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Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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Background to the Study

A library may be thought of as a space or structure where books and other types of resources are stored for use in research and information retrieval. The extraordinary advances in information and communication technology (ITC) that are continuously redefining the boundaries and every facet of education, including libraries, have, however, long since eclipsed this concept. Today, any collection of knowledge, including digital sources, tools, and services, can be referred to as a “library.” The collection may include maps, prints, documents, CDs, films, E-books, and a variety of other electronic resources in addition to audio and visual content in a variety of forms (Weiler, 2015). In essence, libraries are considered to be important steps in the educational process. Therefore, according to Ellen (2013), no significant academic work can be done without a library. Many academic librarians are concerned with providing the best possible student services in this era of outcomes measurement. But there are other end users on academic campuses besides students. Faculty members are also channels for both library visitors and students (Schwartz, 2015). Additionally, Akinpelu (2014) referred to books (whether they are printed or electronic) as the sanctuaries where the saints are thought to have created a craft to protect learning from a flood. Furthermore, the old teacher-centered approaches to education are quickly giving way to more participatory, student-centered approaches. For better academic achievement, this further emphasizes the necessity for students to visit the library more frequently. Business education, on the other hand, can be viewed as a practical, trans-organizational, utility-based academic field of study that provides its students with the necessary knowledge, skills, competencies, and attitudes to improve their effectiveness and functionality in the hyper-dynamic workplace.

Clearly, the fundamental tool for any society’s economic development and technical improvement is education. Governments dedicate significant resources to assuring the provision of education for their population and have also adapted their policies to ensure that it is accessible to the majority of their populace in acknowledgment of this reality (Oyebade, 2013). But a crucial component of this broad education is business education. It is focused on transferring knowledge and business orientation for the benefit of individual and societal growth. Teaching students about the foundational ideas, philosophies, and practices of business is part of business education. According to Okoli (2014), business education is a crucial component of general education that places an emphasis on acquiring skills and competences for usage in offices and jobs linked to business. dynamic world of work.

Similar to how Nwanewezi (2014) defines it, business education encompasses economic literacy, business administration, business teaching, and education for office jobs. Overall, Abdulkadir (2016) highlighted that the ability of the program’s graduates to function independently as self-employed individuals and employers of labor is a noteworthy and significant quality of business education. In order to achieve this, the business education concept encompasses fundamental education for teaching career, entrepreneurship, business knowledge, office environment, and vocational practices. There are many levels of education in this area, including primary, secondary, and higher education, with the latter seeing the most activity.

A key component of human identity is attitude. People love, hate, like, loathe, favor, oppose, agree, disagree, convince, and do many more things every day. These are all assessments of a thing. Consequently, attitude may be described as a concise assessment of a thought object (Yusuf, 2014). The term “attitudes” refers to propensities and tendencies that influence behavior and convince people to do good or bad actions (Samuel, 2015, citing Mohammed and Waheed) (2011). The usage of libraries is influenced by a number of elements in education, some of which include student attitudes, age, and personality (Gardner, 2001; Lehmann, 2006, cited in Shams, 2008). One of the most significant aspects that affect learning is the attitude of the pupils (Fakeye, 2012). Fakeye (2012) considers student attitudes to be one of the important determinants of library use in colleges of education. More precisely, it examines student attitudes toward using libraries while taking into account attitude’s three components: emotional, cognitive, and behavioral (Lawal, 2012). According to Kara (2009), attitudes about using libraries have a clear impact on students’ academic achievement. It is suggested that kids with great academic aspirations tend to have more favorable attitudes on using libraries. Contrarily, pupils who do not take their academic work seriously may exhibit negative attitudes and poor cognitive performance (Mahmud & Lockhart, 2015).

According to the original idea put out by Kiesler (2009), attitude refers to the strength of a positive or negative influence. In Woolfok (2014), the term “reasons for behaving” refers to whether an action has an internal (intrinsic) or external (extrinsic) cause. It is important to look into attitude individually because it is a distinct factor. Since the effort students expend to utilize libraries has to do with actions and intents, which are related to the notion of motivation developed by Woolfok, Mantle-Bromley (2015) hypothesized that attitudes have an impact on how hard students work to use libraries (2014). According to Bambang, Setiyadi, and Muhammad Sukirlan (2011), effective teaching techniques will motivate students to seek out further information in libraries (Ziegler & Moeller, 2012; Ahat, 2013; Bernardo, 2014). Since attitudes and teaching strategies are intertwined, it is difficult to separate the subject of attitudes from the teacher’s instructional strategy. The context’s primary sources of inspiration for teaching strategies were Gardner and Lambert (Dornyei, 2014). Any academic institution’s library is a crucial learning resource. The modernisation of library services has been facilitated by recent technological trends and breakthroughs, including the creation of extensive online databases with a wealth of knowledge to support study and research (Delaney & Bates, 2015). Nevertheless, most educational institutions do not use library services to their full potential, which restricts the ability to reap the educational benefits of library use. The attitudes and views of library services among students at colleges of education are little understood. To address the individual needs of potential library users, information providers must understand these demands. Without this information, it is difficult to maximize library services for academic programs offered by the university. Therefore, the goal of this study is to understand how college students perceive library services.

