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Virginia's Grievance Procedure – VRSA



  • Background to the study


Owing to the rise in employee collective bargaining in the public sector, a lot of organizations have adopted the usage of grievance handling procedures as a means of reducing workplace complaints. Protests, in the opinion of Randolph & Blanchad (2007), are signs of a variety of problems, including inadequate pay and benefits, unjust standards, and a lack of feedback and acknowledgment. Conversely, Potgieter & Muller (1998) and Kochan (2004) have recognized promotion, job content and working circumstances, and supervisor treatment as additional reasons for complaints. When all of these elements come together, bad employee relations in businesses result, which leads to a rise in grievance filings. Organizations must have grievance handling policies in place that act as a guide in the event of grievances or the need for dispute settlements in order to assist mitigate against all of these shortcomings and as one of the facilitators of excellent employee relations. According to Ohiri (2002), there are three fundamental aspects of life that require management: human resources, non-human resources, and time. The efficiency with which an organization can accomplish its goals is known as its effectiveness (Jones & Heinz, 2004). This is an organization that generates the intended result or one that is waste-free in its productivity. Employees are an organization’s most precious resource. This is due to the fact that machines require human aid to function. Employee motivation to perform requires employee satisfaction in order for them to perform effectively. A disgruntled employee typically files a grievance.

Like other commercial or public organizations, the education sector is prone to disagreements and disputes, despite the existence of collective agreements between labor and management aimed at managing these counterproductive situations. Any organization’s collective agreement should have provisions for a grievance management mechanism that allows disputes between employers, unions, or individual employees to be resolved in order to stop or remedy this problem (Opatha, 2004). Although the topic of employee grievances has been around for as long as industrial civilizations, management of employee grievances in Africa, and particularly in Ghana, is a topic that has recently gained prominence. This is so that an early response that results in a speedy grievance resolution might save expensive legal action and raise employee morale and productivity.

The term grievance referred to a breakdown in mutual confidence between employer and employee (Nurse, 2006). When starting a new job, there are mutual expectations that serve as the foundation for future working partnerships. Apart from what is specified in the employment contract, both parties will have expectations about what will happen.That professional connection will inevitably fail at times. If the employee is dissatisfied, they may file a grievance. An angry employee who has a complaint about a management or the organization as a whole is an unhappy employee, and unhappy employees cannot conduct productive job. The employee feels despondent, has low morale, and as a result, productivity suffers. Satisfaction at work in terms of all aspects of the job is critical to maintaining healthy morale. It doesn’t matter how well compensated or interesting a work is; until the person doing it feels satisfied, morale suffers.The continuance of grievances in an organization is unavoidable because a grievance-free relationship implies no relationship at all (Ohiri,2002). Improper treatment of grievances causes work disruptions in the form of demonstrations, violence, strikes, and resignations, which eventually lead to labor turnover and its impact on companies.

According to Jones (2004), employee grievance in an organizational or industrial relations setting is a condition of dissatisfaction or discontent on the part of either labor or management. According to the author, a grievance is a negative feeling that can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including complaints, strike action, or destructive reactions.An organization will normally construct a grievance procedure to allow an employee to express his or her dissatisfaction. To achieve meaningful productivity and improve labor-management relationships, a company must establish and adjust an equitable grievance handling system. The establishment of grievance procedure is in keeping with the notion of “due process” which guarantees the application of procedural fairness and ethical decision making in an organization (Mante-Meija&Enid, 1991). Grievance procedures act as a means of communication between employees and managers. It provides a channel for complaints, alerts management to potential problems, and reduces absenteeism, strikes, and other incidents that could negatively impact corporate operations (Ivancevich, 2001). In other words, grievance processes are the established means for dealing with and resolving employee issues. The sort of grievance method used varies depending on the organization, its management structure, and available resources.An ‘open door policy’ is one of the most effective approaches to reduce and eliminate the cause of employee grievances. An ‘open door policy’ encourages upward communication in the business by allowing employees to stroll into supervisors’ offices at any time and express their problems (Peterson & Lewin, 2000). Managers must be educated on the value of the grievance procedure and their role in maintaining positive relationships with their employees. Effective grievance handling is critical for maintaining strong employee relations and establishing a fair, successful, and productive workplace (Daud, 2010).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

A grievance is any disagreement pertaining to the express or implicit provisions of the employment contract that develops between an employer and an employee (Britton, 1992). Grievance procedures are used to try to meet the needs of workers and employers (Jones, 2004). Employee grievance management at Jayee University College has remained difficult, despite the institution being one of the oldest private universities in the nation and having the responsibility of producing skilled human resources that would better manage what has been mismanaged by other institutions. This difficulty has been demonstrated by the fact that some workers have threatened to terminate their contracts with the university in order to work for other public organizations, and others have made the decision to pursue other opportunities outside of teaching. All indications point to employee unhappiness with managers’ handling of their grievances as the root of this crisis. Supporting this observation, Kamoche (1997) discovered that poor decision-making and improper management practices are to blame for the subpar performance of the majority of African private firms. A review of the literature has demonstrated the numerous tactics and styles that are employed in various firms to handle employee complaints and performance. Thus far, there have been limited research conducted in Nigeria to investigate the approaches employed by managers and supervisors to handle grievances brought forth by their colleagues or subordinates. These studies include Danku & Apeletey (1999) on workplace grievances and Aboagye & Benyebar (2010) on evaluating discipline handling and grievance management procedures. The researcher has observed that improper or unsatisfactory handling of grievance in many organizations including the national assembly used for the study has caused high labour or employee turnover, poor human relation and ineffective communication of objectives. This study tends to examine effect of grievance handling procedures on employees performance in nigeria (a case study National Assembly)