the increase in the wave of crime and other illicit practices, the issue of criminality has taken an unexpectedly upward surge in Nigeria. This high level of criminal tendencies in Nigeria has harmed the country’s international image, preventing or making it difficult for us to enjoy the goodwill of other developed countries around the world. Criminality has led to high security concerns because the lives and properties of innocent Nigerians can no longer be protected, as in other countries around the world; this has gone a long way toward lowering the level of crime.


The study’s primary goal is to investigate the impact of gender criminality in Nigeria. The following are the study’s additional specific objectives:

Determine whether women are given preferential treatment in sentencing over men and, if so, explain why.
To investigate whether crime in Nigeria is gendered.

To assess the negative impact of crime in Nigeria.
To compare gender differences in Nigerian prisons in relation to criminality issues in Nigeria.
To make recommendations for reducing and eliminating criminality in Nigeria.


What effect does criminality have in Nigeria?
Do women get a better deal than men when it comes to sentencing?
Is there a gender difference in crime in Nigeria?
What are the negative consequences of criminality in Nigeria?
Is there a gender difference in crime in Nigeria?
What are the strategies for reducing and eventually eliminating criminality in Nigeria?


H0: There is no significant gender difference in criminality in Nigeria.

H1: In Nigeria, there is a significant gender disparity in criminality.

H0: Gender criminality has no significant impact in Nigeria.

H1: Gender criminality has a significant impact in Nigeria.


The study would be extremely valuable to all levels of government, the Nigerian prison service, and relevant stakeholders because it would reveal the impact of gender criminality on Nigeria. The study would also be beneficial to students, researchers, and scholars who are interested in conducting additional research on the subject.


The research focuses on the impact of gender criminality in Nigeria, with a case study of the Suleja prisons in Minna, Niger state.



Financial constraint: Inadequate funding tends to impede the researcher’s efficiency in locating relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data collection process (internet, questionnaire and interview)

Time constraint: The researcher will conduct this study alongside other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.


The state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).

CRIMINAL: an act or the commission of an act that is forbidden by a public law, or the omission of a duty commanded by that law, which renders the offender liable to punishment under that law.

PRISON: a structure to which individuals are legally committed as punishment for a crime or while awaiting trial.

SOCIAL VICES: A practice, behavior, or habit that is generally regarded in the associated society as immoral, sinful, criminal, rude, taboo, depraved, or degrading. In a broader sense, vice can refer to a flaw, a negative personality trait, a defect, an infirmity, or a bad or unhealthy habit (such as smoking).




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