Despite the benefit associated with using libraries. The behavior of business education students at Kwara State’s schools of education has been a significant source of concern and inquiry for educators (Al-Sulaiti, 2003; Musa, 2005; Sulieman, 2006). The students’ unfavorable attitudes about learning are thought to be a major factor in their failure to utilise libraries for additional study. The views of business education students about library use in Kwara State institutions of education will be examined in this research project. As a result, the study explores how business education students in Kwara State feel about using the libraries there.




Statement of the Problem

The quality of instruction and actual academic performance has been repeatedly documented to be declining for some time. It is well known that some graduates struggle to write or speak basic, proper sentences. Graduates now display “beautiful credentials” they are unable to defend, especially in this day and age where student-centered, interactive, and E-learning methodologies are quickly transforming lecturers and professors into “knowledge facilitators.” Many things depend on the efforts of individual students, and they cannot accomplish much without solid study habits and efficient use of both real and virtual libraries. Education in Business Students are especially in danger as a result of historical “academic bias” towards vocational technical education, of which they are an essential component. The fact that they are accustomed to working in an environment that is always changing and necessitates individual study habits makes the problem much more difficult.

Purpose of the Study

This research work is set to accomplish the following purposes:

  1. to investigate into the attitudes of business education students towards the use of libraries in colleges of education, kwara State.
  2. to examine if students’ are aware of the roles/functions of libraries
  • to examine if there exist significant relationship between attitudes of business education students towards the use of libraries in colleges of education, Kwara State based on gender
  1. to examine relationship that exist between attitudes of business education students towards the use of libraries in colleges of education, Kwara State based on field
  2. to determine which library services are considered satisfactory in the colleges

Research Questions

For the purpose of this research work, the following research questions have been raised:

  1. What are the attitudes of Business Education students towards the use of libraries?
  2. What are the roles/functions of libraries?
  • Does gender difference influence the attitude of Business Education students towards the use of libraries?
  1. What is the attitudes of Business Education students towards the use of libraries based on year of study
  2. Does background influence the attitudes of Business Education students towards the use of libraries based on background?

Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses will be tested to guide this study:

H01: There is no significant relationship between attitudes of Business Education students towards the use of libraries in Kwara State Colleges of Education

H02:  There is no significant relationship between attitudes of Business education students towards the use of libraries based on the functions of libraries in Kwara State Colleges of Education

H03:There is no significant relationship between the attitude of Business Education students towards the use of libraries in Kwara State Colleges of Education based on gender

H04: There any significant relationship between attitudes of Business Education students towards the use of libraries based on background in Kwara State Colleges of Education



Scope of the Study

            This study examined how business education students feel about using the libraries at Kwara State Colleges of Education. Only the Kwara State Colleges of Education were included in the research. The usage of libraries (dependent variable) will be restricted to the functions and availability of current books, gender, year of study, field of study, among other factors. Attitudes (independent variable) were confined to positive, negative, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral attitudes. Data collection will be done via a questionnaire. The data analysis was made use of both descriptive and inferential statistics.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study will help the management of the State-owned Colleges of Education, lecturers, students, stakeholders, educational administrators, the government, and upcoming researchers to pinpoint the causes of students’ uncritical attitudes toward libraries and the necessity for the government to outfit those libraries. Students will benefit from this study’s emphasis on research and academic work by understanding the benefits and roles that libraries play in regard to academic work. Stakeholders will provide current textbooks and pertinent academic journals for the library. Colleges Liberian will be able to use monitoring methods and direct students toward library use based on the guidelines that are now accessible. Finally, after the study is over, it could contribute to the body of literature on the subject and inspire more research.

Operational Definition of Terms

Business Education: is an intellectual and vocational preparation of students for earning a living in the contemporary industrial and business environment

Library: a place or building where books and non-book materials are kept for study and information retrieval purposes

Attitudes: This term express students’ behaviour.

Academic Performance: This refers to students’ scores obtained from test or external examination within the class and his position relative to all those to the same test.

Academic: It is concerned with Studying from books as opposed by a practical work.

Students: Someone who is studying at either at primary, secondary, colleges of education or university. Someone interested in a particular subject.



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Account Name: Emmanuel Idorenyin Samuel.