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| Format: Ms Word | 1-5 Chapters | Table of Content|


Study Level: BTech, BSc, BEng, BA, HND, ND or NCE

Amount: ₦3,000.00

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Complete the Teacher Preparation Program in a Year | TeacherReady




1.1  Background to the study

In traditional African civilization, education was viewed as a means to an end in itself. Education was primarily intended to provide an initial introduction to society and prepare students for adulthood; it emphasized social responsibility, career orientation, political engagement, and spiritual and moral principles. Thus, education was viewed by society as an investment in making it a better place to live. European missionaries introduced western education to Nigerian civilization in the 10th century. They did not aim to establish a formal education system, but they learned that they could not successfully promote their religion until they educated everyone they encountered (Ventista and Brown, 2023). However, the emergence of schools that offered membership conversions. The church initiated education to provide clergy and devotees with the necessary formal education for studying sacred texts and fulfilling religious tasks. According to Ventista and Brown (2023), one of the major concerns that came from the research of the influence of various curriculum development effects over the last decade is the awareness that the teacher is the most important component in determining the quality of education in schools. Science, Technology, and Mathematics (STM) education, like many other educational concerns, is a top priority for Nigerian science educators. Implementing STM curriculum objectives in this country requires considerable support from science and scientific-related teachers who can effectively interpret the objectives (Ventista and Brown, 2023). While employee Professional Development (PD) is critical for an organization’s existence, employees’ learning is also necessary for their own personal growth. Training and development boost the overall length of employment by allowing people to find new employment if their current job is no longer required.


Employee retention is positively connected with professional development (George, 2015; Steil 2020). This is especially important in educational settings. Thus, the scarcity of teachers is recognized as a major concern in many nations around the world (Gorard, 2021).

According to Cooper Gibson Research (2018), teachers’ decision to leave the profession is influenced by their stress levels. However, professional development opportunities and membership in a professional learning community (PLC) may help teachers enhance their well-being while dealing with classroom management and stress (Prilleltensky, 2016).The impact of teacher preparation and professional growth on students’ academic achievement.

Students develop a science culture, the ability to reason logically and coherently, problem-solving skills, attitudes to retrain and suspend judgments, and empathy for science and science-related issues as a result of an effective arm of Integrated Science and Mathematics teachers. Ultimately, all of these attributes begin in the classroom, and the teacher is at the heart of it all. In this regard, Adesina (2017) stated that teachers must bear some responsibility for the health of society. As the quality of education improves over the century, the professional standards of scientific teachers should rise as well.

Indeed, the teacher elements in the implementation of STM curricular objectives are not more important with the adoption of the 6-3-3-4 educational system, especially as Nigerian teachers are growing increasingly concerned about their job and educational values in the new system. As a social system, the quality of teachers is an important consideration. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of teacher preparation and professional development on student academic achievement.


1.2       Statement of the Problem

In recent years, the National policy on education focused on teachers’ preparation and professional development on academic performance of Integrated science teaching to facilitate National development, but in spite of the government commitment to improve the standard of instruction and level of scientific knowledge among students little has been achieved towards it aim as an instrument per excellence for effective National and Technological Development. It is therefore the intention of this study to trace the odds militating against the achievement of the purpose of this programme with reference to National objectives, as some odds in this study include teaching qualifications, years of experiences and attitude of a teacher as sub-teaching on effective of teacher preparation and professional development on academic performance of integrated science students. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effect of teachers preparation and professional development on students academic performance.


1.3       Purpose of the study

The study is aimed at examining the effect of teachers preparation and professional development on students academic performance and to suggest appropriate policy measure to make Integrated Science teacher preparation effective in science teaching.


1.4       Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated for the study:

  1. Does teachers’ qualification influence academic performance of students in Integrated Science?
  2. Does teachers’ years of experience influence academic performance of students in Integrated Science?
  3. Does teachers’ subject specialization influence academic performance of students in Integrated Science?