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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦5,000.00

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Did NIMC lose NIN records of 7.9 million Nigerians? - Tribune Online



1.1 Background to the Study

 Identity is described as “bearing the holder’s name and frequently additional details, like a signature or photograph, to establish whom the holder, owner, or wearer is.” Identity: What Is It?, 2020. One way to differentiate one thing from another is through an identity. identification, also known as personal identification, is defined as “the unique numerical identity of a person over time.” A person’s identity can be determined by trait, culture, religion, and other factors of a similar nature. (2020, Personal Identity). Identity management is a framework that handles the identification, verification, and authorization of people to access systems according to the rights that their identities justify (Rouse, 2020). An identity management system’s primary function is to determine if a user should be granted access to a system and to establish the user’s level of permission for that system. The history of Identity Management Systems dates back to the 1500s. An information system that can be accessed to obtain data and add data to the system has been built through the usage of an identity management system. Any economy’s capacity to grow depends on having a strong national identity management system. It gives a country access to a universal identity infrastructure that makes it possible to verify the identity of citizens. Therefore, it would be challenging to establish adequate economic planning, sufficient information gathering, a functional internal and external security infrastructure, and a strong national identity scheme. Therefore, it would be challenging to establish adequate economic planning, appropriate intelligence operations, a functional internal and external security structure, and a strong national identity framework (Isa & Oguntuase, 2019). Every nation has an identity management system in place to track its population, or the total number of citizens. In the United States, citizens’ identities are maintained through the issuance of what is known as a Social Security Number (SSN). In Nigeria, people’ identities are regulated through the issuance of a National Identity Number (NIN). The National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) is responsible for issuing this NIN in Nigeria. Engaging in the National Identity Number (NIN) registration exercise in Nigeria presents numerous challenges, but this study aims to address a number of them. One important difficulty is the nerve-racking and unpleasant experience of being delayed, which is primarily driven by bad management and overloaded centers. Every NIN registration centre in Nigeria has a maximum number of people that they can attend to in a day, but a lot of people are ignorant of this and therefore flood many centres in the hopes of registering for their NIN, only to be disappointed, or best-case scenario, they end up waiting towards the end of the day before they are attended to. The few who manage not to get caught up in the waiting process are the rich or – in other words – people who can pay a token to the registration officers to fast track the process of getting their NIN; An average citizen who can’t afford to pay ends up in an unending queue. The few who avoid getting caught up in the waiting process are the wealthy, or those who can pay a token to registration officers to expedite the process of obtaining their NIN; the common citizen who cannot afford to pay ends up in an endless queue. With this system in place, there will be no need to join an infinite waiting queue or worry about paying off a registration officer. The system works as follows: an individual who wants to register for the NIN sees the number of available less-occupied registration centres – through a scheduling system – and the maximum registration capacity of a centre; the individual can then select a registration centre and reserve a sitting number in that centre. This will radically alter the entire game, introducing efficiency and reducing wasting long wait times. This study proposes developing a Location-based Reservation System for citizens or individuals to determine available centres and reserve a slot in a registration centre; every NIN registration centre in Nigeria has a maximum number of people that they can accommodate in a day, but many people are unaware of this and thus flood many centres in the hopes of registering for their NIN, only to be disappointed again. This study aims to create a geographical information system that will help Nigerian citizens schedule their national identity number enrollment exercises, minimizing unnecessary delays at enrolment centers. The National Identity Number enrollment process can be nerve-racking and unpleasant owing to delays, which are typically caused by bad management.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Nigerians may find the lengthy wait in line during the NIN registration process to be a taxing and depressing experience. Officials have attempted a number of measures to lessen this experience, such as bribing people, which has severely damaged the credibility and integrity of those in charge of this task (Olowogboyega, 2020). This deters a lot of Nigerians from taking part in the National Identity Number enrollment process at enrolment centers all around the country. Currently, the government is collecting identity-based data from Nigerians using a projected web-based information system (Isa & Oguntuase, 2019); however, the system has not been operational because of unanticipated difficulties and a lack of development planning. This study was conducted because there is a need to establish a geographical information system for end users that can be utilized to organize times for the enrollment exercise among enrolment centers based on the end user’s location.